COUNCIL UPDATE - Winter Edition 2016

COUNCIL UPDATE - Winter Edition 2016

This is the Fourth and year end of what are regular quarterly Council updates from me as your Councillor, on Aurora Town Council. Updates are available on Facebook and via email. If you have received this email in error or wish to be removed from my contact list please let me know with an email reply and I will ensure you are removed from the contact list.
I have and will continue to post updates after every Council meeting on my Facebook page, so if you are on Facebook and would like to get caught up you can find me
The first year of the 2014 – 2018 term of Aurora Town Council has come to an end and it was certainly an interesting year! A great deal has been accomplished in our first year and I am looking forward to the next 3 years and continuing to “Get Things Done”.
For now I would like to highlight a few key things from the 4th quarter to keep residents informed.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome The Town of Aurora’s new CAO Doug Nadorozny. Doug has a wealth of knowledge and brings a passion to the position that will serve this Town extremely well moving forward into the future. I look forward to working with Doug and getting things done for this community! Welcome to Aurora Doug!

I had the honour of presenting my views on Bill 73 – Smart Growth for our Communities Act 2015 – before the Standing Committee on Social Policy at Queen’s Park. Now that it has passed, Smart Growth for Our Communities Act will give residents more say in how their communities grow, set out clearer rules for land use planning, give municipalities more independence to make local decisions and make it easier to resolve disputes. Here are my opinions on this Bill and in particular, how the current Planning Act affects - limits actually– municipal planning decisions in municipalities such as Aurora.
Here is the link to watch what I said:

Highland Gate Development Inc. has filed an appeal to the OMB.
I wanted to share my comments @ the Sept 30th 2015 Public Planning Meeting in regards to the re-development proposal of Highland Gate:

During the December 8th Council meeting, Council had before it the offer from Highland Gate Development Inc. for the Town of Aurora to buy the Golf course for 98.1 Million. Many members around the table raised concern about the nature of the offer (such as the encroachments issue) and in particular the price - myself included. I asked our Director of Planning how the proponents came to that number? The price of 98 million seems based on the cost per “developable land”. Yet the lands are currently zoned “Open Space” under our Official Plan. I asked, if no governing authority ( Council or the OMB ) have approved any amendments to our Official Plan, then how can land be valued at something that is not yet even allowed? That didn’t – and still doesn’t - make sense to me.Following the meeting, I received an email from a resident who had asked a planning consultant the very same question that I had asked our planning staff. The resident kindly provided the response from the planning consultant to me. And here’s what was stated,“Typically, an appraisal assesses the value of land as it is influenced by the prices paid for similar properties in the area of the property in question. It is the value of the property in its existing condition (state), and not as if the potential had actually been realized. The reason for this is that there is no guarantee that any proposed changes to the land use status of a property will be ultimately achieved. Furthermore, the complexity of achieving any required land use approvals varies depending on the nature of the proposed change….For example, if a property requires a minor variance and not a rezoning, then there is a higher degree of certainty that the required approvals are achievable. But if a property requires more complex land use approvals (such as a Regional Official Plan Amendment (OPA), a Local OPA, a Zoning Bylaw Amendment (ZBA), Site Plan Approval, or Subdivision Approval), then there is less certainty that all the required approvals are achievable” The offer to sell the property to the Town of Aurora for $98.1 million was rejected (on a resolution written by staff) on a recorded vote of 5 – 3 (Mayor Dawe, Councillors Pirri and Kim opposed) I have been and remain hopeful that the developer works with the residents and the Town to come to a resolution. More to come on this….

LED (conversion)
There was a concern raised that the Town had side stepped the procurement policy and was doing the taxpayers a disservice by not issuing a RFP of its own. During Council our Town solicitor informed Council that all the proper steps were followed and that our policy allows for the town to “piggy back” on another RFP. He further explained that LAS is part of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario family; 128 municipalities have signed on to use LAS for their streetlights LED program and Aurora being one of them. We have leveraged the volume buying power of numerous municipalities, which translates into big savings, and avoided the need to develop separate procurement processes required for design, supply, installation, and finance. LAS has done the time-consuming procurement work for us and has negotiated deep discounts. Most importantly we followed all of our policies and were transparent and open and received the best value for the residents of the town. I would say that’s a job well done by staff! Also all lights will be converted before the end of the first quarter of 2016.

