Decide what to delegate. Once you have come up with a list, ask yourself: which tasks do I engage in most often?
The more often you do something (particularly if it is quite routine), the more likely it is that you can delegate that task. In addition, look at areas that make you “over-specialized.” Moreover, look at places where your team is more qualified than you are.
Look at areas you dislike. This is not just to dump it on someone else, but it may be that someone on your team may love to do what you don’t like.
Remember to delegate some things that you do like as well. The acid test most highly effective executives use when delegating is “I’m going to try to delegate everything that is not a key/high priority for me.” Ineffective managers do as much as they can, and then whatever’s left (even if it is high priority!), they delegate.
Great bosses understand the art of delegation. But it doesn't mean they don't struggle with it. These days, when I talk with overworked, stressed-out clinical managers, I know it can be dangerous to raise the "D" word.
Their response might be, "Delegate to whom? The ones who took the buyout?
The ones we laid off?
The ones who are already doing the jobs of three people?"
If you want to see one of the most significant barriers to the success of a small business, just look on the desk of a small-business owner. There, you will likely see piles of unfinished work and unreturned phone messages scattered about.
“If I could only get ahead!” they cry. But they can’t get ahead because as soon as they finish one task, two more pop up. On top of that, they have to manage the employees, take client calls and address problems at the same time.
As a result, they miss deadlines, new business opportunities – and many weekends at home with their families.
Points well taken. But the alternative is to suffocate under your tasks. So instead, I suggest you examine your strategy for delegation (if you have one).
? Tasks you love and hate to let go
? Tasks you hate and assume everyone hates, too
? Tasks you do by habit or tradition
? Tasks your boss believes should be your priority and why
? Tasks your staff believes should be your priority and why
? Tasks you do that helps others do their best work
Unfortunately, there is often a learning curve involved in learning to delegate, and small-business owners don’t have the time or patience for that.
Delegating involves empowering – and trusting – your STAFF . This may be a challenge if you haven’t entrusted important tasks to them in the past;
it may take awhile for them to earn your trust. Delegating tasks may also be tough because it may reveal the truth – maybe a team member just can’t cut the muster, and it may be time to make the difficult decision of letting him or her go. But there was once a day when you didn’t know everything you know now, and someone allowed you to make mistakes so you could learn. Now your people need the same experience.
Now, here are questions to help you evaluate
Why am I the only one who should do this?
What's the risk if I delegate?
How do I minimize the risk?
Why am I the only one skilled enough to do this?
Is it time to train others?
Is my love for this task taking too much of my time or keeping others from an opportunity?
Why do I think everyone hates work that I hate? Have I checked?
Is it time to break tradition around here?
Who would benefit?
How would delegating help me meet the boss's priorities, and my own?
Have I talked with staff about balancing my priorities and how they could help?
Do I get so busy that I neglect tasks that help others grow, like feedback and coaching?
Would delegating some other tasks free up that time for my people?
Could delegating this task give someone else a chance to shine?
By examining your assumptions, you can make some thoughtful decisions about delegating. I find that managers are often surprised to find that they have been overly worried about handing off some responsibilities.
Staff members really do want additional responsibilities that can make them more valuable. When managers do it right, they're not just dumping, they're truly delegating.
When you first start to delegate to someone, you may notice that he or she takes longer than you do to complete tasks. This is because you are an expert in the field and the person you have delegated to is still learning.
What do you think ?...................
The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice .All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensue discussion or debate.
Thank you … To determine whether you should start delegating more tasks to your team, ask yourself these questions:
Is it getting overwhelming?
Can you continue to work and live like you are?
If your business doubled, could you still do all this?
Finally, remember…Delegating Responsibility: The Monkey is on Your Back .