Counter Communication Systems, outer space dominance, China’s Tibet, and historic responsibility

Counter Communication Systems, outer space dominance, China’s Tibet, and historic responsibility

Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:

  • 反通讯卫星系统 / Counter Communications System, CCS?

- 美国提出的承诺只涉及“破坏性直升式反卫导弹试验”问题,没有提及此类武器的研发、生产、部署和使用,也没有提及其他威胁或破坏卫星正常运行的活动。实际上,2008年美国开展直升式反卫导弹试验以后,美方多次开展具有反卫星性质的反导试验活动,研发定向能反卫武器,部署“反通讯卫星系统”(CCS)等进攻性武器。由此可见,美方相关承诺对美外空军力并不构成实质限制,美方实际目的是“假军控、真扩军”,借多边承诺方式企图维持并扩大单边军事优势。?

The US commitment is limited to tests of destructive, direct-ascent anti-satellite (DA-ASAT) missiles and does not mention the research and development, production, deployment and use of such weapons, or any other activity that threatens or disrupts the normal operation of satellites. In fact, Since the US first tested DA-ASAT missiles in 2008, it has repeatedly carried out anti-missile tests of anti-satellite nature, developed directed energy weapons, and deployed offensive weapons such as the Counter Communications System (CCS). All these show that that kind of commitment does not actually limit its space military strength. This is not about arms “control”, but about arms “expansion”—keeping the US the No.1 militarily in the world and expanding that lead through multilateral commitments.?

  • 寄宿制学校 / boarding school?

- 与国际通行做法一样,中国的寄宿制学校根据当地学生需求设置,在中国各省区都有。在中国西藏,一些地区由于海拔很高,人口居住极为分散,特别是牧民孩子上下学路途遥远、十分不便,分散办学难以保证老师的数量和教学质量。为保障所有儿童平等享受教育的权利,根据实际需要设置了寄宿制学校。寄宿完全看学生和家长的意愿和需求。寄宿学生在每个周末和节假日(包括藏历新年、雪顿节等西藏传统节日),以及寒暑假都可以选择回家,父母可以随时到校看望子女,也可以根据需要随时接子女回家。同时,有关学校普遍开设了藏语文、民族舞蹈等传统文化课程,提供高原传统食品,学生在校期间也可以穿戴民族服饰。西藏寄宿制学校恰恰是保护西藏人权和文化传统的生动案例,所谓“强制同化”纯属子虚乌有。?

As is commonly seen around the world, there are boarding schools across Chinese provinces and regions to meet the need of the local students. In the case of China’s Tibet, this is a region of high altitude and highly scattered population in many areas. For children from herding families in particular, they have to travel long distances to get to school. If schools were to be built in every place the students live, it would be very difficult to ensure adequate teachers and quality of teaching in each school. That is why boarding schools have been set up as a practical way to ensure all children’s equal right to education. It is entirely up to the students and their parents whether to go to boarding schools or not. Students can choose to go home on every weekend, holiday and festival (including traditional Tibetan festivals such as the Tibetan New Year and the Shoton Festival), as well as during the winter and summer breaks. Parents can visit their children at school any time and take their children home whenever needed. Courses of traditional culture, such as Tibetan language and literature and folk dance, are widely available, traditional food unique to the Tibet Plateau is provided, and students are allowed to wear traditional dresses at these schools. The boarding schools in Tibet are examples of human rights and cultural heritage protection. The so-called “forced assimilation” is pure fabrication.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 有西方媒体报道称,中国西藏存在“寄宿制学校”,这是中国政府“大规模同化藏族人的计划之一”。?

According to Western media reports, there are “residential schools” in Tibet that are part of the Chinese government’s large-scale assimilation campaign targeting Tibetans.?

