Could This Old School Business Owner Predictably Generate A Steady Flow Of New Customers Online And Win In Today’s New Technology World?
Carliff Rizal Dato' Carleel
Founder & CEO, YesHello, | YesHello is a sales software for SMEs that connects all your Sales Agents | Engineering Digital Futures: Empowering Profitability, One Automation at a Time
Could this old school business owner predictably generate a steady flow of new customers online and win in today’s new technology world even without spending crazy amount of money or spending hours studying?
As a father, husband who is also a business owner, it seems like I have to do everything.
Especially when my business was first making a profit. I remember telling myself … “C’mon, let’s do this man!
I’m an entrepreneur, to be successful, I have to do everything, just for now, until things get better”.
So from marketing to sales to customer service to delivering the product, I’m doing it.
Sometimes I even have to make the product myself before-hand, and then fix it for the customers when it stops working.
For me, the worst part is when I am doing sales and marketing, I cannot go and fulfil on the service.
And the times I am fulfilling on the order, I can’t sell or market my business to get new customers.
So what happens is this, I am constantly in this yo-yo of having lot’s of business, then no business at all.
Having lot’s of money, then having no money at all!
The times when I have no business, I push myself to go out and sell, and I get results.
Then once some people buy, I go fulfil it and then I have lots of money again.
Then after some time goes by, I realise I don't have money again because while I was fulfilling the order, I forgot to sell and market my business.
So now I have no customers, so I have to sell again.
And this endless cycle continues.
The result of this is my income is never consistent.
Sometimes my income is high, and sometimes my income is low.
And sometimes I have no income at all. It is so stressful!
It’s stressful because I can’t rely on a steady income.
Which means that my family can’t rely on me bringing in a steady income.
Which creates this constant mood of uncertainty and doubt in my home with my wife and children.
This also means I am always behind paying my bills.
I’m always being chased by creditors.
My son says I always look stressed.
My daughter says I always look tired.
My wife complains that I’m never home spending time with her.
This makes me sad and feel so alone.
I always have this fear of opening the mail from the postman because it's almost always going to be those warning letters for unpaid bills when I open them.
And then when it comes to thinking about holidays or buying a new TV, or going for a nice dinner, I cannot seem to plan for things because I’m not sure when the next pay check is coming in!
I always have to think so hard before buying things I like, it's sad.
And when I buy things for myself, I feel so guilty, I can’t even enjoy it :(
It always feels like I’m gambling with my family’s life, because I’m never sure if the next payment is coming in or not next month.
I’m not sure if I can afford to pay my bills or not this month.
Even when a big payment finally comes in, most of it goes to paying those outstanding bills.
Plus, adding to that, I also have to pay the penalty for paying it late!
I can’t save for my future, much less for my family’s future.
We are always in debt.
I can’t invest.
It feels like I will always be stuck in this hole!
I always need to borrow money from family and friends.
They are always confused why I have to borrow money.
When in fact they know I make a good living with my business.
They see the prices I charge.
They see all the sales my company makes.
They see the car that I drive, and the home that I stay in, and the wonderful neighbourhood that we live in, it all looks like I am doing well enough!
This is why when I am alone by myself, thinking of my business and my life, I often feel ashamed, stressed, embarrassed, frustrated, and angry at myself.
So often I had doubts if what I am doing in my business right now is the right thing to do!
If only there was someone who could point me in the right direction.
If only there was a service that could help me get started doing the right thing when it comes to marketing and sales.
And if only they would DO IT FOR ME, just to show me how it’s done, not forever, but long enough for me to learn how it’s supposed to be done.
If only this service existed, then I wouldn’t have to feel so frustrated, angry and tired all the time.
If only this service existed, then I wouldn’t have to look at my face in the mirror every day and feel like I’m not good enough.
That’s when I began researching how those online DIGITAL entrepreneurs are really doing it.
It took me awhile to figure out who were the genuine ones and who were the pretenders, and here are some myths online that was totally screwing it up for me …
MYTH #1: Good Products Don’t Need Publicity!
> The "If You Build It, They Will Come" mindset is FALSE. It doesn't matter how good your products are--no one's coming to you, especially online. Instead, you have to go out and sell yourself/product/service to the world, just like in real life. And just like in real life, people like to buy from people they know, like and trust!
MYTH #2: Don’t Bother With Facebook Ads, Nobody’s on Facebook and Nobody Click Ads!
> Before I got into any kind of online digital marketing, I never clicked ads. Ever. Maybe it’s because I grew up when online advertising was synonymous with popups and viruses. So I was always scared to click on it. But the numbers don’t lie. As of this year, 26% of Facebook users who clicked on ads reported making purchases. This is crazy because right now, there are 1.5 billion daily active users on Facebook. You might not like to click on online ads, but if you do it properly, it really does work.
MYTH #3: It’s Digital, Results are Instant.
> Lots of people believe that if you do digital marketing right, you’re going to get instant results. The truth is that even if you do your campaign right, you may not see results instantly. Most of the time, digital marketing generates good results in the long run. Yes, Digital marketing can be easily tracked, therefore, gives you clarity if a campaign is getting you good results or not. But what it does not guarantee is INSTANT results.
MYTH #4: There’s a (tip/trick/workaround) I Can Use to Cheat The System and Make Millions!
