Cost of Using Nature
Sajid Mahbub, MCIM
Chief Executive Officer & Executive Editor at Bangladesh Brand Forum
In a capitalist world, we all pay for everything and anything we consume. Even if we directly do not pay it but someone else pays it for us; now imagine same thing happens for Nature. Imagine there is this bank called WORLD NATURE BANK- whose responsibility would be to protect the natural and ecological balance of this world. Each and every human being will be the member of this bank. The moment a child takes birth, s/he becomes member of it. They will have to pay for the oxygen they inhale, water they consume, waste they dispose, fuels they use, fishes they eat, meats they consume and most importantly land they live on, building and roads and the list goes on.
In a nutshell, it is pay as you go service, you do not have refill you can not use it, you can have nature (credit) cards with limits. All the big nations will buy in advance the credits to use the natural resources. The money accumulated by the WNB will be used to save this earth. Save Maldives, Save Bangladesh, Save Rohingyaas and many more burning issues.
If you say nothing is free in this world, then nothing literally should be free in this world, may be while writing this i have consumed 5$ oxygen, 1$ Water and 20$ Land. So I owe to WNB 26$, how much do you owe ?