Countervailing and anti-dumping, automotive aftermarkets, and going global

Countervailing and anti-dumping, automotive aftermarkets, and going global

Terms to note from recent PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press events:

  • 对外投资合作? [duì wài tóu zī hé zuò]? foreign investment cooperation; outward investment and cooperation:

Recent quote:

2023年1-8月对外投资合作情况: 2023年1-8月,我国对外投资持续增长,对外非金融类直接投资5856.1亿元人民币,同比增长18.8%(折合837.3亿美元,同比增长11.5%)。其中,我国企业在“一带一路”共建国家非金融类直接投资1403.7亿元人民币,同比增长22.5%(折合200.7亿美元,同比增长14.9%)。2023年1-8月,对外承包工程完成营业额6486.2亿元人民币,同比增长6.1%;新签合同额8633.4亿元人民币,同比增长2%。其中,我国企业在“一带一路”共建国家承包工程完成营业额5295.2亿元人民币,同比增长4.8%;新签合同额7253.5亿元人民币,同比增长5.6%。

Foreign investment cooperation from January to August 2023: From January to August 2023, China's outbound investment continued to grow, with non-financial direct investment reaching 585.61 billion yuan, an increase of 18.8% (equivalent to 83.73 billion US dollars, an increase of 11.5%). In breakdown, non-financial direct investment by Chinese enterprises in Belt and Road partner countries reached 140.37 billion yuan, an increase of 22.5% (equivalent to 20.07 billion US dollars, an increase of 14.9%).? From January to August 2023, the overseas contracted projects delivered a revenue of 648.62 billion yuan, an increase of 6.1% from the same period of the previous year. The value of newly signed contracts reached 863.34 billion yuan, up 2% from the sme period of the previous year.In breakdown, the business revenue of projects undertaken by Chinese enterprises in the Belt and Road partner countries was 529.52 billion yuan, an increase of 4.8%; the value of newly signed contracts reached 725.35 billion yuan, up 5.6% from the same period last year.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_September 21, 2023)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 关于2023年1-5月我国对外投资合作情况: 2023年1-5月,我国对外投资持续增长,对外非金融类直接投资3564.6亿元人民币,同比增长24.2%(折合517.8亿美元,同比增长16.1%)。我国企业在“一带一路”沿线国家非金融类直接投资630.6亿元人民币,同比增长19.6%(折合91.6亿美元,同比增长11.8%),占同期总额的17.7%。2023年1-5月,对外承包工程完成营业额3719.5亿元人民币,同比增长8%;新签合同额4938.7亿元人民币,同比下降2.6%。我国企业在“一带一路”沿线国家承包工程完成营业额2044.6亿元人民币,新签合同额2432.9亿元人民币,分别占同期总额的55%和49.3%。

China’s outward investment and cooperation in the first five months of this year: In the first five months of 2023, China’s outward direct investment continued to grow. China’s non-financial ODI increased 24.2% year-on-year to RMB356.46 billion (equivalent to USD51.78 billion, up by 16.1% year-on-year). Non-financial direct investment in BRI countries reached USD63.06 billion, a year-on-year increase of 19.6% (equivalent to USD9.16 billion, up by 11.8% year-on-year), accounting for 17.7% of the total during the same period. From January to May this year, the turnover of foreign contracted projects was RMB371.95 billion, up 8% year on year. The value of newly signed contracts amounted to RMB493.87 billion, down 2.6% year on year. The turnover of contracted projects and the total value of the newly signed contracts with BRI countries stood at USD204.46 billion and USD243.29 billion respectively, accounting for 55% and 49.3% of the total. (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 15, 2023)?

?? 中国政府一贯鼓励中国企业按照市场原则和国际规则、在遵守当地法律的基础上开展对外投资合作。我们反对任何泛化国家安全概念、滥用国家力量歧视打压中国企业的错误做法。

The Chinese government always encourages Chinese companies to engage in international investment and cooperation in accordance with market principles, international rules and local laws. We oppose erroneous practices of over-stretching the concept of national security and abusing state power to discriminate against and suppress Chinese companies.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 14, 2023)?

?? 中国政府一贯鼓励中国企业按照市场原则和国际规则、在遵守当地法律的基础上开展对外投资合作。我们反对任何泛化国家安全概念、滥用国家力量歧视打压中国企业的错误做法。

The Chinese government always encourages Chinese companies to engage in international investment and cooperation in accordance with market principles, international rules and local laws. We oppose erroneous practices of over-stretching the concept of national security and abusing state power to discriminate against and suppress Chinese companies.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 9, 2023)?

