#Countdown: No 3
Bongani Moyo (CC) (CL)
★Channel Business Manager ★Seasoned Toastmaster ★Innovative Thinker ★Leader ★Coach ★Strategist
Yes someone was watching me indeed as two encouraging team selections got me setting up my leadership foundation in PEP. I wrote this article 3 years ago https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/bonganimoyo_innovation-teamdiversity-powertoyoungminds-activity-6616274775767687168-nHw0?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop, as one of the team selections moments. The second is when I was asked to be a team leader in a CSI project the department was taking part in. I did not expect this as I was still new in the department but it was a humbling moment. My team had to paint an outside store room and sort out any areas that needed repairing. When we had the leaders meeting before the event I was the youngest in the room.
Lesson 3: Do not allow anyone to look down upon because you are young (1Tim 4:12). Your fresh mind is what is needed to get the business to the next level. A great company offers the young people a platform to share their views. PEP did that for me in my few years in the business.