- 与国际通行做法一样,中国的寄宿制学校根据当地学生需求设置,在中国各省区都有,指的是由学校向学生提供住宿、就餐等保障服务,不是封闭式学校,更不是军事化管理。在中国西藏,一些地区由于海拔很高,人口居住极为分散,特别是牧民孩子上下学路途遥远、十分不便,分散办学又难以保证老师的数量和教学质量,为保障所有儿童平等享受教育权利,根据实际需要设置了寄宿制学校。寄宿完全看学生和家长的意愿和需求。与全国其他省区学校一样,西藏自治区提供寄宿的学校非常重视学生家庭参与学校教育,通过家委会、开放日等邀请学生家长参与寄宿生活管理和规划等。寄宿学生在每个周末、节假日(包括藏历新年、雪顿节等西藏传统节日),以及寒暑假都可选择回家,父母可以随时到校看望子女,也可根据需要随时接子女回家。同时,有关学校普遍开设了藏语文、民族舞蹈等传统文化课程,提供高原传统食品,学生在校期间也可以穿戴民族服饰。有关媒体应该本着尊重事实、客观理性的态度,报道中国有关寄宿制学校的真实情况,而不是道听途说,更不能造谣污蔑。?

As is commonly seen around the world, there are boarding schools across Chinese provinces and regions to meet the need of the local students. These schools provide accommodation, catering and other boarding services. They are not closed facilities and still less run in military style. In the case of China’s Tibet, this is a region of high altitude and highly scattered population in many areas. For children from herding families in particular, they have to travel long distances to get to school. If schools were to be built in every place the students live, it would be very difficult to ensure adequate teachers and quality of teaching in each school. That is why boarding schools have been set up as a practical way to ensure all children’s equal right to education. It is entirely up to the students and their parents whether to board or not. Just like schools in other Chinese provinces and regions, the boarding schools in the Tibet Autonomous Region attach great importance to the participation of students’ families. Parents are invited to take part in the management and planning of school life through parent committees and open days. Students can choose to go home on every weekend, holiday and festival (including traditional Tibetan festivals such as the Tibetan New Year and the Shoton Festival), as well as during the winter and summer breaks. Parents can visit their children at school any time and take their children home whenever needed. Courses of traditional culture, such as Tibetan language and literature and folk dance, are widely available, traditional food unique to the Tibet Plateau is provided, and students are allowed to wear traditional dresses at these schools. When reporting on the boarding schools in China, it is important to respect the facts and be objective and rational, rather than quote hearsay or even make up stories and spread false accusations.?

- 制定贫困女童和女生专项教育计划,确保偏远、贫困地区女生平等享有教育机会。加快农村寄宿制学校建设,改善农村女童的学习生活条件。?

The state has developed special education programs for poor girls and schoolgirls, ensuring girls in remote and poor areas equal access to education. It has been accelerating the construction of boarding schools in rural areas, thereby improving the study and living conditions of rural girls.?

  • 假军控、真扩军 / fake arms control, real military expansion?

- 美国提出的承诺只涉及“破坏性直升式反卫导弹试验”问题,没有提及此类武器的研发、生产、部署和使用,也没有提及其他威胁或破坏卫星正常运行的活动。实际上,2008年美国开展直升式反卫导弹试验以后,美方多次开展具有反卫星性质的反导试验活动,研发定向能反卫武器,部署“反通讯卫星系统”(CCS)等进攻性武器。由此可见,美方相关承诺对美外空军力并不构成实质限制,美方实际目的是“假军控、真扩军”,借多边承诺方式企图维持并扩大单边军事优势。?

The US commitment is limited to tests of destructive, direct-ascent anti-satellite (DA-ASAT) missiles and does not mention the research and development, production, deployment and use of such weapons, or any other activity that threatens or disrupts the normal operation of satellites. In fact, Since the US first tested DA-ASAT missiles in 2008, it has repeatedly carried out anti-missile tests of anti-satellite nature, developed directed energy weapons, and deployed offensive weapons such as the Counter Communications System (CCS). All these show that that kind of commitment does not actually limit its space military strength. This is not about arms “control”, but about arms “expansion”—keeping the US the No.1 militarily in the world and expanding that lead through multilateral commitments.?