?? 关于今年1-5月我国对外投资合作的有关情况: 2022年1-5月,我国对外非金融类直接投资2870.6亿元人民币,同比增长2.3%(折合446亿美元,同比增长3%)。其中,流向批发和零售业投资80.8亿美元,同比增长20.8%,流向建筑业、科学研究和技术服务等领域的投资也呈增长态势;对“一带一路”沿线国家非金融类直接投资81.9亿美元,同比增长10.2%,占同期总额的18.4%,较上年同期上升1.2个百分点。1-5月,对外承包工程完成营业额3443.4亿元人民币,同比增长0.5%(折合535亿美元,同比增长1.2%);新签合同额5072亿人民币,同比下降5.4%(折合788亿美元,同比下降4.7%)。对“一带一路”沿线国家承包工程完成营业额285.5亿美元,新签合同额380亿美元,分别占总额的53.4%和48.2%。

China’s outward investment and cooperation in the first five months of this year [2022].? In the first five months of 2022, China’s non-financial ODI increased 2.3% year-on-year to RMB287.06 billion (equivalent to USD44.6 billion, up by 3% year-on-year). In breakdown, ODI in wholesale and retail went up by 20.8% year-on-year to USD8.08 billion, and the investment in construction, scientific research and technical services also increased. Non-financial direct investment in BRI countries reached USD8.19 billion, a year-on-year increase of 10.2%, accounting for 18.4% of the total during the same period and rising by 1.2 percentage points from the same period last year. In the first five months of 2022, the turnover of foreign contracted projects was RMB344.34 billion, up 0.5% year on year (equivalent to USD53.5 billion, up 1.2% year-on-year). The value of newly signed contracts amounted to RMB507.2 billion, down 5.4% year on year (equivalent to USD78.8 billion, down 4.7% year on year). The turnover of contracted projects and the total value of the newly signed contracts with BRI countries stood at USD28.55 billion and USD38 billion respectively, accounting for 53.4% and 48.2% of the total.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 23, 2022)

  • 反补贴? [fǎn bǔ tiē]? countervailing;? anti-subsidy:

Recent quote:


Australia and China will continue to work together actively to seek a prompt resolution of our other disputes, China-Anti-dumping and countervailing duty measures on wine from Australia (DS602) and Australia-Anti-dumping and countervailing duty measures on certain products from China (DS603))。

Previous PRC history of the term:

? 中国的葡萄酒产业非常重要,案件涉及1千多家中国葡萄酒企业。我们愿与澳方相向而行,在大麦案争端解决的基础上,进一步增强互信和合作,充分照顾彼此关切,推动“一揽子”解决葡萄酒案和中方诉澳3种产品反倾销反补贴措施案等。同时,中澳同为世贸组织成员,共同承担维护以规则为基础的多边贸易体制的责任,中方对继续通过多边渠道解决上述问题也持开放态度。

This year [2023], China and Australia have held in-depth discussions at various levels on the proper settlement of trade disputes between the two countries at the WTO. Australia expressed its concern over the WTO dispute on anti-dumping and countervailing measures for barley and wine. China has also expressed serious concerns about Australia's anti-dumping and countervailing measures against three kinds of Chinese products--wind tower, railway wheel hub and stainless steel water tank, as well as Australia's unjustified practices in the trade remedy investigation against China. The two sides have had multiple discussions and agreed to continue to work together actively to seek a prompt resolution of other disputes, China-Anti-dumping and countervailing duty measures on wine from Australia (DS602) and Australia-Anti-dumping and countervailing duty measures on certain products from China (DS603). China's wine industry is very important, and the case involves more than 1,000 Chinese wine companies. We are ready to work with Australia to enhance mutual trust and cooperation on the basis of the settlement of the barley dispute, fully accommodate each other's concerns, and find a package solution of the wine case and the anti-dumping and countervailing measures against the three products brought by China against Australia. As members of the WTO, China and Australia both have the responsibility to safeguard the rules-based multilateral trading system. China is open to resolving these issues through multilateral channels.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_September 21, 2023)?

