COTS is not embracing the cloud
Brent Pulsipher
Change Driver, building the right Culture. --------------------------------An innovation-driven leader with demonstrated expertise in IT infrastructure, data center operations, and team leadership.
Until we see COTS apps embracing being run differently, maybe some in containers,,, then they are either Cloud neutral or Cloud negative. Please understand that I like the cloud, but it is frequently misused which leads to a bad experience. If you understand how it will give your business an advantage, you are in great shape. That takes a bit of work and there isn't an easy answer. But also, that answer isn't that hard to determine. There is an answer, and its worth figuring out.
The elephant in the room about most traditional COTS applications and the cloud is that they are built to run on Windows Servers and are not Cloud Optimized. I'm talking about the vast majority, there are lots of exceptions.
In this case, running them in Azure, AWS, or Google is not usually any sort of advantage. In fact it becomes more work as you probably need to organize shutting them down off hours, manage a different set of infrastructure tools, and sign on to reserving a certain size VM for 3 years.
Here is a money saving opportunity for you. Instead of getting a third party consultant to analyze your workloads, let me give you the answer for free. Move it all to the cloud. And that unfortunately is the start of big problems for lots of companies.