The Cost Of Saying Yes

The Cost Of Saying Yes

I’ve noticed a trend happening this year. Yes, right since day 1 of 2022.?

Everyone is exhausted.?

They’ve been pushing through for the last 2 years, trying to bury down all of the overwhelm that comes with living through changes.?

In short they’ve been doing it tough and sucking it up.

Now let me tell you something very blunt and straightforward.?

Sucking it up will result in you f*cking it up.

When we are functioning and working from a place of overwhelm, we tend to make decisions on a hair-trigger.?

We lose sight of the big picture and chase after what we think will make profit or growth immediately in the short-term, even if it’s detrimental to our wellbeing.?

So how do we overcome these negative repercussions of overwhelm and exhaustion without burning out even further??

The MOST IMPORTANT thing you need to do is to stop telling yourself fake stories.?

Stop telling yourself that you can’t delegate and that no one else can do it as well as you can - your team is there to help take the burden and stress off your plate. So that you can do what ONLY YOU can do and run your business.?

This is the normal in my industry - just because it’s common doesn’t mean it’s normal. Create a new normal and begin valuing your down time as much as you do your work time.?

I can survive on only 6 hours sleep - just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Depriving yourself of sleep is a fast path to burnout which usually take longer to recover from than those extra 2 hours of sleep a night.?

I don’t have time to look after myself - if you don’t find the time, your body will make you find the time. What I mean is, if you keep pushing yourself your body will start making you sick until you physically can’t do more. Our bodies aren’t replaceable, we can’t simply buy a new one on amazon and get it shipped to our door whenever we feel exhausted. But what we can do is look after ourselves now.

I want you to really begin to question the stories you tell yourself.?

The ones that lead to exhaustion and burnout.?

And start asking, “says who?”.?

Success does not equal exhaustion and it’s time to start prioritising sustainable and consistent business growth over short term, hard fought wins.?

And in case you needed someone to tell you explicitly, this is me giving you permission to rest, recover, and regroup before it’s too late.?

Janine x

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When you are ready to start growing your business or practice, here are a few ways I can help.

1. Land more higher-paying clients with help from me. Learn the proven, step-by-step system women like you are using to start landing the clients they really want, get more Yes’s, and get paid more for every contract, with help every step of the way. Send me a message here on LinkedIn with "Clients" in the first line and I’ll get you the details.

2. Ready to ELEVATE your business now. Join ELEVATE, my mastermind program - for ambitious female consultants, coaches and advisors already running a 6-figure business who want to add $10k -$50k+ to their monthly revenue. More details here.

3. Get your copy of my "no stress" Lead Magnet System for generating new leads today. You know you do great work and you would love more new clients. If you’re looking for a clear, easy-to-follow strategy for attracting more leads into your business with less stress, get your copy of my Lead Magnet System and create a customised, focused strategy for your business, today:?Lead Magnet System

Marie Alessi ??

The Power of Grief ?? | Keynote Speaker | Storyteller

1 年

Oh, my favourite one line will have to be "sucking it up results in f*cking it up!". So true, I can't survive on little sleep - especially not long term. And I absolutely need to put me first - otherwise I won't have anything left to give for anyone I serve and love. ??

Karen Tisdell

● LinkedIn? Profile Writer ● Independent LinkedIn Trainer & Workshops ● Keynote: Networking ● 160+ recommendations ?? Australia based & don't work/connect globally as family complains my voice travels through walls??

1 年

I love this - in a yes culture it really is our nos that define and differentiate us, in a good way.


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