Could Diversity be bad for business?

Could Diversity be bad for business?

I can hear all of the shouts . . . Diversity surely is a must!

I recognise and wholly accept the key benefits to business performance a diverse workforce brings.

A diverse workforce offers so much in terms of experience, diversity of thought, problem solving, ambition and drive. This is something that needs applauding and promoting . . . but is the strive to achieve the ultimate diverse workforce resulting on an adverse effect on business?

In a world filled with diversity are we pushing people into corporate silos, through individual focus groups, with individual agendas and drives – Could the impact in fact result in exclusion?

Quotas . . . really, are we now in a position where an organisation could or are actually turning the right person away from recruitment opportunities, progression or promotion as they do not meet quota requirements?

When I open my front door every morning and step into the world, each person I see, walk past and engage with, all have exactly the same rights in life as me. Regardless of their backgrounds, beliefs, personal characteristics or the journey’s they have travelled. I expect my place of work to be the same.

We have all entered the world in the same way, we will all leave the same way.

In the workplace shouldn’t we all have the opportunity to be individual but be treated in the same way? Be judged by our ability, potential and work ethic with a curiosity and desire to understand the individual make up of our colleagues.

An inclusive employer offers security, opportunity, an environment that people thrive in and most of all a workplace that employees want to work in. We should focus on inclusion, diversity should be an outcome of this, not a condition an organisation tries to impose.

Focusing on achieving inclusion is essential to the success of your business – Ensuring everyone is given an equal chance to succeed will naturally result in a inclusive and diverse workforce