?? 近来,美国发布对华半导体出口管制最终规则,欧盟宣布对中国产电动汽车启动反补贴调查。

Recently the US updated its export controls on semiconductors to China and the EU announced an anti-subsidy investigation into electric vehicles from China.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 26, 2023)? ?...欧盟委员会周三开始对中国电动汽车进行反补贴调查,称中国对电动汽车的大规模国家补贴扭曲了欧盟市场。

... the European Commission launched a countervailing investigation into Chinese electric vehicles on Wednesday, citing that China's massive state subsidies for electric vehicles have distorted the EU market.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_September 14, 2023)?

?? 中国加入世贸组织以来,认真履行加入承诺,遵守世贸组织《补贴和反补贴措施协定》的各项义务,全面取消了协定下的禁止性补贴。

Since its accession to the WTO, China has honored its commitments and fulfilled the obligations under the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures by fully eliminating the prohibited subsidies under the Agreement.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 10, 2022)?

?? 当地时间2022年1月26日,世贸组织仲裁庭发布我诉美反补贴措施世贸争端案裁决,认定由于美方未履行世贸组织生效裁决,中方在货物贸易领域每年可对美实施6.45亿美元贸易报复。这是我在世贸组织第2次获得对美贸易报复额。此前我在诉美反倾销措施世贸争端案中获得对美35.79亿美元的年度贸易报复额。

On January 26, 2022, the WTO arbitrator published its decisions on China’s dispute settlement case over U.S. countervailing measures, in which it determines that given the U.S.’s failure to implement the WTO’s effective rulings, China may impose US$645 million of goods trade countermeasures per year. This is the second time China has been awarded trade countermeasures against the U.S., after an award of US$3.579 billion per year previously.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_January 27, 2022)

  • 反倾销? [fǎn qīng xiāo] anti-dumping:?

Recent quote:

今年以来,中澳在各层级就妥善解决两国在世贸组织的贸易争端案进行了深入探讨。澳方表达了对大麦、葡萄酒反倾销反补贴措施世贸争端案的关注。中方也就澳对华风塔、铁道轮毂和不锈钢水槽等3种产品的反倾销反补贴措施,以及澳对华贸易救济调查中的不当做法阐明了严正关切。双方此前已多次讨论,同意通过对话协商方式,共同积极寻求迅速解决其他争端,即澳诉中国葡萄酒反倾销反补贴措施案和中国诉澳相关产品反倾销反补贴措施案(Australia and China will continue to work together actively to seek a prompt resolution of our other disputes, China-Anti-dumping and countervailing duty measures on wine from Australia (DS602) and Australia-Anti-dumping and countervailing duty measures on certain products from China (DS603))。

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 中国的葡萄酒产业非常重要,案件涉及1千多家中国葡萄酒企业。我们愿与澳方相向而行,在大麦案争端解决的基础上,进一步增强互信和合作,充分照顾彼此关切,推动“一揽子”解决葡萄酒案和中方诉澳3种产品反倾销反补贴措施案等。同时,中澳同为世贸组织成员,共同承担维护以规则为基础的多边贸易体制的责任,中方对继续通过多边渠道解决上述问题也持开放态度。

This year [2023], China and Australia have held in-depth discussions at various levels on the proper settlement of trade disputes between the two countries at the WTO. Australia expressed its concern over the WTO dispute on anti-dumping and countervailing measures for barley and wine. China has also expressed serious concerns about Australia's anti-dumping and countervailing measures against three kinds of Chinese products--wind tower, railway wheel hub and stainless steel water tank, as well as Australia's unjustified practices in the trade remedy investigation against China. The two sides have had multiple discussions and agreed to continue to work together actively to seek a prompt resolution of other disputes, China-Anti-dumping and countervailing duty measures on wine from Australia (DS602) and Australia-Anti-dumping and countervailing duty measures on certain products from China (DS603). China's wine industry is very important, and the case involves more than 1,000 Chinese wine companies. We are ready to work with Australia to enhance mutual trust and cooperation on the basis of the settlement of the barley dispute, fully accommodate each other's concerns, and find a package solution of the wine case and the anti-dumping and countervailing measures against the three products brought by China against Australia. As members of the WTO, China and Australia both have the responsibility to safeguard the rules-based multilateral trading system. China is open to resolving these issues through multilateral channels.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_September 21, 2023)?

