Of course, you like your product! But, do your customers?

Of course, you like your product! But, do your customers?

When companies or individuals ask me some business advice, the first thing I tell them is “Bring value to your customers! So they will come and buy from you themselves. ” But what is bringing value? How do we just make things better for them? That is the tricky part.

The main objective is to put yourself in your customer’s shoes. Would you buy the product, for this price? Forget about the competitors’ products for a second. Just think of your products & consumers. How are you making consumers’ lives easier, and how can you do it even better?

People forget to ask these questions when they have to deal with so many things in their businesses. Sometimes they don’t want to think about them because they are too afraid of the answer. This and exactly this will be the end of their business, in the long term.

Some owners I know start to complain about their customers from time to time. Making sentences starting with “They just don’t understand my product… My customers are so…” Well, maybe the problem is not them, but it is you? Don’t you know that the market never lies? Nature of making business is that good products will survive and others will fail. Of course, blaming others is the easiest thing on earth! But remember, as long as you call it your product, there is no-one to blame than yourself!

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