  • 历史责任 / historic responsibility?

Today’s quote:

- 覆水难收,我们不希望2023年8月24日成为海洋环境的灾难日。如果日方一意孤行,就必须为此承担历史责任。

?The negative impact of the ocean discharge cannot be undone. We don’t want August 24, 2023 to be a disaster day for marine environment. If Japan does not change course, it must bear the historic responsibility for this decision.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 我们再次敦促日方切实承担起历史责任和国际义务,早日干净彻底消除日遗化武毒害。?

We once again urge Japan to earnestly step up to its historic responsibility and international obligations and completely and thoroughly destroy the ACWs at an early date. ?

- 我们也希望发达国家能够正视历史责任,尽快兑现承诺,加大对发展中国家资金、技术和能力建设支持,推动全球气候治理取得实质性进展。?

We hope developed countries will shoulder their historical responsibilities, deliver on their commitments at an early date, step up financial, technological and capacity-building support for developing countries, and work for substantive progress in global climate governance.?

- 昨天,国务委员兼外长秦刚在撒马尔罕主持召开中俄巴伊四国外长阿富汗问题第二次非正式会议。 。。。 强调美国及其盟友对当前阿富汗困难局面负有历史责任,应立即解除对阿单边制裁,立即归还属于阿富汗人民的海外资金,不得在阿富汗及本地区再建军事基地。?

Yesterday, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang chaired the second Informal Meeting on Afghanistan Between Foreign Ministers of China, Russia, Pakistan and Iran in Samarkand.?... the Ministers pointed out that the US and its allies, who bear historic responsibility for the predicament in Afghanistan, should instantly lift unilateral sanctions against Afghanistan and return its overseas assets, for the benefits of Afghan people. They firmly opposed the reestablishment of military bases in and around Afghanistan.?

- 不断谱写马克思主义中国化时代化新篇章,是当代中国共产党人的庄严历史责任。?

It is the solemn historical responsibility of today's Chinese Communists to continue opening new chapters in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of the times.?

  • 南非勋章 / Order of South Africa?

- 会谈后,拉马福萨总统向习近平主席授予“南非勋章”。两国元首还共同见证签署两国关于共建“一带一路”、新能源电力、农产品、经济特区和工业园区、蓝色经济、科技创新、高等教育等领域多项双边合作文件。?

Following their talks, President Ramaphosa bestowed to President Xi Jinping the Order of South Africa. The two presidents witnessed the signing of bilateral cooperation documents on Belt and Road cooperation, new energy, agricultural product, special economic zone, industrial park, blue economy, technological innovation and higher education. The two sides issued a Joint Statement Between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa.?

  • 南南合作 / South-South cooperation?

Today’s quote:

- 当地时间昨天上午,习近平主席在比勒陀利亚同南非总统拉马福萨举行了富有成果的会谈并共同会见记者。。。。习近平主席指出,近年来,金砖国家秉持开放包容、合作共赢的金砖精神,书写了不同制度、不同文化、不同地域国家携手发展的精彩故事,成为南南合作的一面金字招牌。

On yesterday morning [August 22, 2023] local time, President Xi held fruitful talks with President Ramaphosa in Pretoria, and the two presidents jointly met the press.?... President Xi Jinping pointed out that, in recent years, BRICS countries have acted on the BRICS spirit of openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, and have written a splendid chapter of countries with different systems and cultures and in different regions joining hands for development, which has become a signature of South-South cooperation.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 借助“一带一路”“南南合作”等多边合作机制,为发展中国家保护生物多样性提供支持,努力构建地球生命共同体。?

With the help of multilateral cooperation mechanisms such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and South-South Cooperation, China has provided support for biodiversity conservation in developing countries and is striving to build a shared future for all life on Earth.?

- 中国将积极参与应对气候变化、维护全球粮食安全和能源安全,在南南合作框架内继续向其他发展中国家提供更多援助。?

China will actively join in global efforts to tackle climate change and safeguard food and energy security, and provide more assistance to fellow developing countries within the framework of South-South cooperation.?

