Counting the Cost of Whistleblowing Failures - report launch

Counting the Cost of Whistleblowing Failures - report launch

Yesterday we launched our “first-of-its-kind” report: 'The Cost of Whistleblowing Failures' – examining the financial costs that fall on the tax-payer when whistleblowers are ignored.

From the Infected Blood scandal to the Grenfell Fire tragedy there are countless examples where individuals raised the alarm but they weren’t listened to and problems were not addressed.

Our research has applied an economic model to calculate the avoidable costs that mounted up in the aftermath of three public scandals which all share eerily common and familiar features. In each case whistleblowers had raised concerns early on.

Our thanks to everyone to joined us for our launch event in the House of Lords, and especially our speakers Lord Wills, Joe Powell, Mark Baker and Emily B.

Its clear changes are needed to ensure we do not repeat the problems of the past. We have the following reforms to improve whistleblowing in the UK:?

  • A duty on employers to investigate whistleblowing concerns:?there is no legal duty on employers- outside the financial sector- to have a whistleblowing policy let alone investigate their concerns.???
  • Ensure everyone in the workplace is protected:?by expanding whistleblowing protection to include sub-postmasters, non-executive-directors, trustees and job applicants.
  • Whistleblowing champions for all boards:?all three scandals had an ineffective board more by safeguarding the reputation of the organisation over rectifying the problems highlighted by the whistleblowers. All boards should have a whistleblowing champion personally responsible for whistleblowing or speak up arrangements.?
  • The Cabinet Office should take the policy lead on whistleblowing:?to drive a more strategic and aligned approach which will benefit all departments, sectors and ultimately the public purse.?
  • The importance of strong regulators:?there needs to?be a consistent approach to how regulators interact with whistleblowers and how they investigate whistleblowing concerns to build confidence and ensure that they act effectively.?
  • Central Government is left to pick up the pieces:?Parliament should?establish?a new committee to track and report on the implementation of recommendations that?emerge?from public inquiries.

Find out more about the report here:

And you can read more in these articles covering the launch of the research:



