Cost Optimization: Ask This;

Cost Optimization: Ask This;

Cost Optimization: Ask This;

TLDR: Ask This;

1. Where does your organization perform activities that others could do more cost effectively?

2. What impact do supplier relationships have on your organizations cost management approaches?

3. What processes or tools does your organization have in place for financial management?

4. What percentage, on average, does your organization have in shared services for areas?

5. What concrete plan does your organization have to continue diversity education and training?

6. How many current employees will your organization still have on staff in several years time?

7. What other cost optimization methods should your organization implement to further reduce costs without impacting the reliability of the application?

8. What specific cost management tools do other organizations use to support strategic cost management?

9. How does your organization regard the use of cloud solutions for critical applications?

10. How does a risk impact your organizations ability to achieve its strategy and business objectives?

11. Do you see your organization doing more or less strategic cost management in the future?

12. How does your organization accomplish the defined business model and which structures are needed?

13. Will your organizations have access to programmers for maintaining, updating and developing specific organization applications?

14. Does the corrosion management organization have a role managing suppliers and vendors?

15. How does your approach to cost management affect your relationship with your suppliers?

16. How does your organization know that it has the right arrangement in place at the front end?

17. What changes could your organization implement to become more efficient or cost effective?

18. Where are the cloud servers that will store organization data physically located?

19. Do you believe that your organization takes a total supply chain view of strategic cost management?

20. Do you have specific, quantifiable written cost savings/cost management objectives for purchasing?

21. How will the risk response make it easier or more difficult to meet organization objectives?

22. How long in advance does your organization need to know when to buy a new piece of equipment?

23. When your organization needs to accomplish a new task or change a work process, how does it do so?

24. How well does your organization drive its innovation in procurement to achieve value creation?

25. How does corporate sustainability affect cost leadership strategy in terms of competitiveness?

26. What will be the potential cost savings resulting from the use of outsourcing services?

27. How does automation play a role in the cost cutting that people need to bake into the architecture?

28. How does it impact your organizations operations, product offering and business model?

29. Does your organization have a process of estimating the equipment replacement year?

30. Does your organization reconcile the financial accounting system to the job cost system?

31. Do you have the right leadership to convey the messages, the right capability to deliver the change and the proper mindset in the business to maintain long term focus and discipline?

32. Does your organization have demand visibility from the customer down to the lowest tier supplier?

33. How much does it cost to provide a specific IT capability to a user or department?

34. Does your organizations solid waste management department have the skills to design it?

35. What are your organization structure complexities that have to be taken into account in the design?

36. Which it cost optimization steps will best prepare clients for the return to growth?

37. Why should every organization have its own IT, finance, legal, human resources or procurement operations?

38. Does your organization have detailed recruitment plans and strategies to enhance employee retention?

39. How does your organization identify, measure and monitor financial operating risks?

40. How does your organization measure the satisfaction of customers further downstream?

41. Do you have the appropriate contract and legal protections to promote business continuity and data security?

42. Will there be a cost to your organization for maintaining existing and future applications?

43. Has your organization initiated dedicated change management programs to support the journey?

44. Does your organization use a budgeting system for project planning and oversight?

45. What are the most promising cost reduction pathways for your organization to pursue?

46. How is the change managed and how does the business know if it is achieving the desired results?

47. What steps does your organization take to retain corporate knowledge within the business?

48. What are the cost benefits of cloud computing for organizations and are there any cost risks?



What theories, models, and practices should you use to plan your communication program?

Drive strategic projects for (internal) customer Support and partner support leadership in key deliverables such as partner analysis, data analysis, business process (re)engineering, partner governance process including data analytics and management processes and change management to organization new practices or improve existing practices.?

Do you believe that your organization takes a total supply chain view of strategic cost management?

Make sure your workforce address specific Divisional needs through your organizations budget management program through analyses and develop business process recommendations to improve efficiency and effective cost savings.?

Are the planned actions still relevant in the changing business and labor market context?

Make sure your workforce ensures effective management of vendors, cost optimization, and continuous alignment of project investments with business strategy based on changing functional needs, resource capacity constraints, risk exposure, and interdependencies.?

What have been the most significant factors that have influenced your own approach to leadership?