- 要加强南北合作、南南合作,为最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家交通基础设施建设提供更多支持,促进共同繁荣。?

We should enhance North-South and South-South cooperation and scale up support for developing transport infrastructure in the least developed countries and landlocked developing countries, in an effort to achieve common prosperity.?

- 作为发展中国家的坚定一员,中国将不断深化南南合作,为发展中国家消除贫困、缓解债务压力、实现经济增长作出贡献。?

As a steadfast member of developing countries, China will further deepen South-South cooperation, and contribute to the endeavor of developing countries to eradicate poverty, ease debt burden, and achieve more growth.?

  • 强制同化 / forced assimilation; coercive assimilation?

Today’s quote:

- 西藏人权处于历史最好时期,国际社会对此有目共睹。长期以来,西藏经济蓬勃发展,社会和谐稳定,文化传统得到保护和弘扬,各族人民包括宗教信仰自由、使用和发展本民族语言文字的自由在内的各项权利和自由得到充分保障。与国际通行做法一样,中国的寄宿制学校根据当地学生需求设置,在中国各省区都有。在中国西藏,一些地区由于海拔很高,人口居住极为分散,特别是牧民孩子上下学路途遥远、十分不便,分散办学难以保证老师的数量和教学质量。为保障所有儿童平等享受教育的权利,根据实际需要设置了寄宿制学校。寄宿完全看学生和家长的意愿和需求。寄宿学生在每个周末和节假日(包括藏历新年、雪顿节等西藏传统节日),以及寒暑假都可以选择回家,父母可以随时到校看望子女,也可以根据需要随时接子女回家。同时,有关学校普遍开设了藏语文、民族舞蹈等传统文化课程,提供高原传统食品,学生在校期间也可以穿戴民族服饰。西藏寄宿制学校恰恰是保护西藏人权和文化传统的生动案例,所谓“强制同化”纯属子虚乌有。?

The human rights conditions in Tibet are at their historical best, as witnessed by the international community. The region has long enjoyed a booming economy, harmonious and stable society, and effective protection and promotion of cultural heritage. The rights and freedoms of all ethnic groups, including the freedom of religious belief and the freedom to use and develop their ethnic groups’ spoken and written languages, are fully protected. As is commonly seen around the world, there are boarding schools across Chinese provinces and regions to meet the need of the local students. In the case of China’s Tibet, this is a region of high altitude and highly scattered population in many areas. For children from herding families in particular, they have to travel long distances to get to school. If schools were to be built in every place the students live, it would be very difficult to ensure adequate teachers and quality of teaching in each school. That is why boarding schools have been set up as a practical way to ensure all children’s equal right to education. It is entirely up to the students and their parents whether to go to boarding schools or not. Students can choose to go home on every weekend, holiday and festival (including traditional Tibetan festivals such as the Tibetan New Year and the Shoton Festival), as well as during the winter and summer breaks. Parents can visit their children at school any time and take their children home whenever needed. Courses of traditional culture, such as Tibetan language and literature and folk dance, are widely available, traditional food unique to the Tibet Plateau is provided, and students are allowed to wear traditional dresses at these schools. The boarding schools in Tibet are examples of human rights and cultural heritage protection. The so-called “forced assimilation” is pure fabrication.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 19世纪70至80年代,美国政府采取“强制同化”政策,旨在消灭印第安部落的社会组织结构和文化,破除其族群身份认同。?

In the 1870s and ’80s, the US government adopted a policy of “forced assimilation” to obliterate the social fabric and culture of Indian tribes and destroy the ethnic and tribal identity of the Indians.?

- 美国政府将打击新疆“强迫劳动”,并反制“大规模监视、强制人口控制及拘留、强制同化”。?

The US government will combat “forced labor” in Xinjiang and counter intrusive surveillance, forced population control measures, detention and coercive assimilation, the report said.?

