Could Caracas become a smart city one day?
Edgar Pereira Marin
Asistente Administrativo Ejecutivo @Superior Snacks // Dise?o estrategias empresariales y las pongo en movimiento con herramientas tecnológicas ??????
*Note: the original version of this article was published in Spanish for Asilo Digital in August, 2022.
In a world where almost everything is digitized, it is not unreasonable to imagine the concept of a smart city. The world currently has approximately 6.5 billion subscriptions to smart devices (Dea, 2022), such as phones, watches and computers that allow people to integrate the digital world into their lives.?
The field of urban intelligence is a convergence area for architects, civil engineers, computer scientists and lovers of those science fiction movies in which ultra-futuristic cities appear, made up of hundreds of skyscrapers and lots of neon lights. In the midst of this context, curiosity gives rise to a doubt: could this scenario occur in La Sucursal del Cielo?
Before answering this, it is necessary to know more about this novel concept.
What is a smart city?
A smart city is an urban structure that uses information and communication technologies to "improve operational efficiency, share information with the public, and provide better quality of government service and citizen welfare" (TWI Global, 2020).
The main objective of a smart city is to improve the elements that make up the city to improve its environment, promote its economic development, improve the quality of life of its citizens and provide higher levels of prosperity and sustainability (UNDP, 2022).
The aspect that gives intelligence to a city of this kind is its ability to analyze large amounts of data in real time to improve its management and to make a more complete analysis of the different mobility patterns and density relationships in its different areas. The interactions between urban elements could improve the understanding of city dynamics, and thus approach urban planning from a better perspective (Aksun-Guvenc, 2022).
Smart urbanization could become one of the most significant aspects during the evolution of the 21st century. According to data from the United Nations Development Program (2022), it is estimated that by 2050, almost 70% of the world's population will live in urban areas. This factor, in conjunction with global population growth, will lead to the creation of densely populated cities (also known as "megacities") which will require efficient management to meet the demand for accommodation of its inhabitants and meet their wellness needs.
What technologies characterize a smart city?
For a smart city to work properly, it must include some of the following technological elements:
Importance and necessity of smart cities
The implementation of smart cities could solve current problems in many populations. For example, an intelligent parking system could reduce the frustration of many people who cannot find places for their vehicles in crowded areas, and at the same time, make it easier to pay digitally, instead of having to queue at ticket offices.
In the environmental and energy conservation field, in a smart city the lights could be dimmed in streets that are completely empty. Pollution would potentially be reduced, after its sources are traced and reduced, and mechanisms to improve waste collection systems in the most appropriate way could also be analyzed.
Smart infrastructure, such as buildings, antennas, information management centers and road flows, could provide information about their condition through sensors, automatically indicating whether they need repairs or not.?
Additionally, the smart construction of cities could make them not only more efficient but also economically sustainable, by allowing the creation of new economic and professional opportunities, as well as an increase in the quality of life of the people who live in them. All this implies a great degree of dedication in the sector of urban management, higher levels of inclusion of all social sectors and the construction of more ecological spaces.
The topic of smart cities will gain a higher level of importance with the passage of time around the world. Its conceptualization is framed directly within the Sustainable Development Goal number 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, and at the same time, indirectly affects goals 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) and 8 (Decent Work and Economic Development).?
History of smart cities
One of the most relevant antecedents in the construction of smart cities was the work carried out by the Office of Community Analysis of the city of Los Angeles (California) during the 1960s and 1970s. By using computer data, cluster analysis, and infrared aerial photography, this institution collected data, produced reports on neighborhood demographics and housing quality, and helped to allocate resources to prevent blight and combat poverty (Vallianatos, 2015).
Another important example was the creation of the National Computing Board in the city-state of Singapore in 1981. In the late 1970s, the Singapore government realized the importance of computerization in computer-related processes. with the economic productivity of the country. Due to this reason, an institution was created within the Ministry of Finance which had the main objective of improving the efficiency of government operations and its range of services related to the public, as well as the promotion of information technologies at a general level (Tan, 2021).
