No Country For Old Men
Dennis Moseley-Williams
Keynote Speaker & Business Consultant. Client Experience Expert helping small business owners grow. A speaker who isn't afraid to question your perspective.
Whether we realize it or not, we all fight to preserve the status quo. Even those of us who make a living out of challenging it, we prefer to challenge it the same way we usually do. The way we know. The way that works, but mostly, the way we are comfortable with because it feels the least scary.
Here is where that kind of thinking gets in the way.
Being comfortable probably means that there is no innovation going on. You’re just minding the store instead of wondering what else the store could be …
Innovation is all about throwing out the old and bringing in the new. New ideas, new purpose, maybe a new sense of what or who we can be.
When you want to see if your way, everything you see that challenges your worldview becomes an argument to win, instead of an opportunity to see something from a different, and maybe even better, perspective.
Most of us accept that this is true for other people who are stubborn and hopelessly out of touch. We are not so good at realizing that it’s true about us too. We have our biases and prejudices. We find ways to defend our opinions even though they are not always factually accurate.
Some questions to ponder …
How has your industry changed in the last five, ten and twenty years?
Who or what is driving change?
What negative things are happening because of this change?
What positive developments has change ushered in?
Who is resisting the change? Why?
What is broken? Why does it have to get fixed now?
What will a successful change or innovation look like?
What do you get out of this change?
The pic that accompanies this blog is from the film No Country for Old Men. I just want to point out that this character’s fate is foreshadowed by the fan belts that look like nooses hanging behind him. The Cohen Brothers? Those boys know how to make a film.
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