Could You Be A Voice Actor?
In the course of a day, I’m often approached by people who want to know about working in voice over!
"I want to be a Voice Actor...
- What’s it all about?
- How do you get into it?
- Would I be any good at it?"
Of course, there are people who are actors, wanting to add another skill that will bring in another revenue stream for them.
Some people have distinctive and beautiful voices and are often told by others that they should be doing something with that voice.
Some have the typical 'announcer' style voice.
And others want to break out of their job into something thats more creative. They know that voiceover can be incorporated into their work life.
The Voice Over industry is possible to get into - if you have the skills!
And you don't need to be a trained performer to work in voiceover.
You won't necessarily be great at Voice Over just because:
- you're an actor,
- have a great voice,
- can mimic people or
- do character voices.
Voiceover is about a very specific set of skills that are more to do with having a marketing and sales brain, than just being a creative artist.
There are many people working in voiceover from all areas of life, who happen to have the right skills, the right personality and the tenacity to carve a niche for themselves as a voice actor.
The skills are based on your ability to comprehend what’s written on the page, from the client or advertisers perspective, then looking at that language, which will be loaded with keywords, key phrases and messages.
You also need to know how to convert it into language that makes you sound like the expert…and allows you to convince the listening audience to do what you want them to…on behalf of that advertiser or client.
The voice over actor is a conduit between the advertisers message and that audience.
Whether using your voice is part of your job…or you’d like to create another income stream using your voice, it helps if you know what you’re doing.
Many people can read. A good percentage of people can read well…and comprehend what they’re reading, but very few have the specific skills to work successfully in voiceover, whether it’s mainstream radio or television or the corporate sector.
For that, you need training!
If you do want to learn the skills, I can help!
My final one-day voiceover technique workshop for 2016 will be held in Melbourne on Saturday October 15 at the Malthouse Theatre.
Over the course of the day you'll get a real look at what’s involved in working in voice over and walk away with skills and techniques that you can start using immediately.
I love to share what I know about this fascinating profession.
Here’s the link for a look at what happens on the day.