Could The World Please Take A Chill Pill?
I continue to be amused with everything going on around in the world and it seems the biggest news is about Elon Musk doing exactly what he said he was doing…thumping his hand over his heart and then throwing it out to the crowds in front of him and behind him as a true leader should acknowledge those in front and those left behind.
As Elon very correctly stated:
I found it funny how the general sheep population immediately jumped to figure out a way how to twist Elon’s simply hand gesture into yet one more divisive issue that only true dumbasses take pleasure in. For those who are questioning this, please reread the third bullet above that Elon stated before making his gesture of literally…throwing his heart out to the crowd.
I also find it incredibly funny how sheep in general forget about their past and realize that the name of the salute those people in the United States used when saying the pledge of allegiance to our flag was called the Bellamy Salute. Then the fascists and Nazis hijacked it for their own twisted use.
I do not believe that was Elon Musk’s intentions at all…he was doing exactly what he said…throwing his heart out to the crowd.
Just for the record, I use Wikipedia regularly to help do a quick and more refined search then simply doing a search based on an algorithm that can also be influenced by who pays for better search engine rankings. I do not rely solely on any one website, however, Wikipedia has been a nice resource for me and I have donated money to help support Wikipedia’s efforts and would encourage anyone else who utilizes this resource to support Wikipedia and other community based knowledge resources while there is still some independence in what we are all fed for “information”.
I have publicly stated before that I believe Elon Musk’s heart to be in the right place and in fact, before I read all of the nonsense about his hand gesture and read the whole story…it makes sense that he was simply gesturing throwing his heart out to the crowd as a positive commitment to do what is trying to do with the intelligence and resources he has access to that the rest of the world has been waiting for.
I have often thought of Elon as a true Gladiator of the future who is on a mission to bring peace on Earth and to help humanity achieve the goals that each and every human being wants…to simply live in peace, raise their families and spend time with their friends, and most importantly…leave a better world for our children and future children than what we all inherited. A lifecycle of continuous improvement for humanity. That’s how I see what Elon Musk is trying to do…that a bunch of dumbasses are trying to twist around for their own selfish pleasures of creating chaos.
I’ll even go further and state that when I watch the full video of Elon making his statements and then making the hand gesture throwing out his heart to the crowd…I saw him doing the gladiator thing but this time also throwing out a discus of peace along with his heart…out to humanity.
Hey Elon, I don’t care what these dumbasses are saying about you…I’m going on the belief that your heart is indeed in the right place and that you are in fact a Gladiator For Peace. Thank You and I hope people start paying attention to all of the very GOOD things you continue trying to do for humanity despite people simply being themselves. Hence why the world is in the current situation we find ourselves in…yet again…
Time for Part 2.025…so we can all get back to business doing GOOD things and stop wasting so much time on this circus of clowns.
For the Young Professionals out there…please keep an open mind and seek information to draw your own conclusions and leave the rest of the sheep for the wolves that will soon be coming.
In the interim, besides keeping the faith and staying focused, keep up with your Hard work, Dedication, Training, and Education.
This article can also be found on the Substack newsletter: "Could The World Please Take A Chill Pill?"
Experienced Environmental Health and Safety Professional
1 个月Here is another one for conversation's sake...
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