Counter Offer

Counter Offer

Most people don’t find it easy to hand their notice there are feelings to deal with and potentially a difficult situation. But with some preparation and thought, it can all go really quite smoothly….

You’ve accepted your new job. You’re ready to leave the old one. There’s just one thing to do: resign. So, if your move is such a good one for you, why do you feel bad?

Remind yourself why you initially considered changing companies, I’m sure it’s true that present employer has helped you progress, you have made some good friends and you may feel uneasy, however you have chosen to move on for a reason and it’s important that you remember why it’s the right thing for you ...

The dreaded resignation letter

Most employers still require written confirmation of your decision so write a short polite e-mail, I really don’t think an actual letter is necessary in the digital age. Say thank you for the opportunities / support they have given you, and that you have enjoyed working there but that you have decided that it is best for you to move on.

Detail when your notice is effective from and when your last day will be.

You do not have to tell them where you are going or give detailed reasons why you want to leave, unless you want to. Simply saying that you think it is the right thing for you and or your career right now is sufficient.


When to hand in your resignation

Most people hand in their resignation in the morning, this can lead to ill-considered responses from managers trying to put pressure on you to reconsider, better therefore to do it in the afternoon. In this way you can get away from all the pressures and give management time to digest the information.

What should you expect next?

The counter offer

It is natural to resist change and disruption. Your boss will be no exception. They will almost certainly want to keep you and will attempt to do so with a counter offer. In their eyes, your acceptance of a new job is definitely a mistake.

In today’s competitive market place it is very common but it can still come as a shock to find that your decision is not being willingly accepted unless of course you are prepared…..
Why are they suddenly trying to make you feel guilty about leaving and making all sorts of promises to make you stay? 
Why don't they just accept that you've decided to leave and wish you well? 
Why are they making it so difficult for you?

Counter-offers usually take the form of:

  • You're too valuable, and we need you.
  • You can't desert the team/your friends.
  • We were just about to promote/give you a raise, and it was confidential until now.
  • What did they offer, why are you leaving, and what do you need to stay?

Remember, the counter offer is only a belated recognition of the contribution you have made to your company if it had come unprompted, wouldn’t that have been a lot more meaningful?

The reason is that when a resignation is tendered an employer can often obtain a quick fix by throwing money at the problem. 
Recruiters, employment advertising, training costs all affect a department's budget. 
Why spend that kind of money when some well applied pressure might turn you around and solve the problem? It is much cheaper to keep you - even at a higher salary.

Why you should not accept a counter offer

If you do accept their counter offer…. You are still a marked man (sorry person), in your employers eyes, your future with the company constantly in question and you can bet they will start planning your replacement very quickly, they can then engineer your departure at a time to suit them.

It is a well quoted statistic that 70 to 80% of people accepting a counter offer either leave or are let go within a year.

Employers do not like to be fired 
It makes your boss look bad, staff retention and churn are factors managers are often judged by.  
When a contributor quits, morale may be affected, an important project may be effected, there is never a good time for someone to quit, and it may prove very time consuming to replace you.
The more your boss tries to convince you. Stop and ask yourself these questions:

  • “I made the decision to leave because I felt the new position offered me <<insert reason for accepting new job>> If I stay will the situation here really improve just because I said I was leaving?”
  • “If I stay, will my loyalty be suspect and affect my chance for advancement once the dust has settled?”
  • “Would the increase they are offering make me expensive for the job position I’m in. How will that affect any future rises?”
  • “I got this counter offer because I resigned ~ will I have to do that the next time I think I’m ready for a rise or promotion?”


Remember – it’s costly to replace you!


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