?? 据日媒报道,世贸组织专家组日前发布报告,认为中国对日产不锈钢制品征收反倾销税违反了WTO协定。

According to Japanese media reports, a recent WTO panel report finds that China’s anti-dumping duties on stainless steel products from Japan are inconsistent with WTO agreements.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_September 7, 2023)?

?? 美国国际贸易委员会的统计数据显示,截至2018年7月17日,美国仍在生效的反倾销和反补贴措施共有44项,其中58%是2008年金融危机以来新采取的“双反”措施,主要针对中国、欧盟和日本。

According to the United States International Trade Commission, by July 17, 2018 there were 44 anti-dumping and countervailing measures in effect in the US,? among which 58 percent were adopted after the 2008 financial crisis, with China, the EU and Japan as the main targets.? (White_Paper_Facts and China’s Position on China-US Trade Friction_《关于中美经贸摩擦的事实与中方立场》_2018_09_24)?

?? 在反倾销调查中,美国拒不履行《中国加入世贸组织议定书》第15条约定的义务,继续依据其国内法,对中国适用“替代国”做法。根据美国国会问责局的测算,被认定为市场经济的国家所适用的反倾销税率明显低于非市场经济国家。一般来说,美国对中国的反倾销税平均税率是98%,而对市场经济国家的平均税率为37%。

In anti-dumping investigations, the US has refused to honor its obligation under Article 15 of China’s WTO Accession Protocol and continued to use the surrogate-country approach, citing its domestic law. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) of the US Congress calculated that the rates of anti-dumping duties applied to countries recognized as market economies are notably lower than those applied to non-market economies (NMEs).The average anti-dumping duty imposed by the US on China is 98 percent, while that on market economies is 37 percent.? (White_Paper_Facts and China’s Position on China-US Trade Friction_《关于中美经贸摩擦的事实与中方立场》_2018_09_24)

  • 后市场? [hòu shì chǎng]? aftermarket:?


We [the Ministry of Commerce] will also introduce of a number of policies to support the development of the automotive aftermarket, in the hope to speed up consumption recovery. (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_September 21, 2023)

  • 即时零售? [jí shí líng shòu]? instant retail:?

Recent quote:


… we will foster new types of consumption. We will promote the healthy development of new forms and models of consumption, such as instant retail, live-streaming e-commerce, and social media-based e-commerce. We will create more immersive, experiential and interactive consumption scenarios, and encourage commerce, tourism, culture, sports and healthcare consumption to reinforce each other through both online and offline channels. We will advocate green and low-carbon consumption and promote green and intelligent consumption.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_September 21, 2023)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 加强县域商业体系建设,是全面推进乡村振兴的重要内容,是促进农民收入和农村消费双提升的重要举措。商务部会同有关部门加强政策支持,指导各地深入推进县域商业体系建设,取得积极成效:一是县乡村商业网络不断完善。2022年,全国建设改造县城综合商贸服务中心983个、乡镇商贸中心3941个。不少“乡镇大集”、便民超市经过改造,环境焕然一新,功能更加完备。二是农村物流配送体系持续健全。2022年,全国支持建设改造县级物流配送中心506个,乡镇快递物流站点650个。通过整合物流资源、发展共同配送,推动让农村物流成本逐步降下来,配送速度快起来。三是农村电子商务创新发展。去年全国农村网络零售额达2.17万亿元,同比增长3.6%。各地依托电子商务进农村项目,深挖特色农副产品,大力发展直播电商等新业态,帮助农民实现就业增收。 四是农产品流通效能进一步提升。 2022年全国支持升级改造878家农产品零售市场,建设12家公益性农产品批发市场,新增冷库库容96万吨;全国农产品网络零售额5313.8亿元,同比增长9.2%。 “骨干批发市场+零售市场+农产品电商”的多层次农产品流通格局不断完善。? 下一步,商务部将认真贯彻落实中央一号文件精神,会同各相关部门加强政策协同,推动县域商业体系建设提质增效。 在前期工作基础上,实施“县域商业三年行动计划”,力争到2025年,在具备条件的地区基本建立较为完善的县乡村商业网络体系。 同时,培育一批县域商业典型标杆,改造升级一批“乡镇大集”、农村新型便利店,打造一批县域商业典型县,发挥示范引领作用。 大力发展直播电商、即时零售等新业态,推动农村电商高质量发展,带动农产品上行和农民增收。

