Cost Reduction Through BIM

Cost Reduction Through BIM

1. BIM-based Thermal Building Simulation????

Example thermal building simulation from?TLK Energy

Thermal building simulation uses computer software to predict how a building will perform regarding energy consumption and indoor comfort.

The simulation considers building volumes, shape, size, orientation, insulation levels, window sizes, and airtightness factors.

By running a thermal simulation, construction managers can identify potential building design problems that will impact life-cycle costs and adjust accordingly.

Additionally, BIM-based thermal simulations can be used to?compare the performance?of different building materials and systems.

This information can be used to?select the most cost-effective option?for the project showing that a BIM-based?thermal building simulation?is a valuable tool for reducing the overall cost of a project.

2. Space Optimization????

Example using BIM to simulate people moving through the building

BIM can be used to help with?space optimization?in several ways.

Here are a few examples:

1.? BIM can be used to?simulate the movement of people through spaces?(above) and present ideas about how to better use the space by rearranging furniture, walls, or other features – much of this was done through COVID

2.? BIM models provide a?photo-realistic 3D model?of the proposed building before construction starts

3.? Using BIM can allow for?virtual walk-throughs?of a building which can help with the decision-making process of how to best use the space

4.? BIM provides?automated clash detection?which helps to optimize the use of space between building services (like plumbing and electrical) and avoid errors during construction

Through the use of a 3D model, BIM has become an essential tool for optimizing the use of space and reducing the cost of construction.

3. Optimization of Construction Site Logistics

Excellent 4D simulation example showing how the movement of equipment can be optimized to save money by C. Shah

A construction site is a chaotic place?with a lot of activities going on at the same time – there is a constant flow of materials and workers in and out of the site.

Properly managing the construction site logistics is essential to ensure a smooth workflow and avoid delays or accidents.

The use of?Building Information Modelling (BIM)?can help in reducing the cost of construction by optimizing the logistics at the construction site.

BIM can be used to generate 4D simulations that show how the building will be constructed over time.

This allows for a better understanding of the construction phasing and helps to identify potential problems that could cause delays or increase costs

BIM can also be used to help?determine where materials should be placed?to minimize the amount of movement and optimize the use of resources

By using BIM to help optimize the construction site logistics, the project can save on labor costs, material costs, and even the cost of renting more equipment than required.

4. BIM-based Cost Management and Reduction of Material Waste Through Need-based Purchasing

Using BIM and Lean Need-Based Purchasing can help reduce waste and save project costs

BIM can help to reduce the cost of construction through?need-based purchasing.

In the past, construction companies sometimes over-order materials in trying to stay on schedule however this often leads to waste and then cost overruns.

Lean methods like?Just in Time (JIT)?ordering is now helping teams to become more efficient and combined with BIM this can supercharge the savings.

With BIM, construction managers can?use model-based quantities to more accurately predict the material needed?for a project.

This leads to significant savings on construction costs it also helps to reduce material waste of materials that would otherwise be discarded.

5. Avoidance of Profit Loss Due to Timely Completion

The use of BIM has been shown to?reduce the cost of construction projects by?up to 20%.?

One of the main ways that BIM reduces the cost of construction projects is by helping to avoid project delays.

BIM-based project management tools can help construction professionals track the progress of a project in real-time and make necessary adjustments to the schedule.

This allows for more efficient use of resources and prevents costly delays affecting a project’s profit margin.?

In addition to avoiding profit loss, BIM can also help reduce the cost of construction projects by improving coordination between different teams involved in the project.

The use of 3D models makes it easier for architects, engineers, and other professionals to spot potential problems and find solutions that would minimize disruptions during construction.

The result is a smoother construction process that can save time and money.?

6. BIM for Owners – Optimization of Facilities Maintenance Work

Building Life-Cycle costs – how to save using BIM – Source: Statista

80% of building costs are during the life of the building so this is where most money could be saved!

The Owner can use BIM for various purposes related to running the facility after the completion of construction.

The role of facility managers is to make sure that buildings are safe, comfortable, and attractive places to work in. They are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of buildings, and they must often find ways to do so without exceeding the budget.

Building Information Modeling can help by providing a virtual model of the building that can be used to track and schedule maintenance tasks, as well as plan for future renovations or expansion.

BIM can help facility managers to:

  • Understand the building’s layout and systems
  • Schedule and track maintenance tasks
  • Plan for future?renovations or expansion
  • Reduce the need for manual inspections
  • Automate work order generation
  • Improve communication between departments

This allows for more efficient use of resources and better long-term planning for things like operations and maintenance.


While BIM effectively reduces construction costs, it is essential to note that it is not a silver bullet.

The success of BIM depends on various factors, such as the commitment of all stakeholders, the availability of skilled labor, the right mix of technology and processes and?a strategic BIM plan!


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