Confirm that your team is responsible for tracking and managing all necessary tactical activities required to realize potential savings from proposed/approved Cost Optimization measures; as well as support and lead other routine functions of a Program Management Office.?

Do you have clear contract terms and fair pricing for your suppliers and contractors?

Cost management and analysis to identify areas of cost optimization and reduction, holds the key relationship with your serverless supply chain and vendors to ensure optimal use of resources and the supplier relationship.?

How do you allocate the costs for your cloud at your organizational and team level?

Guarantee your workforce is managing Inventory management including tiered inventory levels and cost optimization with respect to (internal) customer service performance.?

Does your organization take a true supply chain management perspective of strategic cost management?

Industrialize your technical risk and insight management by aggregating (internal) client centric process efficiency, technical performance, or cost optimization opportunities.?

What specific improvements would most benefit your local communities, staff and the overall organization?

Guarantee your group is responsible for vendor management including relationship management, cost optimization and improve performance.?

Do you cut through the noise and get to the right data to drive real transformation?

Establish that your strategy is gaining perspective from daily interactions with partners and (internal) clients, you convey your knowledge to management and your software development team helping to drive product and service improvements.?

Are there areas where green infrastructure storage practices can be implemented on a large scale?

Safeguard that your operation leads (internal) clients, team members and management in implementing cutting edge process improvement strategies in alignment with industry best practices.?


Has your organization experienced any particular failures in trying to implement cost controls?

Make sure your staff partner with internal and external key stakeholders and be involved in a wide range of initiatives, including structuring strategy and vision, drive process and cost optimization projects, etc.?

Do you have a method or plan for ensuring customer requirements are determined and met?

Own and maintain product development timelines and work directly with all key team members on tracking project progress ensuring teams adherence to deliverables at every stage in the process.?

Do you have the ability to manage multiple views of your IT budget to provide the right level of transparency and effective optimize costs?

Leverage consolidated operational and performance metric data to lead analytic projects to support operations, to improve productivity and profitability, and to optimize business performance.?

How can erm help risk management and sustainability practitioners navigate esg related risks?

Serve as a resource and key team member in (internal) client projects and support progress against project milestones to help ensure timely execution of project deliverables.?

What are the most effective cost reduction techniques used by the redesigned projects?

Be sure your process is responsible for leading cost optimization and continuous improvement projects.?

Are periodic reports from the service provider based on the key areas agreed in the SLA?

Oversee that your team manages program portfolios from inception through completion, including defining the business case, creating objectives, planning, facilitating working sessions, driving, and overseeing the progress of cross-functional teams, tracking project deliverables and deadlines, identifying dependencies and project risks, and publishing project status reports.?

How does your approach to cost management affect your relationship with your suppliers?

Partner with Operations Research and Analytics teams to develop and implement inbound processes/projects that support strategic goals for speed, cost and reliability.?

What data/types of measures might help you identify and prioritize quality improvement projects?

Work to maximize economic value added impact of projects through process improvement or cost cutting measures.?

Is cost reduction considered the prime way to impact the bottom line in the current recession?

Analyze cost trends and manpower productivity, feedback to estimation department to provide support for future project estimates.?

Do you use hybrid planning to address key customers and reduce transportation costs?

Develop project budget in consideration with cost optimization and reduction goals.?


What would be the most useful reporting frequency for cost management information?

Be confident that your strategy develops and maintains broad ranged strategic plans, internal processes, and staff capabilities to support business needs and ensure (internal) customer commitments are met for service quality and cost efficiency.?

What is the annual inventory and distribution cost of the current distribution system?

Guarantee your staff projects could also include new production capability, significant cost optimization and business process initiatives.?

How do you need to organize yourselves to support the service model?

Interface so that your company takes part in staffing governance routines which pull together all facets of staff demand and supply, focusing both on cost optimization as well as employee acquisition/engagement/retention; and which include participation from all business and support stakeholders.?

What is the structure and process for monitoring, reporting and responding to progress?

Check that your organization implements cost optimized solutions (based on usage, business requirements and budget) and establishes governance practices for optimizing costs on Azure including proactive cost management of services, dashboards and reporting.?

