Courage : mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.
Many times I have been scared and had to dig deep to find courage! Courage to make a tough decision, say yes to a financial risk, or walk across a stage. But I have never had to put myself or my family at risk to provide a public service. Having a family full of health professionals, I was the one calling their names when there was a problem. I got to enjoy the luxury of being cared for by my family. Thanks MOM!
I have a great respect for the work they do and the courage it must take everyday! I also have a great respect for the essential workers that provide us water, food, energy, and many other comforts to our daily lives. These women and men wake up each day and plan to do their job to the best of their ability - whatever the difficulty. The June issue honors Essential Workers and features a hand full of these workers who were kind enough to share their stories with us! We also must remember that without innovation and the proper equipment their jobs would be more difficult! Make sure you check out the Cover Story and learn about the equipment used by these essential workers and the hidden world of pumps. You can view the digital edition here:
If you are inspired to share your story, email me, tag us on social media via @EmpoweringPumps, or DM me @CharliKMatthews!
Over the last couple months, I have been interviewing organizations and individuals who go above and beyond to set the standards for all of us to follow. Take a look at our video series #KnowledgeShared and tune in the #EmpoweringIndustryPodcast to hear form these everyday heroes.
I want to say a special thank you to our partners (please check them out on page 27). Serving them gives us great joy and it was truly a blessing to work with them to create meaningful content during this time of uncertainty! It has been wonderful to have virtual meetups and enjoy a happy hour celebration or two! If I haven’t told you lately, thank you for your support!
If I haven’t told you lately, thank you for your support!