Could Crypto currency helps in reducing inflation rate in General and in Venezuela specifically
Ahmed Omar
Product Manager @ShlenPower Blockchain Technology, Academic Board Member @IFTC
If you following the news of Venezeula lately, probably you have noticed the jumped inflation rate from 1 in 2013 to 1M in 2019, meaning that the item you used to buy by 1 Bolivar, today you will have the same item for 1,000,000 Bolivar.
General cause of of inflation is the interest rate and specific cause of such disaster is the money issuance without real coverage of Gold, Silver, etc...
So we could say the whole world are impacted by different Inflation rate one caused by general reason and another depends on special conditions and regulations by country central bank.
As we can see the value of Cryptocurrency is not impacted by inflation and we could say it's even against the rules of inflation, so in that case we would say it has an inflation fighting impact, so how would it be?
Let's say an Venezuelan person decided to invest in Crypto currency starting an amount of money in 2019 and waited for 5 years more, probably his value of Money wouldn't be same amount and it could be maximised by double at least, if we consider same amount of money was kept on same Venezuelan Fiat currency and same situation still exists after 5 years, then he saved his money and he was not impacted by Global Inflation or His country specific situation or at least for the time of investment period.
So What if more and more people decided to apply same solution, in a while there will be no need for Loans or at least reduced number and as a consequences, Interest rate doesn't exists in sharing people funds or at least reduced, at the end value of money will be kept the same from time to time.