This agenda item originated from my Motion that went before Council in early 2015 that asked staff to look at the winter maintenance program and report to Council on ways we can improve and be more efficient. I do have to say I was a little disappointed that this is the first year that the numbers (service level metrics) have been tracked. I am encouraged though that we will be moving to a new salt product (Thawrox) which will save us money by allowing the Town to minimize the amount of salt that is needed and eliminating the use of sand on the roads. This in turn will improve the service levels. I am looking forward to - after winter 2015/2016 - when we will receive some comparables. This will enable us to judge how successful our winter maintenance is and if there needs to be further tweaking to give the residents the level of service they deserve! Although with the very mild winter thus far it will be safe to say that there will be some savings, but the metrics might be a bit skewed. Stay tuned on this one as there will be more to follow over the winter I am sure….

Another Notice of Motion I put forward was to create a DRP (Design Review Panel) A DRP is comprised of volunteer design professionals including Architects, landscape architects, urban designers and engineers. They provide professional, objective advice on design of streets, parks, open spaces, and buildings. There are many municipalities that have created a DRP and have enjoyed the benefits of having this expert advice. I feel that this is a great step towards raising the standards of development and help ensure future new developments are compatible (fit) with their surroundings within our Town. This is what a DRP will help with… I am glad to say that my motion to create a volunteer Design Review Panel passed unanimously. Staff will work to create the terms of reference for the panel and bring them back for Council’s approval at a future meeting…. More to come on this…Stay tuned.

BUDGET – 1.8%
The approval of the Operating Budget (December 8th) was the earliest the budget has been approved in a decade. I think that together both Council and staff worked hard to come up with a new, more efficient way to deliver the budget. This budget has many of the aspects that I have been long advocating for and it is one that I think is great for our residents.

Some of the highlights are as follows:
1. The base budget reflects an overall tax increase pressure of 1.8%
2. A reduction in Hydro interest reliance of $100,000
3. A reduction of supplementary tax reliance of $75,000
4. Full time staff compliment to stay unchanged ( NO new hires)
5. Maintain or better the current service levels
I am looking forward to the coming year as the work will continue at the Finance Committee to look for more efficiencies across and within municipal operations. This budget puts Aurora in a great position moving forward, and we will continue to work to make sure that the residents’ money is well spent.

The Vision and Draft Concept Plan of the Cultural Precinct has been completed and Council will be looking the plan over during the holidays and will discuss this when we return at the January 19th meeting. The survey has also been re-opened to receive further input from any resident that would like to share their opinions and thoughts. Council will be voting on this concept plan in the New Year. As with any plan, they are just blueprints and guidelines on how to move forward. They give a vision but are not set in stone. But in my opinion this is a great first step in moving forward with the 20 yr. old question – what to do with Library Square! This “Vision and Draft Concept Plan of the Cultural Precinct” answers that question. This will also act as a kick start to the revitalization of the downtown core - one that is more vibrant and attracts all.
Here is the link for the presentation.

Here is the link for the Survey

The recommendations in front of Council were to have the back door opened via a fob system and allow access to those members with “qualified disabilities”. It was also recommended that Council spend $166,000 on new lockers. Let’s deal with the discussion around the back door first. Personally, I was a little puzzled as to why access to the back door would be limited to certain members. Would there be an added cost to allow ALL members access? Well, as it turns out, the $15,000 price tag to fit the door with a fob system is the cost for the installation and the mechanism itself. The fobs that everyone would carry are about a $1.00/piece. So in my mind why would we not allow ALL members access? They already have the fobs…So, I put forward an amendment to that effect. Unfortunately it was defeated 7-2, with Councillor Humfryes and myself the only 2 that wanted to allow access to the back door to ALL members of the AFLC. After a long and somewhat meandering debate, the back door access was approved but only for those members with “qualified disabilities” and those with mobility issues.
Now the purchase of new lockers was a different story. This one on a recorded vote was defeated unanimously 9-0 to not go forward with providing new lockers. In my opinion, $2 - $3,000 PER locker is a pretty steep price and I believe that this money could be better used in many other ways to make more and different improvements around the complex that would be a benefit to a broader range of residents.

Election Signs
One item before Council was the proposed revised sign bylaw review that staff was presenting for information. Staff have done a great job on the new by law and I am quite happy to see the changes that we will be implementing, certainly as it speaks to election signs. Staff aligned our bylaw with the Region’s. They’ve also worked in policies/procedures that I specifically had asked for when I put forth a notice of motion in early January 2015 that spoke to the need for changes to the bylaw when speaking to election signs. The next step for the bylaw is for it to go to EDAC and the Chamber for comments and then come back to Council for final approval. It makes sense to do this now, rather than wait another 3 years when we have the next election. Personally, I think it would have been great to move forward with this back when I put forward the motion almost a year ago – it would have avoided some of the confusion we saw in the recent federal election campaign with signs all over the place. But in any event, we are moving forward now and, as a result, will avoid a similar situation in the future.

