The greatest benefit that we all have is simply being human. The best life that has ever existed on Earth is human life. The apex of the food chain is made up of people. It suggests that God's best creation is us. In addition to this, there are many more aspects of our lives for which we should be thankful. It starts with having a healthy body, a healthy mind, ideal body organs, a job, a family, money, a home, close relationships, friends, and a positive social environment, to name just a few.
Life is structured in such a way that if we are thankful for what we already have, we receive additional blessings, and if we are not, we lose what we already have. It all comes down to the law of attraction, which most of the time draws to us what we think and feel, whether those thoughts and feelings are good or bad.
Instead of wallowing in self-pity and lamenting about what we lack, we should recognise the worth of life, its qualities, and how to use it to our advantage. The choices and actions we conduct affect our life, which is what it is. It's not about other people; it's all about you, from beginning to end.