Countless Illegal KN95's Sweep the Nation
After the FDA issued a Emergency Use Authorization for KN95's, on April 3rd. allowing the importing of the masks from any manufacturer that appeared on their Appendix A list of approved manufacturers, the department released a revision on May 7th, eliminating ALL but 14 from the list.
In lieu of the April 3rd Authorization, hundreds of importers around the Country placed orders overseas and had recently received large bulk orders of these masks; only to find out that, due to the recent revision, they are now Unauthorized. "We don't want anything to do with these masks" says David Rakower, President of Corona Recovery Fund "A month ago, you couldn't find a KN95 masks on US soil... now, every 3rd phone call we receive is another warehouse filled with 2 million / 3 million masks; ready for pickup, brought in from a supplier who is nowhere to be found on Appendix A".
Rakower also adds that the prices on these masks have dropped dramatically, throughout the States, since importers are at a loss as to what to do with inventory that they did not expect to be deleted from the Appendix. As time persists, more shipper may be added to this list but, in the meantime, buyers should be aware and educated on how to select proper products.
Corona Recovery Fund is a full scale PPE Procurement Company who is currently servicing over 16,000 physicians and 24 hospitals with PPE supplies. They also provide logistical support for Front Line Medical Groups (Hospitals, Municipalities, Senior Living Facilities) to obtain direct access to 3M N95 respirators at standardized pricing.
To contact the group, go to or email today at [email protected].