From these events, smart cities have continuously developed, and it is likely that in the future they will acquire a higher level of relevance, innovation and automation. Since 2017, the Institute for Management Development (institution created in the city of Lausanne and with offices in this Swiss city and in Singapore) has been in charge, together with the Singapore University of Technology and Design, of creating an index that offers a balanced perspective on the economic and technological aspects of smart cities on the one hand, and the "human dimensions" of smart cities (quality of life, environment, inclusion) on the other (IMD, 2022).
In the most recently published Smart Cities Index (year 2021), the highest scoring smart cities were determined to be:?
This indicator assesses residents' perceptions of issues related to the technological structures and applications available to them in their city. In the case of the 2021 edition, 118 cities around the world were ranked by capturing the perceptions of 120 residents in each city. The final score for each city is calculated using perceptions from the last three years of the survey.
Sustainability of smart cities
One of the needs of the population concentrations of the future is that they will have limited resources that they must use in the most prudent way. To achieve this, they must ensure efficient distribution aimed at avoiding avoidable waste.
Although today's cities have great advantages, such as economic development concentrated in areas with small geographical footprints, they also have notable disadvantages in the environmental sector, since they have a much higher energy requirement compared to rural settlements.?
However, through the application of emerging technologies, these defects could be considerably reduced, since the application of a more efficient transport system based on renewable technologies could contribute to considerably reducing emissions of harmful gasses and electricity consumption.?
Intelligent transport mechanisms also lead to a reduction in vehicles in urban areas and imply positive collateral effects, such as a reduction in traffic, fuel consumption and an increase in free time among citizens.
Therefore, the sustainability of smart cities, if implemented properly, would not only be of an ecological and energy nature, but also a matter of social sustainability.
Challenges in the development of smart cities
Despite the benefits that smart cities could bring, there are also a set of negative measures that need to be considered and debated at a global level. Among these, the need for the following aspects can be found:
Caracas as a future “Smart City”
Caracas is the capital of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, a country located in the north of South America. Some relevant aspects of this city are the following:
The geographical position of Caracas constitutes its main advantage. Venezuela has a privileged position as it is located near the waters of the Caribbean Sea and has the potential to establish itself as a point of geoeconomic contact between the northern and southern hemispheres. Being so close to the equator, it also has a pleasant tropical climate and its territory does not have high levels of propensity to suffer from natural disasters.
In terms of population factors, Caracas is the seventh most populous city in South America. With almost 3 million inhabitants in its territory, it can constitute an excellent testing ground in the field of application of Big-Data solutions as a mechanism to improve the levels of well-being of the Caraquenians.
The implementation of smart urbanizations would not only benefit the common residents of the city, but would also affect the populations of the dormitory cities that surround the Metropolitan Area of Caracas, such as La Guaira, the Guarenas-Guatire region, los Valles del Tuy and los Altos Mirandinos.
A significant aspect is that with this balanced amount of population (not as high as that of a metropolis, but not so small as to have a minor impact), Caracas could be a beautiful example of a smart city in South America in the future, maintaining a friendly rivalry in the technological field with cities such as Santiago de Chile, Buenos Aires and Mexico City.
?To achieve this objective, elements located at different levels are needed:
It is interesting how in recent years, technologies developed by its inhabitants have emerged in the Venezuelan territory that allow better transportation in certain cities. Examples are smartphone apps like Ridery, Yummy Rides and Wawa, projects that have been dedicated to solving problems through the use of apps.
In terms of construction, companies such as Innotica and the Smart Ccs project have emerged with the aim of harmoniously integrating the fields of urban construction, automation and ecology technologies.?
Taking these aspects into consideration, it is possible to affirm that the constitution of Caracas as a smart city in the future is highly plausible, but there are still some obstacles that must be gradually overcome to achieve this task.
Some current existing problems in Caracas society, such as the deficiency in the provision of public services like water, electricity and waste collection, as well as insecurity, could be automated and optimized through the use of new Big- Data technologies.
But to achieve its implementation, there must existe a a joint participation between the public sector, the private sector and a civil sector that needs to be informed about this issue, so that their individual freedoms are not violated.
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