Could you pass a history test?

Could you pass a history test?

How many stars are on the American flag?

Name the first three Presidents of the United States.

What year did the US become a nation?

How many states are in the union?

Name the last two states to join the union.


These are the questions when asked recently to American college kids. These are the same questions that were asked back in 2008 and 2014 and even 2019. And the answers given were, “I have no idea”, “To whatever”, to “I should know this”.


Here it is in 2022 going on 2023 and American college students from private colleges, public colleges, trade schools, and junior colleges still do not know the answer to these questions.


A production crew, (for a cable show on college students and what they know) was sent out to ask students in various colleges around the US. The production crew surveyed students at each college and if the college student answered at least 15+ questions correctly, they were given gift cards to use at their local college bookstore, coffee shop or nearby restaurants.


The production crew was astonished that only about a third of students from about forty colleges answered at least fifteen or more questions correctly. The reasons why these students answered the questions correctly were because they had recently come out of the military and had taken it upon themselves to learn history. Or the students were history, political science, or criminal justice majors. And another possibility is that the students just loved history and grew up with a love of the subject matter.


Case-in-point, David Bruce Smith, founder of the Grateful American Foundation, back in 2015 was interviewed for a piece about why Americans do not know history. And the answer was less than you know.


Students were asked about pop fads, and they seemed to know more about popular culture than history but overall, what was alarming is Americans, in general, do not know history.


A study in 2008 by the Intercollegiate Institute surveyed more than 2500 Americans and said only half of the adults in the country could name the three branches of the government correctly.


A 2014 report from the National Assessment of Educational Progress found out only 18% of eighth graders were proficient in US history and only 23% in civics. Only a few people who were asked knew what the term “civics” even meant.



David Bruce Smith 2014 started the interactive educational series Grateful American Foundation their aim is to restore how instructors can make American history enjoyable to learn again.?


Smith started the foundation and the Great American book prize in 2015 for authors of kid-friendly books have hoped that generations would instruct their children about American factual history. Smith said he was discouraged about the US cross-generational genuine blindness in this country.


?Smith said teaching kids' history is on the teachers, who are the problem so far in this country. He added that parents are also illiterate on history as well and parents need to rely on classroom learning and instructors in general to teach the factual history of our country.


But by the recent survey done by the production crew on US college campuses, this has been proven wrong. The percentage of students who know anything about our country has gone from bad to worse, especially when classrooms are pushing critical race theories and plain nonsense. Mostly viewed as opinions from books accepted by teachers' unions and school administration.


One book in question is the 1619 project that came out in August 2019. The author was Nikole Hannah Jones who is a journalist for the New York Times Magazine and who won the Pulitzer Prize for the book. The book is a collection of essays talking about how slavery impacted the economy and reframing the history of the US, especially about black Americans.


The 1619 project was considered adequate teaching material at schools K through 12th grade in certain states. And school children were being taught that this is the truth, and you should believe the 1619 curriculum. Anything else defining American history is incorrect.


?Reviews from college professors in history, political science, and criminal justice all said the 1619 book is gibberish. Several historical fact-checkers from various university history departments and news organizations decided to check the sources used in the book.


?One professor said the book is filled with factual errors and theories on capitalism by the author herself. He stated that the book said that the US began in 1619 because that is when slavery had started, not 1776. The author forgot to mention that in 1619 the US was still under British rule.








The author said Abraham Lincoln was a racist and white supremacist, but he signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 that all slaves shall be free. And that the thirteen colonies went to war because of slavery, this idea was argued over by a professor of African American history from Northwestern University. The author is wrong she said that there were other issues on why the American Revolution took place instead of protection of slavery.


Another professor said only factual and complete US history must be taught in school and the 1619 book is only a person’s assumptions taken from her own numerous sources on what may have happened back then. The professor said the author guessed what had taken place and presumed it was the truth. She added this is the danger of this book. The author is a journalist and not an actual historian of US history. And there are no sources listed such as footnotes and bibliography to back up the author’s claims.


The National Association of Scholars an association of academics signed a letter to the Pulitzer Prize board in 2020 and said that the author of the 1619 book must revoke her prize because the emphasis on the book was that slavery was the reason the US country began and that the New York Times had started to delete the main claim of her essay. As time went on, the newspaper began to build a bridge between what was printed in the book and the author herself. The New York Times has been challenged repeatedly by people who criticize the writing of the book and why the newspaper chose to publish the author’s assumptions without doing their own research into the material themselves.


The newspaper's defense is that the publishers are blaming the editors and vice versa and a statement finally released said that the newspaper itself jumped on the bandwagon of what they assumed was the truth behind the book’s writings.


