Could you make a speech to a bunch of strangers? If not, read on..
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Could you make a speech to a bunch of strangers? If not, read on..

Glossophobia or speech anxiety is the fear of public speaking. Apparently, 75% of all people experience some degree of anxiety or nervousness when it comes to public speaking, making it the most widespread phobia of them all.

So, my assumption is that when faced with the photograph above, or moreover, what it potentially represents, three-quarters of all people reading this will consider it a situation that they wouldn't want to find themselves in! Indeed, if you are thinking 'I'd love to grab that microphone and make an impromptu speech to a group of random people', then you are in a significant minority.

From my perspective, as a person who makes a living from public speaking, I felt compelled to ask myself the same question... do I ever get nervous? The answer is not straight-forward.

When I'm on stage in front of an audience I get a huge rush... it feels fantastic. It can absolutely be described as a tremendous 'high'. Accordingly, the advance prospect of public speaking always gets me excited, and I imagine that has something to do with anticipating the rewards of getting up there! However, there is a moment in the seconds before I walk on stage where the feeling can be described as walking the tightrope! My heart is pumping, adrenaline surging... it could be described as nerves! But is it the same?

Nervous or Excited?

There are many things that make me truly nervous, where my heart pumps and adrenaline flows. For example, when faced with standing on the edge of a high diving board, it makes me freeze! However, when faced with a mic and an audience those feelings push me forward. I guess we would recognise this as a fight or flight response?

To me (i'm not a neuroscientist) it appears that for both scenarios the same chemicals are being produce in the body. Whether it's fear or excitement that you experience seems to depend on how your brain interprets them.

So, my question is this: Is it possible to take someone that experiences a profound fear of public speaking and help them develop their skills and confidence to such a degree, that when the rush of adrenaline arrives their brain interprets the experience as positive? So that it triggers a fight response?

Is it possible to make an accomplished public speaker of anyone?

Could you take absolutely anyone and help them to reinterpret their fears and deliver a truly memorable wedding speech, inspirational business presentation, conference keynote or even a motivational team meeting? And enjoy doing so?

Over the years, I have helped many people conquer their speaking anxieties and develop their speaking and presentation skills, but in most cases they weren't completely wracked with fear to begin with. What I want to know now, is whether it is possible to achieve this for someone that feels completely terrified!

The Experiment

So, I am embarking upon an experiment and I'm looking for someone to take part. Are you someone that finds the prospect of public speaking nauseating? Could you simply not imagine stepping on a stage in front of an audience and delivering a confident, rousing speech. Have you ever been asked to deliver a best-man (or woman) speech for a friend's wedding and had to decline because of nerves? If so, I would love to hear from you.

I am looking for one person to take part in this experiment that falls in to the above category. Someone who would sincerely like to address their issues and embark upon a course of action to try and transform them in to a confident, engaging speaker. Could that be you?

To be clear.... I'm not selling anything here. If you apply to be considered and are chosen, the whole process will be free. For everyone that applies and is not chosen to participate, you will only hear from me in relation to this project and once I have selected the person to work with, you will be notified and that's the last you will hear from me.

Let me explain who I am looking for:

  • Firstly and foremost, I only want someone who has a real fear of public speaking, and would sincerely like to do something about it. I'm not looking for people that are 'okay' with it but would like to improve!
  • You will have to be resident in the UK as we will need to meet periodically.
  • It would be good if you had something to work towards. For example, you have to make a speech at an upcoming event (personal or business), you have to speak at a key meeting, you have an important presentation in the pipeline, etc
  • You must be prepared to commit to the full development process. This includes 1-to-1 coaching sessions, 'homework' practice, Skype/Zoom sessions, etc.
  • You must be over 21.
  • Outside of this, you can be anybody. Whether you are self-employed, in a junior or senior position in a company or unemployed. Likewise it doesn't matter whether you want to do this because you have a speech to make at a friend's birthday or whether you have to stand up in front of 1000 people at a shareholders meeting.

So, would you like to be considered? Yes? Then click this link and apply.

If this is not for you, please help me get the message to a wider audience by sharing on your page or tagging anyone that you know, who you feel may benefit from taking part.

Thanks for reading, Paul.


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