A Country Home I'd Visited
I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen an accurate outdoor temperature gauge reading 78 degrees this afternoon, and of course the wind was unbelievably strong to the point where I was almost knocked over by it when walking around a corner this afternoon. It seems these weather patterns are getting all the crazier.
My first duty upon arrival at office, was to head back to my quiet corner and get my Sunday morning contemplative prayer session started, and since I'd arrived earlier than I normally do, I spent about double the amount of time in my session which as always, caused me to feel all the more lifted up and spiritually cleansed of all the negative baggage I'd unknowingly allowed to attach itself over this past week. Yes, it was yet one more uplifting session.
Having not spoken to my dear friend in some days, I placed a call, just to bring her up to speed on some recent news, and after that was shared, we ended up talking about how extremely possessive a now deceased man was over his wife of many years. Believe it or not, he even insisted she sell her car to save money, but we all knew the real reason, and that being he had even more control over her comings and goings. When thinking about it, I dare say I'd never see her without him tagging along all the years they were married. Whenever her relatives would call, he'd be right there listening to what was being said, and when 'he' got the mail, he'd set there and open hers and hand it to her, and of course if they were personal letters, he'd still want to read them. I wouldn't have been surprised if he even followed her into the bathroom. Since my friend knew his blood relatives, there was more than a rumor about that whole family being a bit odd, and likely due to an inter-family marriage. We must remember, back in the late 1800's and early 1900's, it wasn't that uncommon for cousins to marry cousins, which was most likely quietly encouraged, just to keep their farm wealth 'in the family'. Yikes! Here comes BBG!
My music accompaniment over at St. Paul Lutheran this morning went quite well in spite there being a piece in a minor key I'd not played before, and a good thing I had enough time to get it practiced this past week. Knowing my two clarinetists would be there, I made sure to bring them each a copy of a piece I had transcribed for them which we will be practicing this Tuesday. After doing a head count on those in attendance this morning, I was delighted to find their numbers are continuing to grow, as there happened to be 58 in attendance today. Let's keep them coming.
After my church duties were finished, I headed back to office and changed into my work clothes and flew over to my little/big project and worked there for a good two hours, and then drove back to office and continued on with my sorting thru that tote I started working on yesterday, and after a good hour and half had passed, I had it completely gone-thru. My gosh, I couldn't believe how much 'stuff' I'd hanging onto for so long, and to prove it, I had two full kitchen garbage bags full of shredded material which went to the dumpster. I'm sure there's a dumpster diver who's now in possession of a framed picture I carefully placed atop those bags which had a 'free' sticker on it. Yes, after that tote was put away, I was feeling all the metaphysically lighter. Isn't it crazy how we humans unknowingly turn into the biggest of pack rats?
Just as I was finishing up on getting a small pile of bills paid, my office phone rang, and as chance would have it, the call was from a buyer who was wanting to see the acreage we have listed on Zinnia Ave., and since I didn't have anything else planned for my afternoon, I agreed to meet them out there 45 minutes later.
Oh my goodness! That wind speed out in those open spaces, certainly had me hanging onto my steering wheel with both hands, and luckily I managed to get there at precisely the time we agreed upon. Yes, when I went around the outside of the house, I got hit with a gust of wind that nearly sent me flying. Thank goodness the buyers were hanging onto each other. In spite of that annoying wind, they seemed to be impressed enough to where they're going to be talking to their bank in the morning, so hopefully I'll be getting a call from them afterwards. My gosh, that'll be a long-overdue sale, and if they do purchase it, there's no question it'll be one of those 'meant to be' transactions because as far as I'm concerned, that monster building's value far exceeds what they're asking for the entire property, but of course, our younger and more deep-pocketed acreage buyers are wanting properties similar to tonight's photo which is of a country home I'd visited a number of years ago.
Even having grown up on a farm, I may be sounding a bit judgmental when saying today's farmers have had a good run of it for decades, and in spite of all the complaining and belly-aching they do, you can't help but wonder just how much is fact regarding how tough it's been for them, and especially when seeing their monster country homes, their huge grain bins and storage buildings, as well as the value one can easily place on their machinery. Now if you just happen to take a look at the staggering amount of land all the many of them own, a person just can't feel the slightest bit sorry for them. Keep in mind, I have relatives who're part of that group, which is likely why they know I have very little time for their 'poor me' nonsense. I'm now wondering if this is the group they're now referring to as 'the radical rural'. Who knows.
Tonight's one-liner is: At some point or another, everyone has felt unseen, unheard and marginalized.
original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2024/03/03/a-country-home-id-visited/