Do you want to understand more of the world?

This morning I accompanied the definition mini-course. And although I am an experienced Avatar Master, I got a major insight while doing the first excercise. It is called counting forms.?

?What I noticed is that nature makes all kind of different forms. I had noticed that before, like trees have leaves, but the form of a leave from an oak for example is unique. Flowers have unique forms, butterfly’s do?and so on. But nature does not make square forms.... Humans do. They cut trees into round of square forms. They make briques?out of clay or cut rock to make square forms...

?The next thing that dropped in, was this. Ahhh, now I know why organic build houses, like from adobe, in rounded shapes, feel that good. Natural forms...

Ok, that felt like me understanding the world a little better. Do you want to increase your understanding of the world? I bet you do.

?This is the link to the definition mini-course. Definition (

?Ofcourse you are also very welcome to join one of our future mini-course on-line events. Give me a signal if you want that.

?"Your progress toward higher awareness can be measured by the number of honest realizations you have." Harry Palmer, The Avatar Path, the way we came.?


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