Could the Secret be this Simple?
Govind Davis
Enigmatic Business Adventurer ? Strategic & Technical Problem Solver ? Growth Hacker
When I first got serious about Yoga, around 41 years ago, I really did not understand any of it.
Now it feels like most of it would have been easy to understand, if I just knew what I was 'looking at'.
Here's an example.
In the Ashtanga Yoga tradition, which is mostly what I refer to, the Gateway to the higher practices of Yoga is Pratyahara. It's the step before you get into what people often call a Meditative State.
Pratyahara is associated with the Chakra Ajna, which synonymous with the Third Eye. And that's where the clue to what Pratyahara is and how you can gain access to your Spirit at will.
Guess what, we all have an 'inner theater' or 'mental workspace', call it what you will. It's obviously a thing, science understand very little about it, and it's exactly the domain of Yoga.
Pratyahara is simple. Switch to your 'inner space'. The next stages of Yoga are all about what you do in there.
Yes, I spent years visualizing a point of light every waking moment and didn't realize this basic concept until many years later.
In fact, what gave me a clearer perspective was some ideas that connect the pineal gland with the Ajna Charka. I do think it's possible the Pineal Gland is some kind organ that play our 'inner theory' though it's not important one way or another.
What is important is understand that Pratyahara is all about turning or our outer sense and engaging our Consciousness.
In the late 19th century?Madame Blavatsky , founder of?theosophy , identified the pineal gland with the Hindu concept of the?third eye , or the?Ajna chakra . This association is still popular today.[75] ?The pineal gland has also featured in other religious contexts, such as in the?Principia Discordia , which claims it can be used to contact the goddess of discord?Eris .[86]