Strengthening county-level commercial systems is a key part of rural revitalization. It is an important step to increase both farmers' income and rural consumption.? Working with related authorities, MOFCOM has intensified policy support and guidance for local governments. Some achievements have been made. First, optimized commercial networks in counties, townships and villages. In 2022, 983 integrated county commercial service centers and township malls were built or upgraded.? Thanks to renovation projects, many rural marketplaces and convenience supermarkets got better conditions and became more functional. Second, an improved rural logistic delivery system.? In 2022, 506 county delivery centers and 650 township delivery outlets were built or upgraded.? With resource integration and common delivery, rural logistic cost was lowered, and delivery became more efficient. Third, rural e-commerce innovations.? Last year, rural online retail sales registered 2.17 trillion yuan, up by 3.6% year-on-year.? By extending e-commerce services to rural areas, local authorities expanded sale of agricultural specialties and utilized new business models such as live commerce to create jobs and increase income for farmers. Fourth, more efficient distribution of agricultural products.? In 2022, 878 agricultural retail markets were upgraded, 12 public welfare Agricultural wholesale markets were built, and 960,000 tons of cold storage capacity were added. Online retail sales of agricultural products reached 531.38 billion yuan, up by 9.2% year-on-year.? A multi-tiered distribution system for agriculture products, featuring backbone wholesale markets, retail markets and e-commerce, was improved.? In the next step, the Ministry of Commerce will conscientiously implement the guiding principles of the No.1 central document, strengthen policy coordination with relevant departments, and promote the development of county-level commercial systems for higher quality and efficiency.? On the basis of preliminary work, we will implement the "Three-year Action Plan for County Commerce" and strive to establish a relatively complete commercial network at county, township and village levels in qualified areas by 2025.? At the same time, we will set a group of examples for county businesses, transform and upgrade a number of markets in townships and villages and new convenience stores in rural areas, and build a number of demonstration counties in commerce to play a leading role.? We will also vigorously develop new forms of businesses, such as live stream e-commerce and real-time retailing, promote the high-quality development of rural e-commerce, and bring more agricultural produce to cities to increase farmers' income.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 23, 2023)?

?? 顺应消费多元化、个性化的趋势,推动一刻钟消费服务圈、养老托育圈、休闲文化圈等各类服务功能更好融合,发展一批智慧商店等新业态,引导便利店、社区超市“一店多能”,拓展便民服务,推广网订店送、即时零售等线上线下融合新模式,打造消费增长的新引擎。

In line with diversified and tailored consumption, we will promote the integration of various services and functions such as the circles for 15-minute community services, old-age care, leisure and recreation, develop new forms of businesses such as smart stores, incorporate multiple functions in one convenience store or community supermarket, expand convenience services, and promote new online and on-site sales models such as online booking and delivery and instant retailing to create a new engine for consumption growth.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_February 16, 2023)?

?? 推进即时零售、直播电商、云展会等新模式健康发展、拓展沉浸式交互式购物体验。

We will promote the healthy development of instant-delivery online retail, live streaming e-commerce, cloud exhibitions, and other new business models, and we will open up new fronts for immersive and interactive shopping experiences.? (Report on the Implementation of the 2022 Plan for National Economic and Social Development and on the 2023 Draft Plan for National Economic and Social Development_2023_03_05)

  • 金九银十 ?[jīn jiǔ yín shí]? peak consumption season; peak sales season (lit.? Golden September and Silver October): 中秋、国庆“双节”是传统的消费旺季。商务部正在组织开展“金九银十”系列促消费活动,更好满足居民节日消费需求,推动消费持续恢复和扩大。

The Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday is traditionally a peak consumption season. The Ministry of Commerce is organizing a host of consumption promotion activities in September and October to meet consumer demands during the holidays and promote the sustained recovery and expansion of consumption.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_September 21, 2023)

  • 贸易救济? [mào yì jiù jì]? trade remedy:?