- 美国国务院反复发表报告,散布所谓新疆存在“强迫劳动”“拘留营”“强制同化”等世纪谎言,妄图污蔑抹黑新疆,遏制中国发展,但这一阴谋不会得逞。?

The US State Department repeatedly releases reports to spread the lies of the century on “forced labor”, “detention camps” and “coercive assimilation” in Xinjiang, in an attempt to smear Xinjiang and contain China’s development. However, this plot will never succeed.?

  • 全球南方 / Global South?

Today’s quote:

- 当地时间昨天上午,习近平主席在比勒陀利亚同南非总统拉马福萨举行了富有成果的会谈并共同会见记者。 。。。 习近平主席就推动中南关系进一步发展、构建高水平中南命运共同体提出四点建议。 。。。第四,中南要做维护正义的全球伙伴。独立自主是中南共同坚守的原则。中方愿同南非等发展中国家一道落实全球发展倡议、全球安全倡议、全球文明倡议,践行真正的多边主义,提升“全球南方”国家在全球治理中的代表性和发言权,维护发展中国家的共同利益和发展空间。?

On yesterday morning local time, President Xi held fruitful talks with President Ramaphosa in Pretoria, and the two presidents jointly met the press.?... President Xi Jinping made a four-point proposal on elevating China-South Africa relations and building a high-quality China-South Africa community with a shared future. ... Fourth, China and South Africa should be global partners with a commitment to justice. Independence is a principle upheld by both countries. China is ready to work with South Africa and other developing countries to jointly implement the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative, practice true multilateralism, increase the representation and voice of the Global South in global governance, safeguard the shared interests and development space of developing countries.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 上周末我台播出的德国纪录片中提到,联合国粮农组织向来以减少“全球南方”国家农民对农药的依赖为己任,但在屈冬玉总干事的领导下,该机构却偏离了这一目标,转而促进农药行业发展。?

A German documentary that was aired this weekend by ARD German TV and Radio comes to the conclusion that the UN food agency, FAO, under its head Mr. Qu has deviated from its cause of reducing the reliance of farmers on pesticides in countries of the Global South but promoting pesticides industry.?

- 据报道,欧盟委员会主席冯德莱恩在七国集团(G7)峰会上称,许多新兴和发展中国家正寻求可持续融资。“一带一路”倡议看似性价比较高,但一些“全球南方”国家在对华合作中接受中国贷款,最终陷入债务危机。?

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen aid at a G7 session that “Many emerging and developing countries are looking for sustainable funding opportunities. The Belt and Road Initiative looked like a good cheap offer. But many countries in the Global South...took Chinese loans and ended up in a debt crisis. ”?

- 据报道,印度将于12日至13日举行“全球南方国家之声”线上峰会,讨论发展中国家金融发展和能源安全等问题,已邀请逾120个发展中国家政府首脑、外长和财长与会。?

According to reports, India will host the Voice of Global South Summit in a virtual format on January 12 and 13 [2023] to discuss issues including financial development of developing countries and energy security. Heads of government, foreign ministers and finance ministers from more than 120 developing countries have been invited so far.?

  • 人权大棒 / big stick of human rights?

- 反观美国,历史上470多万印第安土著居民惨遭屠杀,非洲裔、亚裔等少数族裔深受种族歧视之害。近年来,美国武装侵略造成了阿富汗、伊拉克、利比亚、叙利亚数百万人伤亡。美方应该切实反躬自省,而不是自封“判官”,挥舞“人权大棒”肆意干涉他国内政。?

In contrast, throughout the US history, more than 4.7 million Native Americans were slaughtered, and people of Asian and African descent and other ethnic communities suffer daily from the scourge of racial discrimination. In recent years, the US’s armed invasion has led to millions of casualties in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. The US needs to reflect on itself, instead of styling itself as a judge and wantonly meddling in other countries’ internal affairs by wielding the big stick of “human rights”.?

  • 同志加兄弟 / comradeship and brotherhood; comrades and brothers”?