Door To Door Sales

Another notice of motion that I put forward was to regulate door to door sales.
This motion speaks to – in my opinion – an urgent need for a Bylaw that will regulate door to door. Funny thing is that I noticed that when one of the papers reported on the motion and Council deliberations about it, the paper used the headline “Ban Door to Door”. I can say that there was and is no intent by the motion to do that. I would not like to see a ban on door to door sales/marketing as I believe there are many legitimate businesses that use this form of sales and it is an integral part of their marketing. The focus of the by- law in my opinion would be more of a background check so to speak, to make sure that the person or company knocking on your door are who they say they are. I believe that we all don’t want people at our doors that are misrepresenting themselves, being overly aggressive or in the worst case taking advantage of residents.
I envision the enforcement of the By-law as fairly straight forward; something like the way the Better Business Bureau receives complaints. If a resident is confronted with this type of door to door sales they could call the town and lay a complaint. The complaints would be filed and the business would be warned and the Town would investigate. If the complaints continue that is when the permit to go door to door would be pulled and they would not be allowed anymore.
There are many communities across the country that do this and in my opinion it is our duty to make sure that unscrupulous people/businesses are not harassing our residents at their homes.
After some discussion as to some of the language in the motion, it was passed 8-0 to have staff come back to Council with a report and ByLaw on how and what would be the best option re a by-law to regulate door to door sales/marketing for Aurora.

This item was passed unanimously the first time it was considered by Council and was brought before us again to reconsider as there was some complaints about the location. We heard from Col. Corkery of the Queen’s York Rangers (QYR) and from Ken White of The Aurora Legion. We heard how the Legion was in majority favoring the proposed location of the LAV and we heard the same from Col. Corkery. After hearing them speak, the motion to reconsider was withdrawn. All Councillors took the opportunity presented to restate why they were supported the original motion and location. I took the opportunity to explain that I voted in favor the first time and was voting in favor once again. In short, as the folks that have fought for our country feel that the LAV should be located at the Cenotaph then I support their opinion.

CANADA POST ( I Know… seems like it never ends..)
Canada post has announced the suspension of the conversion of door to door delivery to community mailboxes as of Monday in response to the changing mandate of the Government of Canada.
The conversion progress within the Town of Aurora is however unaffected as follows:
? The new announcement only affects those municipalities haven’t started the installation project.
? Any project already started before end of October will be completed as scheduled
? More than 90% of the community mailboxes have been installed;
? Less than 10% of the community mailboxes will be installed,
Canada Post contractors will complete the remaining mailboxes installation;
So what we do know is that since this has happened, there has been little to NO communications. I will continue to look at having many locations that are deemed to be unsafe relocated. In the meantime residents can contact their MP for questions on what is happening.


Aurora Sports Hall of Fame
The Relocation of the ASHOF (Aurora Sports Hall of Fame) to the Stronach Aurora recreation Complex was approved. In my opinion this is a good move as it puts the ASHOF in a public area where there is steady flow of traffic and room for possible expansion. I think this is a great place to house this as it is a Community sports arena. Looking forward to seeing the new Hall of Fame up and running.

Aurora Youth Soccer Club
Congrats to Jimmy Brennan on being inducted to the Canadian Soccer Hall of Fame and The Newmarket Hall of Fame as well… A well-deserved honor. Town of Aurora is very fortunate to have Jimmy as Executive Director of AYSC…

Here is my Notice of Motion that will be discussed at the January 26th Council meeting: My Motion will be requesting the province and The Honourable Ted McMeekin for much needed change to the powers of the OMB. I look forward to seeing interested residents at the meeting.

Till the next quarter as always I will be working with you - the residents - to “GET THINGS DONE"

Javed S. Khan, CD ????

Vice President, Advisor Marketing & Practice Management | Main Stage Professional Speaker | BombBomb Video Marketing Expert |

9 年

Excellent information and update Tom Mrakas You truly are getting things done my friend! Congratulations on all that you've accomplished and thank you for all that you do for the Town of Aurora. Hope to see you soon, Javed


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