Could Your Small Business Benefit from a Brand Audit?

Could Your Small Business Benefit from a Brand Audit?

Businesses naturally evolve, but brands don’t (or can’t) always keep up. With rapid economic changes and shifting consumer habits, it’s imperative that your brand is adding value to your marketing efforts - not detracting from them.?

It’s easy to focus on surface-level things, like what the customer sees. But too often businesses don’t think about what motivates decisions - why the customer sees what they do. You care about your company and your clients. So you invest time and energy into making purposeful business decisions rooted in strategy, logic, and research. And it’s just as important to make marketing decisions the same way.

Does Your Small Business Need a Brand Audit?

A brand audit is the right process to engage when you’re ready to get to the root of your marketing challenges instead of trying to create another funnel or social media ad. This focused process will assist you with more important issues than a logo, fonts, or colors. It’s not just for obviously outdated brands, but for those who want to ensure they’re aligned and ready to maximize marketing strategies.?

Use this checklist to see if a brand audit is the right next step for your small business:

  • Is your brand attracting and retaining the right customers?
  • Is your brand attracting and retaining the right talent??
  • Does your messaging align with your vision and goals??
  • Is your culture clearly defined and quickly understood by your entire team and prospective talent?
  • How does your brand translate through each of your communications channels?
  • Is your brand being diluted due to new technologies, new competitors, or its own natural evolution?
  • Are your brand colors, fonts, and website fully accessible? Is your language clear, inclusive, and appropriate for your target audience?
  • What new problems, challenges, or opportunities have arisen since the last time your brand was updated?

How you answer these questions will guide you in your decision to pursue a brand audit. They’ll give you a solid rationale for investing your time and money into the practice. Or, they’ll give you peace of mind if you don’t believe changes are needed. A brand audit allows you to start with strategy and work toward a full rebrand if necessary. It’s an affordable way to take the first step without a huge upfront commitment.

How to Get Started with a Brand Audit

Whether you're looking for more traction, want to stand out from your competitors, or creating internal alignment, a brand audit will focus your brand efforts to make your marketing more meaningful.

Nominee is offering a Small Business Brand Audit for a limited time. It includes:

  • One 60-minute virtual discovery session
  • Assessment of marketing goals, objectives, and plans
  • Review of your competitive landscape
  • In-depth review of brand assets, website, communication channels, and marketing materials
  • Actionable, 3-5 page report with findings, recommendations, and clear next steps

We know your time and resources are valuable, so we've made this as fast and affordable as possible. Your investment of $2,575 is the first step to better connecting with your ideal audiences. You’ll receive your detailed report within two weeks of your discovery session.

FILL OUT THIS FORM to get started.

We're excited to serve your business and can't wait to invest in your organization.?Not a small business? Institution and Enterprise Brand Audits are available.?Email [email protected] and we're happy to help.



