This could be the best year of your life!
Richard Dassow
Prayer | Hazard Kentucky | Chaplaincy | Mobile Clinics | Unreached People Groups | Missions Outreach | Ministry | Visionary Leadership | Foundation For His Ministry| Blogger | Vision | Mission | Christian Missions |
It’s Going To Be A Great Day!
"This is the day which the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it" Psalm 118:24
God has divided our time into days and nights so that we can ask for fresh power for each day. When we begin the day with a quiet time with the LORD, it’s like reporting in for duty, getting the strategy for the day, and hooking into power to make each day maximum. Job discovered that the morning stars sing together. We can join in that song.
Attitudes determine so much of how we handle life’s pressures and challenges. When we surrender a day to the LORD and spread out before Him all that we anticipate, suddenly the day is a delight and not a drudgery.
Some people are morning people and are wide awake the moment their feet hit the floor. Others are night people, whose best hours are after midnight But whichever we are, the daytime is when most of the world does its business and makes its crucial decision. We need to be wide awake for the LORD’s incredible possibilities in each potential that masquerades as a problem.
God’s Best For My Life. John Ogilvie Harvest House Publishers. Sept. 18th. Devotion.
Today Is All We Have
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about it's own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. (Matthew 6:34)
Most of us get so tomorrow-oriented that we do not enjoy the present moment. We are preoccupied by what is coming, and we fail to experience what is. We press on in preparation as if some new plan, relationship, or opportunity will make everything different. It is good to plan but not to the point that we miss what God is saying in the difficult or unpleasant thing we may now be living through.
The seeds of tomorrow’s harvest are today. How we cultivate them will determine what we will reap. Don’t forget to live…today!
God’s Best For My LIfe. John Ogilvie. August 19th Devotion.
A Vision for the Night
"Then the LORD spoke to Paul in the night by a vision. "Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent, for I am with you, and no on will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city (Acts 18:9,10
Paul’s vision while in Corinth gives us a formula for stable, confident living. Paul was one of the most stable persons in Christ who ever lived. We are given the source of that stability in this passage. Note the condition of this great man’s heart during the turbulent times of reject and trouble He was afraid, tempted to be silent, and in constant danger. Balance that with the confidence the LORD gave him. The LORD promised that He would be with him and that He had many people in the city who would help him.
The same vision and constant companionship with the LORD is needed by all of us for courageous Christian Living There are times when we are afraid. We all have fears of something or someone. The LORD’S admonition “Do not be afraid” is always coupled with “For I am with you.” The presence of the LORD is the only assurance that can dispel our fears.
Daily times of quiet like this are the source of strength that make us stable. Yesterday’s confidence will not do for today’s challenges. Tell Him about today’s hurts and hopes, and ask for His power I am convinced that He leads us into situations which are impossible to face without Him. And He’s always waiting for us when we come to Him for strength to follow His guidance. If we are not facing something which causes us to need His love and courage, we are probably missing the adventure of life.
Thought for the Day: What are you attempting which could not be accomplished without Christ?
God’s Best For My Life: John Ogilvie: February 25 Devotion.
The sure sign that we have an authentic relationship with God is that we believe more in the future than in the past. The past can be neither a source of confidence nor a condemnation. God graciously divided our life into days and years so that we could let go of our yesterdays and anticipate our tomorrows. For the past mistakes, He offers forgiveness and an ability to forget. For our tomorrows, He give us the gift of expectations and excitement.
God’s Best For My Life. John Ogilvie. Jan 1, Devotion
Still not feeling confident in the day!
God’s Story In Your Life. Time to start writing it!
There is something more than a little disconcerting about writing your autobiography.” “But I do it anyway. I do it because it seems that no matter who you are, and no matter how eloquent or otherwise, if you tell your own story with sufficient candor and concreteness, it will be an interesting story and in some sense a universal story. I do it in the hope of encouraging others to do the same-at least to look back over their own lives, as I have looked back over mine, for certain themes and patterns and signals that are so easy to miss when you’re caught up in the process of living them. If God speaks to us at all other than through such official channels as the Bible and the church, then I think that he speaks to us largely through what happens to us, so what I have done both in this book and in its predecessor is to listen back over what has happened to me-as I hope my readers may be moved to listen back over what has happened to them-for the sound, above all else, of his voice.
Frederick Buechner in his book Now And Then,
Recreation Coordinator at Salvation Army Springfield at The Salvation Army
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