#Countdown No:2
Bongani Moyo (CC) (CL)
★Channel Business Manager ★Seasoned Toastmaster ★Innovative Thinker ★Leader ★Coach ★Strategist
After the interview I got the good news that I got the job and guess what, the call happened as I was busy dressing up to attend my graduation. When I was capped by Mama Graca Machel, I got up knowing that tomorrow I had to report at PEP to start a new journey as a taxpayer. What a privilege for me and I thought how many of the fellow graduates were in the same position as I. I learnt to appreciate the gifts that I receive because someone else may not have the same honor. I had the honor to be part of the pioneer group of university graduates to complete a Merchandise Trainee Planner program. That was my toughest and also amazing 6 weeks of my young life. We had different retailers also part of the program and we shared how great the culture of PEP is as they were amazed that we got pep mints every day. PEP mints are motivational messages we got from our MD.
The program tested the whole person and I learnt how I am able to think on my feet and work well with different group dynamics. I got the most humbling experience when all the delegates voted for me to give the thank you message to our organizers on their behalf. Also we had a Senior Leader from PEP doing the program with us and he said these words that have stayed with me since that period, that one day he would like for me to be part of his team. For me that meant he saw something that I did and he needed that skill set in his team.
Lesson 2: Do your very best every time as someone is watching and great rewards will follow.