Today’s quote:

- 当地时间昨天上午,习近平主席在比勒陀利亚同南非总统拉马福萨举行了富有成果的会谈并共同会见记者。... 习近平主席就推动中南关系进一步发展、构建高水平中南命运共同体提出四点建议。第一,中南要做高度互信的战略伙伴。“同志加兄弟”是中南关系的本色。双方要加强两国立法机构、政党、军队、地方等领域交流合作,继续在涉及彼此核心利益和重大关切问题上相互支持。 ...

?On yesterday morning [August 22, 2023 ]local time, President Xi held fruitful talks with President Ramaphosa in Pretoria, and the two presidents jointly met the press.?... President Xi Jinping made a four-point proposal on elevating China-South Africa relations and building a high-quality China-South Africa community with a shared future. First, China and South Africa should be strategic partners with a high degree of mutual trust. Comradeship and brotherhood are inherent to the bilateral relationship. The two sides need to step up exchange and cooperation between legislatures, political parties, the military and subnational governments, and continue to support each other on issues concerning their respective core interests and key concerns. ...?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 站在新的历史起点上,中国军队愿同莫方进一步巩固“同志加兄弟”的特殊友谊,进一步深化各领域务实合作,共同推动两军关系向前发展。?

Standing at a new historical starting point, the Chinese military stands ready to further consolidate the special friendship of “comrades and brothers” with the Mozambican side, deepen cooperation in various areas, and jointly grow a stronger mil-to-mil relationship.?

  • 外空安全 / outer space security?

Today’s quote:

- 解决外空安全问题的根本途径是谈判达成外空军控法律文书,以具有法律约束力的方式禁止在外空部署武器、禁止对外空物体使用或威胁使用武力。?

The fundamental solution to the issue of outer space security is to reach a legal instrument on outer space arms control through negotiations, which could prohibit the deployment of weapons and the use or threat of use of force against objects in the outer space in a legally-binding way.

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 要加紧完善本组织执法安全合作机制,拓展数据安全、生物安全、外空安全等非传统安全领域合作。?

We should move faster to strengthen the mechanisms for our law enforcement and security cooperation, and expand cooperation in the nontraditional security fields, including digital, biological and outer space security.?

- 关于外空安全,应尊重并确保各国平等享有探索与和平利用外空权利,摒弃在外空搞大国竞争、集团政治和阵营对抗的做法,支持联合国在外空国际治理中发挥主平台作用,坚持防止外空军备竞赛。?

On outer space security, China maintains that the equal rights of all countries to explore and peacefully use outer space should be respected and guaranteed, and that attempts to create major-country competition, bloc politics and rival camps in outer space must be rejected. China supports the UN’s role as the main platform for international governance on outer space and stands firm against arms race in outer space.?

- 我们要持续开展联合反恐演习,严厉打击“三股势力”、毒品走私、网络和跨国有组织犯罪,有效应对数据安全、生物安全、外空安全等非传统安全挑战。?

We should continue to carry out joint anti-terrorism exercises, crack down hard on terrorism, separatism and extremism, drug trafficking as well as cyber and transnational organized crimes; and we should effectively meet the challenges in data security, biosecurity, outer space security and other non-traditional security domains.

  • 一家亲 / like one family?

Today’s quote:

- 中泰一家亲。两国建交近半个世纪以来,无论国际风云如何变幻,双方始终守望相助、并肩前行。中方愿同泰方一道,凝心聚力推进构建命运共同体,让两国人民永做好邻居、好朋友、好亲戚、好伙伴。

China and Thailand are as close as one family. Over the past half a century and more since the establishment of diplomatic ties, our two countries have always stood together and pursued shared development no matter how the international landscape evolves. We are ready to work together with Thailand to focus on building a community with a shared future and pass on our close bond as good neighbors, friends, relatives and partners from generation to generation.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 习主席在出席十四届全国人大一次会议解放军和武警部队代表团全体会议时的重要讲话,深刻指出双拥工作对于巩固提高一体化国家战略体系和能力的重要意义和实践要求。 。。。加大宣传力度营造浓厚氛围,广泛开展双拥宣传和国防教育,深化双拥模范创建和军民共建等活动,讲好双拥故事,唱响双拥旋律,不断浓厚军爱民、民拥军,军民鱼水一家亲的社会风尚。?

