The courage to lead when rational principled debates get hostile and political
Merom Klein
Business psychology, innovation leadership and human capital expert > Get your very best innovations funded, adopted + executed to deliver the impact that your champions have promised -by building a culture of courage
Free speech and scientific debate are supposed to be civil. Respectful. Rational. They're supposed to broaden our appreciation for diversity, even if a contentious issue or contrarian perspective rubs us the wrong way. And use tension to sharpen up everyone's best thinking, so we get traction on a good win-win-win principled solution.
But what happens when free speach turns into hate speach - or when an antagonist who's prosecuting an argument becomes hostile, not just pointed?
On Wednesday the 29th May, join us for a Leadership Office Hour - about what real leadership looks like to Make Courage Contagious, when rational debate crosses the line and threatens to create a hostile environment that polarizes and divides, rather than finds win-win-win solutions. We'll start at 12:00 EDT (09:00 PDT, 19:00 Israel)
With Courage Leadership Quests and Office Hours, you'll learn to see what you can do to ennoble, uplift and instill win-win-win values, when debate crosses the line and throws off too much residual heat to be productive. You'll learn to show activists how to be influential and effective, not just vocal. And equip them to build things up, not shut them down.
Sarcastic put-downs, a litigator's repartee, mansplaining, eye rolls, impatience, harrassment and accusations of malicious intent are moments of truth that can create a hostile environment on your Zoom calls and conference rooms. They require uplifting ennobling leadership - so you get the best solutions from diverse teams you bring together, not just popular groupthink, politically charged win/lose debates or other risk-averse compromises. And so fear sharpens everyone's thinking and puts them on their toes, rather than knocks them off their feet.
Dr Louise Yochee Klein and Dr Merom Klein are Principals at Courage Growth Partners , the leadership consultancy that equips inno.vation leaders to challenge conventional thinking about what's possible, to upgrade old standards of care. They invite you to join them for an open office hour on the 29th May - if you need to depoliticize conflicts, face contentious issues with rationality and shared values, not hostility and make tension and diversity a source of creativity. Register here >