Cost Savings Operating SBR
Savings on Sludge Tankering off Site

Cost Savings Operating SBR

FGX3 Wastewater Treatment 4 Month Trial Report

Location: Saputo Cheese Hinesburg, Vermont Facility


Operating data for the Saputo WWTP Hinesburg facility shows a significant increase in flow and loading for March to July two year comparison. Effluent quality remained consistent throughout the trial period inspite of the increased loading on the facility and was regarded as good. The sludge surplusing data required a mass balance approach to adjust for the flow and quality changes witnessed. The FGX3 trial demonstrated a significant reduction in sludge disposal tankering costs allowing for the data adjustment. The potential to save about $500/day for a 4.9:1 payback on the cost of FGX3. Oper Comparison to earlier years June/July period adjusting for flow and loading alone, the savings were $232/day for a payback of 2.25:1. Effluent phosphate levels were controlled quite well during the trial period, but it was difficult to determine the degree to which FGX3 or alum coagulant increase majorly contributed to this success. Additional evaluation reducing the alum feed will provide further reductions in sludge disposal costs and indicate the contribution of phosphate reduction attributable to FGX3


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