What are the cost benefits of cloud computing for organizations and are there any cost risks?

Assure your design is involved in cloud cost optimization exercises and leading with data informed decisions.?

How do you plan your project so the benefits brought by optimization align with needs?

Crafts and communicates strategic roadmaps, in terms meaningful to both business and technology organizations, tying the value from data and analytic investment to tangible business and (internal) client outcomes such as cost optimization, improved (internal) customer and provider involvement.?

What is the purchasing functions responsibility for cost/price of purchased goods/services?

Establish that your team provides business insights and recommendations to peers and stakeholders to achieve revenue and profitability goals and drive shareholder return, including resource allocation, cost optimization, revenue generation, trends, and future requirements.?

How do you create value for your stakeholders?

Make sure your operation performs operational financial analysis to support key business decisions and activities including monitoring IT spend to make recommendations for savings, cost optimization, performing financial modelling to support key spend decisions, and participating in forecasting.?

What managerial cost information is needed and what cost concepts should be adopted?

Ensure your workforce is navigating an environment that is complex as well as critical, your Agile transformation team leads the cost optimization strategy across Indirect Procurement.?

Do the expenditures for the initiatives lead to at least a break even on an investment basis?

Partner with Finance team and technology leadership peers to drive efficiencies in cost optimization in both capital and operational expenditures.?


Does the consultants accounting system provide for proper segregation of direct and indirect costs?

Check that your process is acting as a change agent for technologies and supporting processes by leveraging Agile practices to maximize results measured by performance and availability, business agility, technology freshness, and cost optimization.?

How do you minimize labor cost and maximize profitability without sacrificing service levels?

Serve as the primary point of contact for leadership for certain Enterprise IT Solutions and/or BUs, including providing guidance for cost center management and analysis, capex and opex analysis, and allocations from enterprise wide technology solutions back to the Business Units.?

What benefits did you provide to specific groups of customers, based on disadvantage and identity?

Ensure cost optimization practices are applied to AS IS and TO BE OT architecture solutions to maximize the benefits returned from OT technology in line with business objectives.?

What cost optimization tactics did you employ in order to reduce costs so drastically?

Collaborate with a variety of internal stakeholders including Manufacturing Excellence Managers and Leaders, Business Unit Managers, Area Process Managers and Technology SMEs to understand the context and the business need to maintain the quality of your products, improve the reliability of your plants, improve productivity, and lower production costs.?

How do you work together to drive on going cost optimization for your organization?

Make sure your company engages key business stakeholders to identify business and technology enabled innovation opportunities that enable and drive business strategy.?

Does the new practice improve the competitiveness of the operating model aligned to the strategy?

Invest in preparing information technology project plans, designs, specifications, cost estimates, evaluations, and studies.?

How do you improve your current IT budgeting process?

Certify your company manages helping to drive adoption to improve business value through information technology.?

What are the business processes included within the scope of supply chain management?

Ensure your company facilitates consideration around the construction of business models, which include technology, business capabilities, value streams and processes and other key business architecture deliverables.?

Is the outline design clear enough for detailed design and costing to be completed satisfactorily?

Develop experience developing strategies across functional, operational, technical domains to optimize cloud solutions for enablement of digital transformation, emerging technology, and value/cost optimization initiatives.?

What is your vision for learning that the technology infrastructure will be supporting?

Make headway so that your team has hand on involvement supporting information technology, including hardware, software and system administration.?


How is the building of strategic partnerships and trust valuable within a supply chain?

Assure your group works with business partners to identify and prioritize an annual project pipeline that deliver value for the business, including risk mitigation, supply continuity, cost optimization, innovation, ensuring quality supply of materials, and compliance.?

How do you use sentiment data to diagnose stability and identify conflict risks?

Analyze business opportunities and helps others evaluate risks and identify potential opportunities.?

How do you try new platforms and mitigate business and vendor lock in risk?

Evaluate business risks and opportunities to mitigate risk.?

How will infrastructure leaders and business executives gauge the efficacy of the transformation?

Recommend ways to control or reduce risk and advise others on business or operational matters.?

Are reporting entities required to report each general and/or targeted distribution payment separately?