Recent quote”


China upholds the concept of win-win cooperation and free trade as we always do. In trade remedy cases against China, we hope that the investigation authorities can make impartial and reasonable rulings in strict accordance with laws and regulations to fully protect the rights of all stakeholders.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_September 21, 2023)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 滥用贸易救济措施:根据世界贸易组织规定,成员方在进口产品存在倾销、补贴或进口过快增长对国内产业造成损害的情况下,可以使用贸易救济措施,但有严格限定条件。美国大量使用贸易救济措施对本国产业实施保护,其中相当大一部分针对中国。美国贸易保护主义措施增多,在全球占比不断提高。全球贸易预警(Global Trade Alert)统计数据显示,2017年,全球共有837项新的保护主义干预措施,其中美国出台143项措施,占全球总数的17.1%。2018年1-7月底,美国出台的保护主义措施占全球比重达到33%。

The abuse of trade remedy measures: While the WTO allows the use of trade remedy measures when a member economy finds damage caused to its domestic industries by dumping, subsidy or excessive growth in imports, strict limits and conditions do apply. However, the US has resorted to a huge number of trade remedy measures to protect its domestic industries. Many of these measures target China. The US is adopting a growing number of trade protectionist measures, whose share of the world’s total is also rising. According to Global Trade Alert, among the 837 new protectionist measures adopted in 2017 worldwide, 143 (or 17.1 percent) were from the US. From January to the end of July in 2018, the US accounted for 33 percent of all protectionist measures in the world.? (White_Paper_Facts and China’s Position on China-US Trade Friction_《关于中美经贸摩擦的事实与中方立场》_2018_09_24)?

?? 反对贸易保护主义,积极消除非关税贸易壁垒,通过友好协商妥善解决贸易纠纷和摩擦,逐步建立双多边贸易争端预警和贸易救济合作机制。

We will oppose trade protectionism and actively remove non-tariff trade barriers, properly resolve trade disputes and frictions through friendly consultations, and gradually establish bilateral and multilateral mechanisms of early warning for trade disputes and cooperation on trade remedies. (White_Paper_China's Arab Policy Paper_ 中国对阿拉伯国家政策文件_2016_01_14)?

?? 欧盟应致力于通过对话与磋商解决中欧经贸摩擦,慎用贸易救济措施,为双方创造良好贸易氛围。

The EU should commit to resolving economic and trade frictions with China through dialogue and consultation, act cautiously when resorting to trade remedy measures and create a good trade environment for the two sides. (Policy_Paper_Deepen the China-EU Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for Mutual Benefit and Win-win Cooperation_2014_04)?

?? 中国积极履行在世界贸易组织框架内承担的义务,不断完善对外贸易法律制度,确立了社会主义市场经济条件下的对外贸易体制,规范了对外贸易经营者的权利和义务,健全了货物进出口、技术进出口和国际服务贸易管理制度,建立了具有中国特色的对外贸易调查制度和对外贸易促进体制,并根据世界贸易组织规则完善了贸易救济制度以及海关监管和进出口商品检验检疫制度,确立了统一、透明的对外贸易制度。中国对外贸易快速增长,进出口总额在世界贸易中的地位不断提升。

China actively discharges its obligations within the framework of the WTO, constantly improves its legal system regarding foreign trade, and has established a foreign trade system suited to the socialist market economy. It has clearly defined the rights and obligations of those engaged in foreign trade, and has improved the system of managing import and export of goods, technologies and the international service trade. It has established a foreign trade survey and promotion system with Chinese characteristics. In the light of WTO rules, China has improved its trade remedy system, customs supervision, and import and export commodity inspection and quarantine system, and established a unified and transparent foreign trade system. China's foreign trade has been expanding rapidly, and the ratio of its total export-import volume to the international trade volumes keeps rising.? (White_Paper_Socialist Legal System with Chinese Characteristics_《中国特色社会主义法律体系》_2011_10_27)

  • 请进来? [qǐng jìn lái]? welcoming in (business to China, as contrasted to going global? 走出去 zǒu chū qù):?

Recent quote:


Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Commerce has organized a series of activities to attract investment in the "Invest in China Year", both inviting multinationals to China and taking Chinese businesses abroad. Judging from the response, foreign investors are highly interested in the campaign and very enthusiastic about participation. Some of them have expressed appreciation and optimism in the Chinese market. What they appreciate is that the campaign provides a useful platform for multinationals to learn about China's resource endowment, industrial foundation and business environment in all aspects, and provides smooth channels for foreign investors to enter, understand and invest in China. What they are optimistic about is that China has an enormous market and new opportunities as China opens the door wider. With full-fledged industrial chains and supply chains, China provides a solid foundation for production, so they are willing to continue to invest in China and grow and prosper here.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_September 21, 2023)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 近段时期以来,很多地方积极组织外贸企业“走出去”,将海外客商“请进来”,一系列贸易促进措施的落地,大大增加了外贸企业拓市场、接订单的渠道和信心。

Recently, many localities actively organized foreign trade companies to go global and bring overseas businesses in. The implementation of a host of trade promotion measures has greatly boosted foreign trade companies’ access to and confidence in markets and orders.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_January 12 2023)

  • 消费市场? [xiāo fèi shì chǎng]? consumer market; consumption market:?