However, the idea of the 1619 assumptions is being taught in the US school system.

In Loudoun County Virginia, parents stood up to the rhetoric that is supposed to be history, but it is not. Parents praised the new governor who promised to put actual history books back in their school system. Now schools have started to go back to teach about the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, who the founding fathers were, and what they stood for in the US.


Other school districts in certain states are still being taught instead of history, what are your pronouns? How is your race superior to another or what is your true gender?


One instructor at a high school said that the curriculum presently is on suppression of one race or sex over another. Another teacher at another high school said that anti-racists have become so ardent in combating racism and gender issues that everything taught in school today is racism/gender from mathematics, spelling, and English to language learning and computer technology.


He added that you as an instructor cannot teach any decent subject because of fear of a student/s complaining that the subject matter being taught is racial strife or causing students to feel incompetent because they are not understanding the material, or they are just not prepared to learn the material. He explained what happens is the student tells the parent that they are not learning math so it must be racism because only Asian students in the class are learning math. Or in computer technology courses it must be a gender bias because only boys are learning the subject matter. He said the teacher is to blame because of what is being taught.


Another high school history teacher said the emphasis instead of learning our country’s history is on learning how our founding fathers treated diversity and transgender issues in the past. For instance, slaves and how they came to the US and how the masters treated them, and what LGQBT was recognized in American history. She also added that she has taught that J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser and John F. Kennedy dipped into his wife’s makeup to wear on special occasions.


One high school student in upper-state New York said she found out that her high school was getting paid a certain amount of dollars by the state to push race theory. She had inquired to ask if this was against racism being taught in her high school, but she found out it was critical race theory and it was meant to divide her class into subgroups. She spoke up and was told by her professor to mind her own business. But since she was the senior treasurer of the student body, she took the initiative to the school board who said they wanted race theory to be taught in her high school. She was astonished that this was happening in America. Her history teacher tried to have her expelled because she was the instructor over the senior student body but instead, other students and instructors shunned the student, she had kept her ground and now is currently convincing other students to tell their stories on how their high schools are dividing students based on race, gender, and sexuality. The student said her mother is from Iran and her grandfather lost his family during the holocaust. She also said that she has family throughout Europe and the school kept incorporating that she only speaks to kids that were from her own country.


One Oregon teacher, who recently quit said there is a test called the privilege test (usually given in history class presently called morals and ethics or equity course) and asking students essay questions (which are particularly chosen by the school administration) and ranking answers compared to your classmates on how or where you are in the privilege database. The wording is specifically geared toward race. If a student answers these trick questions, the message is you are privileged from your formative years in your life and the instructor has the right to treat you good or bad depending on the answers the student gave on this test. The teacher then notifies the class of how they should behave toward this student. In other words, students could end up bullying this child due to their answers on the test and what the teacher thinks this child is, not on their schoolwork in the classroom.


This teacher said, the idea is to say America is a racist country and our founding fathers are racist and so is the US Constitution, so we need a revolution or uprising due to our country being divided. But she added the school union/administration is the one dividing the school and classroom.


A former California school representative (who left the education field) said that about 90% of teachers feel that they know more than any child’s parent, what is best for their child in learning in the classroom. He added that the teachers will say that they spent the last five to six years learning education on how to instruct their child and that the studies they learned in college, such as critical race theory, transgender, etc. are better for your child.


The teachers feel that the parents are only the caregivers of the child, but the teacher is the real parent to instruct this child. But the teachers forget that the child is only there at school for a certain amount of time, four or five days a week, and the child goes back home the rest of the time and is home at the weekends.


He added, it is crazy and these teachers with the teacher’s unions and administration control the school district. He added you have many people running a school district including teachers who are out of touch with reality. It is serious. Many school districts hate the people that they are serving. It is embarrassing. They hate their parents. They should not be teaching at all.


Some administration or union members go back to teaching because some unions pushed them into power, or they felt they had an entitlement. Some people are promised a promotion or salary increase but they must go back to the classroom for a period before they get that promotion or next position. They are only killing time but collecting a large paycheck until they go to the next level of their career. One woman admitted she had to go back and teach in her high school classroom again because she was waiting to get a union job when the former union member retired.?She had not taught for five years.



Another mistake that usually happens is a person/s is being investigated for fraudulent behavior or some other conduct that is a union member or part of the school administration. They go back into the classroom until the disagreement or investigation is finished, which could take anywhere from six months to five years. Most of these administration or union members do not belong back in a classroom much less in the education field. They don’t care about children or what is being taught. The only thing they care about is their pay, pension, and their career level. And the school administration/union is hiding this person in the classroom until the dispute or investigation is over. Then they go back into their union/administration job.?


