This is how Unity Mindset helps you transform your business?? [examples inside]
Unity Mindset is the awareness that you are unique BUT you're never alone. You're never truly separate from others.
Whatever you do, it reflects on everything there is, because you're forever linked to everything!
Sorry 'bout the yelling.
Here's how my colleague D. Chopra explains Unity Mindset (also known as Unity Consciousness) in a much calmer manner:
"Unity consciousness is a state where we pierce the mask of illusion, which creates separation and fragmentation. Behind the appearance of separation is one unified field of wholeness. Here the seer and the scenery are one."
Okay, fine, but now you might wonder how you could improve your entire business with such blah blah woo woo philosophies?
Think of it this way.
Because we are all One...
Whatever you do to your clients or colleagues, you're doing it to yourself. ??
Awareness changes everything
We've been unconsciously trained that "every man is an island."
Still, the very word colleague stems from a Latin origin and means "with, together" - so, we're all in this together, especially in business.
How do you feel after this article? Are you ready to transform the way you perceive and treat others?
Lemme re-introduce myself ??
I'm Una Singh, and I help wounded healers and soul-led leaders resolve their overthinking patterns, illusions of inadequacy, and low self-worth.
These are some of the healing tools I love to use:
? Regression therapy: helping you resolve core emotional trauma(s)
? Deep-dive intuitive mentorship
? Sound healing
? Human design
? Embodiment (including powerful heart intelligence practices)
? ..and throughout it all, I'm supporting you with gentle presence and profound compassion (which, in my opinion, are the essential ingredients).
If you're here to awaken and heal, thus UPGRADE YOUR LIFE ON ALL LEVELS, I'm offering you solid support, help, and guidance through program Phoenix. Let's talk:
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