Could Cannibalism Happen in the US?

As we have seen, civilized world societies fall due to crime outbreaks, war, famine, economic collapse, and a nation that has fallen. There are historical documents of such reports of humans cooking humans and selling their flesh in the 11th-century markets during times of famine. Persons who have committed criminal acts of murder around the world in Europe, South America, and the US.

Those individuals who have committed murder and cannibalism have been arrested by law enforcement for murder, but the murderers were feasting on the flesh of their dead victims as if they would be eating cow or pig meat.

The act of murder is unacceptable according to the Holy Bible and other world religions and even the act of a human consuming another human for food is also unacceptable in any civilized society. Cannibalism is murder as a barbaric act.

Even in the most recent years, when Joseph Stalin who started the United Soviet States Republic, invaded Ukraine caused the breakdown of Ukraine society, by taking food, farms, and livestock from the Ukrainian people from 1930 to 1933, causing people to go hungry.?

The USSR caused a pang of hunger and famine in Ukraine, to the point that people ate only what was left like dogs, cats, tree bark, and grass, once all this was gone, people were left with no food to eat. People started to hunt down humans and using dead bodies and killing humans for food.

It was so terrible that adult humans started to hunt down children for food. The USSR created a situation where about 3.5 million Ukrainians died of starvation, a sad point in modern history. The practice of the USSR of invading countries and starving people was common practice for the state to take control of the countries the USSR invaded.

There has been a real-life case in Southwest sites of firsthand reports of cannibal practices among Mesoamerican Aztecs and Brazilian Tupinamba. Mortuary cannibalism and funeral practices of eating parts of a dead human, up to the 20th century in Papua New Guinea and the Brazilian and Peruvian Amazon.

There have been cases of reported cannibalism in the 1972 plane crash in the snow of the Andes mountains of South America, where 16 survivors ate the dead flesh of humans to survive. Five people died on impact of the plane crash. The terrible 72 days in the Andes Mountains left the survivors exposed to cold, starvation, and an avalanche. Sir John Franklin’s failed expedition to the Arctic, in 1845, was to eat the dead members of the expedition, for survival.

As the US society has been in decay since 2022, massive riots, out-of-control crime, people fleeing other countries by the millions to cross the US illegally, and civil defense efforts have not been supported since 1971.

The old Menger Historical Hotel basement in San Antonio, Texas, has old supplies of 55-gallon water drums, food, and medical supplies with the old civil defense symbols still on the containers. There are no more fallout shelter signs for the public to run and hide in case of a nuclear attack; citizens are left to scramble for themselves.

In case of a nuclear attack, EMP attack, catastrophic economic collapse, or civil unrest breaks our nation down, where it will be a Mad Max world like the movie. Could cannibalism occur in the US? That is the question we do not know or how far or extreme citizens will go because hunger can be a very powerful motivator for means of survival.?

Survivors who are not prepared to attack those who have supplies first, before people could resort to cannibalism, like the cases that were pointed out throughout history. Hopefully, Americans will wake up and start to prepare for food survival and learn gardening skills to continue growing fresh foods to survive.

Europe’s Hypocritical History of Cannibalism | History| Smithsonian Magazine

Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 - Wikipedia

Survivors of 1972 Uruguay plane crash revisit their tale of going to the extremes to live - ABC News

Franklin’s Doomed Arctic Expedition Ended in Gruesome Cannibalism | Smart News| Smithsonian Magazine


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