How the system works, is the school union leaders pay for the elections of their candidates. That same school board negotiates with the union for their annual pay increases. It is a conflict of interest but also legal. Therefore, he stated we have so many people who should never have gone into the education system now running our education institutions. These are the people in charge, calling the shots on what should be taught in the classrooms. And therefore, our schools are getting a lot of nonsense taught to children, especially the history of our country.


New Mexico recently conducted a study and found out 30% of students only knew English in the kindergarten through 8th grades. And many students did not know that the English language originated in England from the Ingvaeonic languages from Northwest Germany.


?Also, the history being taught in New Mexico schools was that Mexico should still own New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, and California. Another instructor in Florida said that she is finishing her degree in education, and she decided to go to trade school instead of teaching because the school district had textbooks stating that Florida should be bought by Cuba because so many Cubans live in Florida. And the founding fathers were homophobic because they all dressed similarly. She could not believe the poppycock in the textbooks approved by the school board for her to teach history.?She decided to go to trade school when she found that the young students learning socialism/communism are acceptable in some Florida schools.


Another subject not taught is geography. Students were asked on a US map drawing to point where New Mexico state was located only about a quarter could point where the state was located on a map.


Students were asked recently in New Jersey to name the state flower or the state bird and only a few students knew viola Sororia (violet) was the flower, and the Eastern Goldfinch was the state bird. No one knew the state tree was the Red Oak.


Students (about 150) were asked in Maryland to pick a foreign country and write an essay about where it is located, the history of the country, and how it is related to the USA. No one knew that the US borders Canada and Mexico. Again only a few knew the English language was brought over from England.


Students in Wisconsin were asked to fill out a world map and only a few were able to recognize the USA on the world map. And what were the tribes’ names, the original inhabitants of Wisconsin? Only two or three students knew the answers because they have ancestry from the tribes.


Only a hand full of students in Washington schools knew when women’s suffrage began. Or what year when women could drive a vehicle or when women could sit on a jury? Wyoming and Washington were the first two states to have women sit on juries in the 1890s (because of a shortage of men) before other nearby states accepted women on juries in 1920.


As one teacher said from New Hampshire, she had taught in about four different states due to her husband’s military career and abroad. She said students in the US are being dumb-downed because school districts want students to be ignorant and stay that way. The teacher had asked the school administration, why would you want children not properly taught in the classroom?


The answer she received was that this is the way the school teaches from one administrator and another one said, parents can instruct their children one way, and we (the school) teach them another. The teacher said no wonder children are given conflicting information in school.


What is being done to teach history in US schools?


States are speaking up, like Virginia, and saying that Loudoun County schools have the right idea, and they are starting to follow the same route. They are teaching about the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of independence. And students are pushing back on what they are being taught.


Several students have spoken up in classrooms and at school board meetings denouncing the rhetoric they are being taught in the classroom. The students are quoting teachers who are dividing the classroom into subgroups and telling students to learn only about certain subjects based on their own race and hang out at recess/lunch with only their own race and gender.


The production crew who went out to US colleges are hoping that parents are waking up to what has been taught or is not being taught about American history in our schools. So, when the production crew starts asking beginning college students about US history, geography, etc. They will know the answers.


These are some of the questions being asked on college campuses. See if you know the answers.


1)?How many representatives are in the House and Senate?

2)?How often can the representatives run for office?

3)?Name the Vice President and Speaker of the House?

4)?Name two branches of government?

5)?Which American Presidents spoke the most languages and if you can, name the Presidents??Name the languages that they can speak.

6)?Name the thirteen colonies?

7)?What are the first ten amendments to the Constitution called?

8)?Name two rights from the declaration of independence?

9)?How many amendments does the Constitution have?

10)?Who is your state representative or who is your district’s representative?

11)?Who are your state’s governor and your county’s mayor?

12)?Who is your city’s mayor and how long have they held this position?

13)?Name your state’s motto, flower, bird, and state tree?

14)?What industries is your state known for and what industry has been successful in your state?

15)?Name the industries in your state that are still functioning today?

16)?How many languages are spoken in your state?

17)?Name the states that surround your state?

18)?Name the Indian tribes that are from your state and still active today?

19)?How many counties are in your state and name as many as you can.

20)?What are the top three to five recognizable universities/colleges in your state?

21)?How many stripes are on the American flag?

22)?What do you do with the American flag when it is time to retire it?

23)?Name four American holidays?

24)?What year did your state join the union?

25) For film buffs, name three American-made films that depicted natural US historical events.

?These are some of the questions that are asked. But if you want to challenge yourself more, take the citizenship test that future Americans must take to become a US citizen.


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