When giving an important speech at the plenary meeting of the PLA and PAP delegation to the first session of the 14th NPC, President Xi highlighted the great significance of the Dual Supportings work for consolidating and enhancing integrated national strategies and strategic capabilities and its practical requirements.?... we will step up publicity efforts and to promote Dual Supportings practice, extensively carry out publicity of Dual Supportings and national defense education, hold activities to acknowledge Dual Supportings models and encourage the military and the people to work together to promote cultural and ethical progress, publicize exemplary Dual Supportings case and continuously nurture a social trend that the military and the civilian sectors support each other like members of one family.?

- 未来3年,中方将向上海合作组织国家提供1000名扶贫培训名额,建成10所鲁班工坊,在“丝路一家亲”行动框架内开展卫生健康、扶贫救助、文化教育等领域30个合作项目,帮助有需要的国家加强能力建设、改善民生福祉。?

In the next three years, China will provide 1,000 training opportunities in poverty alleviation for other SCO countries, open 10 Luban Workshops, and launch 30 cooperation projects in such areas as health, poverty relief, culture and education under the framework of the Silk Road Community Building Initiative. This will help countries in need build capacity and improve the lives of their people.?

- 我们秉持“两岸一家亲”理念,尊重台湾现有的社会制度和台湾同胞生活方式,愿意率先同台湾同胞分享大陆发展的机遇。?

Guided by the conviction that we are all of the same family, we respect the current social system and way of life in Taiwan and are ready to share the development opportunities on the mainland with our Taiwan compatriots first.?

- 我们将秉持“两岸一家亲”理念,同台湾同胞共担民族大义,共享发展机遇,携 手构建两岸命运共同体。

?Guided by the conviction that people on both sides of the Straits belong to one and the same family, we will share with our fellow countrymen and women in Taiwan both the responsibility of the Chinese nation and opportunities for development and jointly build a cross-Straits community of common destiny.?

  • 直升式反卫导弹 / direct-ascent anti-satellite missile, DA-ASAT missile?

Today’s quote:

- 据外媒报道,欧盟本周向联合国“负责任外空行为准则”开放式工作组提交工作文件,宣布全体成员国加入美国提出的禁止直升式反卫导弹试验承诺。文件认为该承诺是防止外空环境被破坏的紧急措施,有助于防止外空军备竞赛。?

According to foreign media reports, the EU submitted a working document to the UN Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) reducing space threats through norms, rules and principles of responsible behaviours earlier this week, announcing that all EU members have committed to a US proposal not to conduct tests of destructive, direct-ascent anti-satellite (DA-ASAT) missiles. According to the document, the EU considers such commitment as an urgent measure aimed at preventing damage to the outer space environment, while also contributing to the prevention of an arms race in outer space.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 美国提出的承诺只涉及“破坏性直升式反卫导弹试验”问题,没有提及此类武器的研发、生产、部署和使用,也没有提及其他威胁或破坏卫星正常运行的活动。实际上,2008年美国开展直升式反卫导弹试验以后,美方多次开展具有反卫星性质的反导试验活动,研发定向能反卫武器,部署“反通讯卫星系统”(CCS)等进攻性武器。由此可见,美方相关承诺对美外空军力并不构成实质限制,美方实际目的是“假军控、真扩军”,借多边承诺方式企图维持并扩大单边军事优势。?

The US commitment is limited to tests of destructive, direct-ascent anti-satellite (DA-ASAT) missiles and does not mention the research and development, production, deployment and use of such weapons, or any other activity that threatens or disrupts the normal operation of satellites. In fact, Since the US first tested DA-ASAT missiles in 2008, it has repeatedly carried out anti-missile tests of anti-satellite nature, developed directed energy weapons, and deployed offensive weapons such as the Counter Communications System (CCS). All these show that that kind of commitment does not actually limit its space military strength. This is not about arms “control”, but about arms “expansion”—keeping the US the No.1 militarily in the world and expanding that lead through multilateral commitments.?

