#COURSEIN10 CHALLENGE: Launch Your Online Course in 10 Days
Thomas K.R. Stovall
PROCESS ARCHITECT | Expert Income Coach --> Adjunct Professor - Northwestern Kellogg (past) --> Patent-Holding Inventor --> Founder --> Speaker & Facilitator --> Google Entrepreneur in Residence
Everyone tries to make this thing sound soooo easy, but the reality is that there’s A LOT to figure out when launching an online course. It can be exhausting and overwhelming, not to mention time consuming and costly.
In #CourseIn10, we give you a well architected, process-driven approach to launching v1 of your new online course. Just follow the process step-by-step to COPY>PASTE>BUILD the foundation for your new course in days.
Before the course is officially launched, or even created for that matter, you’ll use our 3-stage Launch Stacking? approach to get paid directly from your warm network through pre-sales, at each of the 3 stages.
1) Customer Focus (ideal target customer, customer type)
2) Course Focus (course content, course type, offer type)
3) Branding (naming, course logo + social graphics, accent graphics, etc)
4) Planning for a “Sales System” from Day One (to be able to systematize and automate sales of the course)
5) Software Tech Tools (which landing page software, which learning management software, which billing software, which recording software, and how do they all integrate so you don’t have to figure out ANYTHING)
6) Format (course structure & delivery)
7) Pricing (identifying the appropriate pricing quadrant based on offer type)
8) Strategy (positioning, promotion, affiliate partnerships, etc)
9) Launch Stacking? (our 3–stage “layered launch” to generate immediate income, initial buzz and buy-in from your existing warm personal and professional network for v1 of your program)
- Stage 1: Lead Magnet Launch (v1 of a 60 minute online workshop / master class that participants PAY to attend, designed and delivered as a promo for your full online course)
- Stage 2: “Watch Event” Launch (live Zoom recording of the video content for your full comprehensive online course that participants PAY to attend)
- Stage 3: Sandbox Launch (v1 launch of your full comprehensive online course, directly to your warm network)
Everyone is not our ideal customer, nor are our programs a fit for everyone. We’re clear about that, and we’re ok with that.
We don’t want to waste your time, or accept a dime of your money, until or unless we’re mutually clear that this program is a 1:1 match for where you’re at in your career, and what you’re trying to accomplish right now.
For that reason, our vetting process in identifying and qualifying new potential program participants is thorough. You can’t just “buy” the #CourseIn10 program, every participant must apply and go through a review process to consider and be considered for C10 before being approved to participate in the full 10 day challenge.
This isn’t a “tactic.” It’s a waste of time for both of us, and definitely a waste of your money, to allow participants into the program who are not a fit.
If you’ve made it this far into the process, you should be able to check these seven (7) boxes, to know you’re in the right place…
1) You are ALREADY a recognized expert in your particular field
2) You ALREADY consistently spend time in front of rooms and or on stages, and or conducting online events, training your colleagues and clients in your area of expertise
3) You ALREADY have a consulting framework or a specific talk with a defined structure documented, that you use to consult or deliver keynotes or break-out sessions with your colleagues or clients, in your area of expertise
4) You are ALREADY making money speaking and or consulting part-time or full-time in your area of expertise, from the same specific type of client you intend to focus on with your online course
5) You don’t want to have to LEARN or UNDERSTAND any new tech tools in order to manage this process
6) You want to follow a line item specific, step-by-step blueprint that has already been created, to turn your expertise into supplemental, passive income in days to weeks
7) You’re not a lookie-loo or course junkie. You’re ready to do this NOW, and are tired of waiting for “one day” or “some day” to launch your online course
If those 7 things above are not true, please do not apply for #CourseIn10 at this time.
But if they are, we're ready when you are.
Thomas started his entrepreneurial career selling luxury custom car accessories online from New York to California out of his dorm room at Tennessee State University, and never looked back. Over 15 years later, beard grayed from the trials of entrepreneurship, Thomas is an author, an emerging tech startup founder, a speaker, a Google Entrepreneur in Residence, a member of the SXSW Tech Advisory Council, and the creator of a global membership organization for Black and Latinx founders of emerging startups, with members in 16 countries, who have raised + generated over $415MM in their startups.