Recent quote:


... we [Ministry of Commerce] will launch major campaigns such as "National Home Renovation Consumption Season", "National 15-minute Convenient Neighbourhood Consumption Festival”, "The CIIE Consumption Festival". We will also promote consumption under scenarios such as the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, Asian Games, Business Integrity and Credit Benefits, to stimulate the consumption market.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_September 21, 2023)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 客观上讲,中国作为快速发展的全球第二大消费市场,产品和服务的更新迭代速度很快。

Objectively speaking, as the second largest consumer market in the world, China's products and services update and upgrade quickly.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 2, 2022)?

?? 中国已成为全球第二大商品消费市场,货物贸易总额连续5年全球第一,吸收外资保持全球第二。

China has become the world’s second largest consumer market. Its trade in goods has ranked first globally for five years in a row. In terms of attracting foreign investment, it retains the second place in the world.? (Foreign Ministry? Regular Press Conference on February 9, 2022)?

?? 今年以来,我国消费市场呈现稳步恢复态势,前两个月社会消费品零售总额7.4万亿元,同比增长6.7%。

Since the beginning of this year, [2022] China’s consumer market has been recovering steadily. In the first two months, total retail sales of consumer products amounted to RMB7.4 trillion, up 6.7% year-on-year.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_March 17, 2022)?

?? 受疫情多点散发、基数抬升等因素影响,11月份我国消费市场增速有所放缓,但仍然展现出较强韧性。

China’s consumption growth slowed down in November [2021] owing to multiple Covid outbreaks across the country and a higher consumption base number, yet our consumption still presents strong resilience.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 23, 2021)

  • 智能消费? [zhì néng xiāo fèi]? intelligent consumption:?


… we will foster new types of consumption. We will promote the healthy development of new forms and models of consumption, such as instant retail, live-streaming e-commerce, and social media-based e-commerce. We will create more immersive, experiential and interactive consumption scenarios, and encourage commerce, tourism, culture, sports and healthcare consumption to reinforce each other through both online and offline channels. We will advocate green and low-carbon consumption and promote green and intelligent consumption.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_September 21, 2023)

  • 中欧经贸高层对话? [zhōng ōu jīng mào gāo céng duì huà]? China-EU High-level Economic and Trade Dialogue:?

Recent quote:

何立峰将主持第十次中欧经贸高层对话: 经中欧双方商定,第十次中欧经贸高层对话将于9月25日在北京举行。中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理、中欧经贸高层对话中方牵头人何立峰与欧盟委员会执行副主席、对话欧方牵头人东布罗夫斯基斯将共同主持对话。

He Lifeng will chair the 10th China-EU High-level Economic and Trade Dialogue: The 10th China-EU High-level Economic and Trade Dialogue will be held in Beijing on September 25, as agreed by China and the EU. The Dialogue will be co-chaired by He Lifeng, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier of the State Council, and Chinese principal of the Dialogue, and Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission and European principal of the dialogue. (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_September 21, 2023)?x

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 中方高度重视和积极推进第九次中欧经贸高层对话成果的后续落实工作,相关进展已向欧方通报。为落实今年4月习近平主席会见欧委会主席冯德莱恩时达成的重要共识,目前,双方正就第十次经贸高层对话的相关安排进行磋商。中方愿同欧方一道,全力做好对话筹备工作,共同推动双边经贸关系行稳致远。

China is fully committed to and working on the implementation of the deliverables of the 9th HED, and has informed the EU about the progress. To act on the important common understandings reached between President Xi Jinping and President Ursula von der Leyen, the two sides are now discussing the arrangements for the 10th HED. China stands ready to work with the EU to make preparations for the Dialogue, and jointly drive the steady and long-term development of the bilateral trade and economic relations.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_July 6, 2023)?

