Could you back everyone into an empowering corner?
Russell-Olivia Brooklands (ROB) FIIC
From frustration to fulfilment for IC Specialists: we can enable you to develop Shareable Justifiable Confidence in your working practices, to secure the influence you desire with your business leaders.
Why should you care if your IC practices are Transparently Fit for Valid Purposes (TFVP)?? What's the big deal?
When you first look at those four steps we discussed last time, you might initially think this TFVP thing looks like a lot of faffing about. And if you share this idea with your leaders, some of them might also choose to describe it in those terms.?
Of course, you could call it due diligence. But even then you may come across folk moaning that “It looks like undue diligence to me”.? So why is TFVP necessary?? What’s in it for you? What's in it for your leaders, your clients and your organisation?? In a word: everything.
What are the alternatives?
TFVP creates a new paradigm in which only four possibilities can exist.
Whatever IC practice you want to consider: your briefing process, language standards, feedback systems etc, if its purpose isn’t valid it must, by default, be invalid.? Similarly, if your practices are not transparently fit for that purpose they must, by default, be transparently unfit.? Therefore, anyone who would try to stop you using practices which are TFVP must – by default – demand that your practices be either:
?And given the impact internal communication has on employee performance and well-being, what kind of lunatic business leader would demand one of those other three?
Those three alternatives are logically indefensible.? Or are they?
A matter of degree
As neat as this model looks at first glance, in the real world things aren’t that simple.? Neither validity nor fitness are necessarily black and white issues.? It can often be possible to see different degrees of validity.? In the example we looked at last time, where the client was saying “The purpose of this communication is to inform the employees about the product launch” it’s certainly incomplete; it needs more detail.? (What's the purpose of informing those employees?) So it's not yet valid. But it’s surely not as invalid as saying “The purpose of this communication is to inform the employees that I’m having a bad day.”
Similarly, there can be different degrees of fitness for purpose of different practices.? How fit for purpose is, say, an approvals process which is thorough, but sometimes prone to going round in circles?? How much fitter could some of your practices be??
That’s why our graphic has arrows at the end of the axes, to show that we’re discussing two continuums.? And the question is: how much more valid could your purposes could be?? And how much more fit your practices??
Backing your leaders into this corner
If you can get your leaders to realise that the alternatives to TFVP are indefensible (commercially, ethically, any which way they choose to cut it), you'll have backed them into this empowering corner. This simple paradigm shift sets a logically inescapable direction of travel for you to create your dream working set-up – which no one can reasonably argue against.
It's how you can start to establish criteria for your justifiable confidence, in which your key decision-makers can share.? In theory, at least.? But what about in practice? ?If everyone’s going to have justifiable confidence that your IC practices are TFVP, you first need valid purposes for which they can be fit.? And to have justifiable confidence those purposes are valid, you need a valid purpose for Internal Communication itself, do you not??
This is what we’ll start exploring next time. But if you don't want to wait, you can always drop us a DM. We'll be delighted to talk you through how you can get ahead of the game.
About the author
We are Russell+Olivia Brooklands (ROB) - and we've been working in the field of Internal Communication for over 25 years.?We specialise in enabling IC Teams to get everything they want, to do the job exactly the way they want to do it – for good.? If you're an IC Manager we can help you secure all the:
…you desire (and may not yet have).
Some people don't dare to dream this is doable.? But in fact it's all within your grasp.? And imagine what a difference it could make to your day-to-day working life, and your long-term career, if you had it all. We’ll be delighted to explain how you can make it happen.? Message us if you’d like to have a chat.
From frustration to fulfilment for IC Specialists: we can enable you to develop Shareable Justifiable Confidence in your working practices, to secure the influence you desire with your business leaders.
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