> Don’t fall for this! There is NOT an easy way to succeed. This is the same whether it’s online or not online. The truth seems obvious. Of course you can’t just win at life with ‘This One Simple Trick’. If you could, everyone would do it and we’d all be millionaires. The same applies for digital marketing. There is no quick fix. There’s no easy way. You’ve just got to put in the time and effort. It may not be the exciting answer you’re looking for, but it’s true. You just have do it.
MYTH #5: I Need to Rank #1 on Google For (insert keyword here)!
> Of course! Being number one on Google is a great position to be in! You’re going to get a lot of traffic and traffic equals leads, which equal customers, which equals profit, right? Kinda. Yes, ranking first in Google is great, but it doesn’t just happen out of nowhere. You will need to compete with some big name companies. Plus it takes a long, LONG time to rank in Google. How many more leads could you generate by spending your time somewhere else?
Digital marketing can transform small businesses into large organisations without investing a fortune.
We've helped several of our clients to get a return of up to 10X of what they invested in digital marketing just by implementing our ‘5-Step Multi-Channel Sales Process’.
I am not saying you will 10X your business immediately, no.
What I’m saying is that it’s not out of your reach to get it right and make digital marketing work for your own business.
Here's the ‘5-Step Multi-Channel Sales Process’:
Let me elaborate what each means ...
> Just like in any relationship, you need to go through some stages of intimacy (12 stages to be exact) before you feel comfortable enough to commit to a long term relationship. So when creating your digital strategy, don’t just put out an ad and sell something to them and ask them to commit and go ’steady’ with you before you have created any trust. Use the 8-Levels of the Customer Value Journey to design your customer experience. It starts with Awareness, then Engage, Subscribe, Convert, Excite, Ascend, Advocate and Promote. By following these steps, it will feel more natural for them to want to start a relationship with you, which hopefully will benefit both of you in the long run.
> Treat social media like attending your friend’s party. Imagine arriving to a house party and then standing at the door as you enter and then announce in a loud voice “ATTENTION EVERYONE! I HAVE A PRODUCT, WHO WANTS TO BUY IT?” Weird right? Instead, be cool. Be confident. Mingle. Chat with the people that interest you. And when they ask about you, share what you are excited about, in a normal conversational way. People mingling around who takes notice, and likes what you say will pay attention. They will be engaged. They will call their friends to join the conversation. And from there you can start building real relationships. How we do this online is by understanding that everyone is at different stages of the buying process and you need to speak to them based on where they are. The stages are Problem Recognition - Information Search - Evaluation of Alternatives - Purchase Decision - Purchase. So when on social media, make sure what you are saying fits with where your audience is in their buying process. Because offering a “Deal” to someone who is not even aware they even have a problem in the first place, will only make you look like the ‘weird’ person. So don’t be weird!
> Don’t be a creepy person and propose to get married the first time you meet someone you like. Just don’t. Be cool. Say hi. Get their contact details, smile, and say you will call them soon to ask them to go for coffee. Coffee, or whatever first date you have should be super low commitment, no risk, fun, quick, easy and gives instant value! The purpose is just to see if by any chance that you would like to spend more time with this person in the future. It’s a ‘test drive’. Similarly online, you will get better results to design an ‘initial offer’ that your audience can purchase which is super low commitment, no risk, fun, quick, easy and gives instant value so they can have an experience how it would be to go into business (have a relationship) with you, before you offer your main product.
> We know that relationships take time to build. It takes effort to get to know them, like them, then trust them enough to consider them a friend. We also know that people like to buy from people they like. So it makes sense if we want to do business online, it helps if the people we serve actually like us! The secret to doing this online is to ‘Follow Up’. Imagine someone who says they are going to follow up with you (call you) and actually does it. You would think this person is trustworthy and a nice person. Now imagine a person who does the opposite. Who doesn't call you. What would you think of them? The thing is, we can all follow-up effectively, we can all do this now easily with software. Chatbots and messaging apps are great channels to help us follow up with the people we serve. And the great thing is, you can automate it and it will follow up for as long as it takes in a smooth and subtle way, for as long as it takes until your customer is ready to take the next step with you in your relationship.
> Scientists looked at how friendships are formed and asked 300 MIT students who stay in dorms to list their closest friends and then looked at how far away they lived from each other. When someone lived close, there was a 40% chance they're close friends. When someone lived farther, 9 out of 10 times they were NOT a close friend. This shows the importance that being near others and often seeing each other has on relationships. If you are not close, you are LESS likely to be considered a close friend. Online, this is true as well. By being near to your audience in the channels they hang out, like WhatsApp, SMS, phone, social media, email, blogs and even the online malls they visit, you are more likely to be liked and trusted. Being everywhere online is so affordable that any small business with a marketing budget can afford to be there. And when you see them there, remember to make it fun and valuable. They will love you for it, and hopefully will want to hang out with you more.
Digital marketing is about building long term relationships with your customers in a natural human way.
That’s why you can’t use just one tactic or an online tactic that will creep them out.
You need a plan that addresses every stage of the Journey.
And you need to think in terms of nudging them along that journey in a subtle and natural manner …
Which is why we’ve developed our ‘5-Step Multi-Channel Sales Process’ …
So if you would like to learn how to install the ‘5-Step Multi-Channel Sales Process’ in your business to help you get new customer sales every single day ...
I would be more than happy to have a chat
Comment 'let's chat' in the comments and we can schedule a call ??