Counterev's Factory Outlet is now online!
Our Factory Outlet discount store is now live online!
Since joining CounterEv Furniture in May of 2019 I have been involved in every aspect of the company. One of the major undertakings that we set out to divide and conquer was a full website revival for 2020. I am proud to say that the day is coming very soon with a tentative February 14th Launch date!
In the meantime, we wanted to give everyone a sneak peak at our new Factory Outlet page! For the last year we have been sharing our discounted Factory Outlet products via our email Newsletter. Our Factory Outlet is a secondary store that we have in Catskill, New York, not far from our manufacturing facility where we handcraft each piece of furniture for our clients. The pieces in the Factory Outlet are scratch and dent or display pieces that we have heavily discounted anywhere from 40-70%. We offer free scheduled pickup or delivery at a reasonable rate.
If you are interested in scooping some of these pieces up please do so at your earliest convenience. We have already sold many of them to design firms, staging companies and customers who are looking for a great deal. Act fast before the inventory is all gone!
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