#Courageous Actions are supreme . Its encircle all constructive properties & inner flowing thoughts of anthropomorphic natures.
Founder,CEO &Managing Director at Entrepreneurship Immersion Program-Direct Selling Leadership Building(EIP-DSLB)
#Courageous Actions are supreme . Its encircle all constructive properties & inner flowing thoughts of anthropomorphic natures.
#Courageous Actions are divine . These actions gives birth to entire multiple universe.
#Courageous actions are greater than 'All Vedas and Holy Thoughts Collection Books' .
#Courageous actions are the only path which have potential to free you from vicious circle of birth & death.
O' Holy People of Mother Earth ,' Avoid all worldly happenings in your surrounding & achieve courageous actions wheels which have potential to make you reach at the door of supreme-salvation.
O Holy People of Mother Earth , 'Don't assume those worldly happenings which are not in real existence'. This assumption will stop your courageous actions spirit.
O Holy People of Mother Earth , 'Present time wheel is your reality - Feel it -Improve it -& Construct it with immense spirit & enthusiasm.
O Holy People of Mother Earth , 'You have to protect gentle anthropomorphic nature from destructive phase achiever anthropomorphic nature by your courageous actions' .
O Holy People of Mother Earth , ' Your real wealth is your constructive inner flowing thoughts & your divine determination.
So don't be attached with worldly treasure. Your worldly treasure is your spirit of courageous actions.'
#Never give up O'Holy People of Mother Earth . Believe in your constructive inner flowing thoughts & determination. If your inner realizes these two most constructive/ destructive elements of entire universe ,then (O' My Dearest Holy People of Mother Earth -You will reach at the final destination & that destination is supreme salvation.
#Live beyond fear of circumstances /fear of failure /fear of good-bad days existence.
Neither any Day nor any moments are bad or good. It's all about our inner situations that decides what to realize & what not to feel to realize.
" Let's destroy iron age dark energy & provide immense benefit to creatures of mother earth."
Infinite I'm
Bharat Roshan