As Siri describes it.....Noun, the ability to do something that frightens one.
A couple of lines lower...Strength in the face of pain or grief.
These both seem to me to be very small definitions of a much larger principle. We all know fear and I believe to move in a positive direction in spite of the feeling known as fear, may be courage. If you're a person who never learned how to surrender, learning to accept our powerlessness, may be courage. As part of that surrender, we all know, "Action speaks louder than words." What am I going to do about it? Maybe leaving my comfortable life, whatever that may be, and reaching down, somewhere, to touch the soul of another human being is courage. Should it take courage to care? Did I build this wall of protection so high that I can no longer hear the others outside? Sometimes we need to remember that "a sick mind cannot heal itself."
Let's reflect on our teachers, yes, we all have them, the teachers. I had one I remember today. I was in the restroom at a very nice restaurant on Rush Street in Chicago. I used the restroom and them as I made my way to the sink to wash my hands there was a man standing there, one of the gentleman standing in the restroom providing a towel, cologne, mouthwash and more for a tip. We had a small talk, myself and this man. As I recall we were talking about time. The man said to me, "You can buy a watch but you can't buy time." So as I sit here on my MacBook writing an article for LinkedIn on Sunday evening at my shop out in the country in beautiful South Dakota, I wonder.....Am I spending my time, my resources, my gifts and talent, am I spending them in the best way possible? Have I really learned what The Boss, yes, The Big Guy, and in the instant case, I do refer to The Biggest of Guys, our God. If these really are His hands and feet, how am I using them to demonstrate our God's love to others? Am I walking in when the world has walked out? Am I speaking truth to this dying world? Do I welcome adversity for the right reasons? Do I know to ask our God for help to overcome adversity so that my life may serve aa a testimony to the life changing power of the blood of Christ? Do I move forward in spite go pain and fear?
Imagine that, I just wrote a small article to invite my brothers and sisters in Christ to think about something. If you and I believe, really believe, we live in a world going straight to Hell without the life saving knowledge and blood of Christ, are we spending our days, our hours, our minutes, our seconds telling others about the gospel of Jesus Christ?