Could Your IT Support Provider in Fort Lauderdale Protect Your Network From an Alien Attack (Cyber Attack)?

Could Your IT Support Provider in Fort Lauderdale Protect Your Network From an Alien Attack (Cyber Attack)?

Who Would Survive?

IT support in Fort Lauderdale is likely something your business needs. A recent study has shown that 32% of companies--- or about one in three--- feel confident should something like a cyberattack compromise them. That means the other two out of three would be wiped out should the worst come to the worst. Think of your business like a planet and cybercriminals like aliens attacking it. Now, across the worldwide federation of economically facilitating business planets, there are those that can sustain an attack from cybercriminal aliens and those who can't. Then there are a great number of entrepreneurial SMB "planets" that have never encountered any hostile cybercriminal aliens, so they simply have neglected their fortification through negligence.

Those unprepared entities could be entirely devastated should the right cybercriminal decide to target them, and the odds are tending in that direction. Taking a step back from the analogy, reports losses rooted in cybercriminal enterprise will top $2 trillion by 2019.


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