?? 继续利用好中欧经贸高层对话、中欧经贸混委会等机制,发挥其协调政策、促进合作、解决双方关切的平台作用。

Continue to make use of the China-EU High-Level Economic and Trade Dialogue, the China-EU Economic and Trade Joint Committee and other mechanisms as a platform for policy coordination, promoting cooperation and addressing the concerns of both sides. (Deepen the China-EU Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for Mutual Benefit and Win-win Cooperation_2014_04_ 深化互利共赢的中欧全面战略伙伴关系)?

?? 经中欧双方商定,国务院副总理马凯将于10月24日赴布鲁塞尔欧盟总部,与欧盟委员会副主席兼经济与货币事务委员奥利雷恩和贸易委员卡洛德古赫特共同主持第四次中欧经贸高层对话,随后将应比利时联邦政府、冰岛总理西格蒙杜尔贡劳格松和爱尔兰副总理兼外交贸易部长埃蒙吉尔摩邀请,于10月25日至30日对比利时、冰岛、爱尔兰进行正式访问。

As agreed by China and the European Union, Vice Premier of the State Council Ma Kai will co-host with Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Olli Rehn and Trade Commissioner De Gucht the fourth China-EU High Level Economic and Trade Dialogue in the EU headquarters in Brussels on October 24 and pay official visits to Belgium, Iceland and Ireland at the invitation of the federal government of Belgium, Prime Minister Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson of Iceland and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland Eamon Gilmore from October 25 to 30. (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 23, 2013)

  • 走出去? [zǒu chū qù]? going global (of Chinese businesses, as contrasted to welcoming in 请进来 qǐng jìn lái):?

Recent quote:


Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Commerce has organized a series of activities to attract investment in the "Invest in China Year", both inviting multinationals to China and taking Chinese businesses abroad. Judging from the response, foreign investors are highly interested in the campaign and very enthusiastic about participation. Some of them have expressed appreciation and optimism in the Chinese market. What they appreciate is that the campaign provides a useful platform for multinationals to learn about China's resource endowment, industrial foundation and business environment in all aspects, and provides smooth channels for foreign investors to enter, understand and invest in China. What they are optimistic about is that China has an enormous market and new opportunities as China opens the door wider. With full-fledged industrial chains and supply chains, China provides a solid foundation for production, so they are willing to continue to invest in China and grow and prosper here.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_September 21, 2023)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 各地目前纷纷助力外贸企业“出海”洽谈、促进贸易、开拓市场,请问商务部对此如何评价?下一步是否有更多举措助力外贸企业“走出去”?

Local governments are helping foreign trade companies “go abroad” to negotiate new deals, boost trade and expand markets. What’s MOFCOM’s comments?? Will there be more measures to help foreign trade businesses “go global”? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 23, 2022)?

?? 我们将通过创新对外投资合作方式、推动对外承包工程升级、拓展第三方市场合作等举措,推动建设一批高质量合作项目,实施一批惠民生的援外项目,鼓励国内有实力的企业走出去。

By developing new ways of outbound investment cooperation, upgrading overseas project contracting and expanding third-market cooperation, we will build a number of high-quality cooperation projects, implement a series of foreign assistance projects to improve people’s well-being and encourage competitive Chinese enterprises to go global.? (SCIO briefing on Speeding up High-Quality Development of Commerce and Serving the Building of the New Development Paradigm_2021_02_24)?

?? 要以“一带一路”建设为重点,坚持引进来和走出去并重,遵循共商共建共享原则,加强创新能力开放合作,形成陆海内外联动、东西双向互济的开放格局。

We should pursue the Belt and Road Initiative as a priority, give equal emphasis to "bringing in" and "going global," follow the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration, and increase openness and cooperation in building innovation capacity.? (Xi_Jinping_Report at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China_Secure a Decisive Victory_October_18_2017)?

?? 社会主义核心价值体系深入人心,公民文明素质和社会文明程度明显提高。文化产品更加丰富,公共文化服务体系基本建成,文化产业成为国民经济支柱性产业,中华文化走出去迈出更大步伐,社会主义文化强国建设基础更加坚实。

Core socialist values should take root among the people, and both the level of civility of citizens and the moral and ethical standards of the whole society should be significantly raised. More cultural works should be created; a system of public cultural services should be basically in place, and the cultural sector should become a pillar of the economy. Even greater progress should be made in taking Chinese culture to the global stage. By taking these steps, we will lay a more solid foundation for developing a strong socialist culture in China. (Hu_Jintao_ Report to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China_Firmly March On The Path Of Socialism With Chinese Characteristics_November_8_2012)

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