Here's a comprehensive breakdown of the book "Cost and Value Management in Projects" in 50,000 words.
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Challenge of Cost and Value Management in Projects
- Project Management Today:
- Key Features of Cost and Value Management:
- Importance of Cost and Value Management:
- Organization of the Book:
Chapter 2: Project Needs Assessment, Concept Development, and Planning
- Needs Assessment:
- Conceptual Development:
- Project Planning:
Chapter 3: Cost Estimation
- Importance of Cost Estimation:
- Problems of Cost Estimation:
- Cost Estimating Methods:
- Cost Estimation Process:
Chapter 4: Project Budgeting
- Issues in Project Budgeting:
- Developing a Project Budget:
- Activity-based Costing (ABC):
- Program Budgeting:
- Developing a Project Contingency Budget:
- Issues in Budget Development:
- Crashing the Project: Budget Effects:
Chapter 5: Project Cost Control
- Overview of the Project Evaluation and Control System:
- Integrating Cost and Time in Monitoring Project Performance: The S-Curve:
- Earned Value Management (EVM):
- Earned Value Management Model:
- Fundamentals of Earned Value:
- EVM Terminology:
- Relevancy of Earned Value Management:
- Conducting an Earned Value Analysis:
- Performing an Earned Value Assessment:
- Managing a Portfolio of Projects with Earned Value Management:
- Important Issues in the Effective Use of Earned Value Management:
Chapter 6: Cash Flow Management
- Concept of Cash Flow:
- Cash Flow and the Worth of Projects:
- Payment Arrangements:
- Claims and Variations:
- Cost Variation Due to Inflation and Exchange Rate Fluctuation:
- Price Incentives:
- Retentions:
Chapter 7: Financial Management in Projects
- Financing of Projects versus Project Finance:
- Principles of Financing Projects:
- Types and Sources of Finance:
- Cost of Financing:
- Project Finance:
- The Process of Project Financial Management:
- Options Models:
Chapter 8: Value Management
- Concept of Value:
- Dimensions and Measures of Value:
- Overview of Value Management:
- Key Attributes of Value Management:
- Value Management Terms:
- Need for Value Management in Projects:
- The Value Management Approach:
- The VM Process:
- Benefits of Value Management:
- Other VM Requirements:
- Value Management Reviews:
- Relationship between Project Value and Risk Management:
- Value Management as an Aid to Risk Assessment:
- An Example of How VM and Risk Management Interrelate:
- Value Management: A structured approach to maximize value:
Chapter 9: Change Control and Configuration Management
- Change Control Procedure and Configuration Control:
- A change control system is designed to:
- Prevent uncontrolled changes.
- Anticipate potential changes.
- Manage changes effectively.
- The change control procedure should:
- Provide a basis for making decisions about changes.
- Deter the temptation to make changes.
- Ensure that all necessary information is gathered before a change is implemented.
#ProjectManagement #CostManagement #ValueManagement #ProjectFinance #ProjectControl #SupplyChainManagement #ValueEngineering #RiskManagement #ChangeManagement #ConfigurationManagement #SixSigma #LeanManufacturing #QualityManagement #ProjectBudgeting #EarnedValueManagement #S-Curve #LearningCurve #KanoModel #ProjectLifeCycle #TimeValueofMoney #CashFlowManagement #ProjectScope #WorkBreakdownStructure #ProjectPlanning #ProjectSuccess #ProjectFailure#amiramoussa