  • 中非领导人对话会 / China-Africa Leaders’ Dialogue?

Today’s quote:

- 当地时间昨天上午,习近平主席在比勒陀利亚同南非总统拉马福萨举行了富有成果的会谈并共同会见记者。 。。。 习近平主席强调,中国和非洲从来都是命运共同体。 ... 我期待同拉马福萨总统一道主持中非领导人对话会,同其他与会非洲国家领导人一道,擘画中非团结合作新蓝图,推动构建高水平中非命运共同体。?

On yesterday morning [August 23, 2023] local time, President Xi held fruitful talks with President Ramaphosa in Pretoria, and the two presidents jointly met the press.?... President Xi Jinping emphasized that China and Africa have always been a community with a shared future.?... He looks forward to co-hosting the China-Africa Leaders’ Dialogue with President Ramaphosa to draw up a new blueprint together with other participating African leaders for China-Africa unity and cooperation and to take the China-South Africa community with a shared future to a higher level.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 这次金砖国家领导人会晤期间,习近平主席将同南非总统拉马福萨共同主持中非领导人对话会,邀请中非合作论坛非方共同主席、非盟轮值主席、非洲次区域组织代表等出席。?

During the upcoming BRICS Summit, President Xi Jinping and South African President Cyril Ramaphosa will co-chair the China-Africa Leaders’ Dialogue. The African Co-Chair of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, Chairperson of the African Union and representatives of the regional economic communities have been invited to the event.?

  • 中南十年合作战略规划 / China and South Africa 10-Year Strategic Program of Cooperation Plan?

- 当地时间昨天上午,习近平主席在比勒陀利亚同南非总统拉马福萨举行了富有成果的会谈并共同会见记者。... 双方要以推进共建“一带一路”、落实中非合作论坛“九项工程”和《中南十年合作战略规划》为主线,巩固优势领域合作,培育合作新增长点。?

On yesterday morning [August 22, 2023 ]local time, President Xi held fruitful talks with President Ramaphosa in Pretoria, and the two presidents jointly met the press.?... With a focus on Belt and Road cooperation, implementation of the nine programs of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation as well as the 10-Year Strategic Program of Cooperation, the two sides need to consolidate cooperation in areas of strength and foster new growth points for cooperation.?

  • 主导外空 / dominant outer space?

Today’s quote:

- 美国提出的承诺只涉及“破坏性直升式反卫导弹试验”问题,没有提及此类武器的研发、生产、部署和使用,也没有提及其他威胁或破坏卫星正常运行的活动。 ... 当前,外空安全形势严峻,军备竞赛势头加剧,根源不是某种反卫武器试验,而是美国谋求“主导外空”,公然宣称外空为“作战疆域”,大力发展外空军力,构筑外空军事联盟,挑动大国对抗。?

The US commitment is limited to tests of destructive, direct-ascent anti-satellite (DA-ASAT) missiles and does not mention the research and development, production, deployment and use of such weapons, or any other activity that threatens or disrupts the normal operation of satellites.?... The current grave security situation and heightening arms race in the outer space is not caused by tests of a particular kind of anti-satellite weapon per se, but by the US quest for space dominance, its characterization of space as a “battlefield”, and all the steps it has taken to pour resources into space military capabilities, build space military alliances and stoke major-country rivalry. The US commitment does not address the real threat to outer space security. It solves neither the symptoms nor root causes.?

Previous PRC history of the term:

- 美方是外空武器化和战场化的主要推手,长期奉行主导外空战略,大力研发部署外空武器,频繁举行外空军事演习。?

The US is the main driver in turning outer space into a weapon and a battlefield. It has long followed a strategy of maintaining space dominance, aggressively developed and deployed space weapons and frequently conducted military drills in space.?

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