Cost of prescription meds--why?
I have been in practice for many years and have had the privilege of treating thousands of patients and have watched the decline of American medicine with great disgust. It started years ago when doctors could no longer admit patients or obtain lab work or prescribe medication without the approval of insurance companies. Now it is much worse than it has ever been. In addition to all the problems trying to get patients what they need, the added burden of the astronomical cost of medication has arrived. Last month I wrote a prescription for meds that used to cost $50--now over $1000. Last week I wrote 2 prescriptions that used to cost $25 and $40--now over $2000. Why? I asked a number of pharmacists and got the same answer. Obamacare. Now a patient and I are fighting (you don't discuss with insurance companies) with Aetna to get prior approval for a medication costing over $12,000. We go back and forth while he has no medication. At the root of this some will say it is the greed of the pharmaceutical industry, but I think the burden is on the same that has caused patients to lose insurance, unable to get care, keep their doctor or even survive. Obamacare. This country has survived this so far, but many patients have not and many more will suffer unless something is done about this dangerous incomprehensible mess that has been thrust upon us.