Be certain that your workforce supports monitoring, analysis and reporting on all third party risk areas.?

Which markets are suitable to search for suppliers and what goals can be realized?

Search for vulnerabilities and risks in your organizations hardware and software environment.?

How do you communicate the vision and engage your organization on a large scale?

Manage supply and market risks and communicate internally.?

How is corrosion management non compliance with standards, procedures, and regulations resolved?

Identify and resolve compliance risks related to (internal) client industry standards.?

How do you try new platforms and mitigate business and vendor lock in risk?

Drive Site BCP Risk Assess and Mitigate legal, commercial, quality and regulatory matters.?

Do you know if the standard process provides information to implement multiple requirements?

Provide appropriate training to employees for all Insurance, Risk and Operations functions/tasks.?


How does your resource allocation, and the resulting costs, support your strategy?

Support teams with reporting and analytics identifying service and cost improvement opportunities as well as business process needs.?

What is predictive analysis, and how does it assist businesses in gaining competitive advantage?

Drive the process with your leadership team to adjust the infra cost optimization program to gain adoption.?

Will it support business planning activities, or help determine the scope of a change initiative?

Make sure the team delivers the process and information flows that drive the entire (internal) customer journey optimization, promoting cross-functional alignment, overseeing resource and performance planning, refining key processes to increase efficiencies, and adopting best-in-class tools and technologies to support the business.?

How does the availability of subcontracting affect the aggregate planning problem?

Provide analytical support on key initiatives to drive revenue growth, deliver process improvements, and enable cost reductions all in the service of enhancing overall organizational decision making.?

What is the contribution of ESG related risks to the overall organization exposure?

Ensure your team works with key partners on Fleet optimization, process automation, Inventory policy, and building up a database of critical cost factors to enable more streamlined decision making.?

How do you receive support for your implementation efforts or on behalf of your customer?

Confirm that your design is involved in using data analytics and technology to enhancing or rebuilding business processes.?

Did your organization pay bonuses during the period covered by the latest overhead schedule?

Develop operational business requirements to enable innovation, support user acceptance testing, and own pilot test design for new process and technology solutions.?

Can the critical products you need be obtained elsewhere at an equal quality and a lower cost?

Create and maintain internal documentation on FinOps and cost optimization processes and (internal) customer environments.?

Do you need some minor fine tuning of activities in emerging markets or a more fundamental reset?

Resolve issues affecting system availability, performance and security, hardware and software interfaces; critical IT issues affecting integration and interoperability, emerging technologies, application of business processes, and optimization of existing architecture.?

Have you considered all the options in developing upgrade and preservation programs?

Verify that your process is developing optimization and automation strategies of business processes.?


How does oracle offer support post go live solutions as a part of oracle lift services?

Make sure the Manager, Data Analytics is responsible for managing a team of Data Solutions Analyst responsible for using performance and operational business data to provide insights and support the business.?

Does the application of AI based costing revolutionize the purchasing environment and product cost optimization or is it just another buzzword?

Drive revenue and cost optimization decisions and experiment ideas with business leaders based on data insights.?

How is early product cost optimization conducted in the discrete manufacturing industry from a process perspective?

Provide data driven cost optimization opportunities for (internal) customer and internal teams.?

What higher maturity management practices are necessary to cut costs the right way?

Certify your group is involved in Big data modeling, performance tuning, and cost optimizations.?

How do you need to innovate your marketing to better make the case that your capabilities meet client needs?

Analyze supply contracts, financial reports and other data using accepted optimization models to determine which vendors best meet organization needs and project requirements.?

Will your organizations have access to programmers for maintaining, updating and developing specific organization applications?

Check that your process partners with business and technology leaders to develop a culture of data compliance.?

Why should the executive responsible for communications cost and/or general business expense care?

Lead advanced analytics to lead categories with category strategy development, cost optimization, data analysis for large sourcing initiatives.?

Does your organization use a budgeting system for project planning and oversight?

Be certain that your operation is learning how to use (internal) customer acquisition cost data to make real time decisions and adjustments to the marketing plan.?

Where does it financial transparency fit into the maturity of it cost optimization?

Undertake detailed and thorough analysis and identify opportunities to aid efficiency and cost optimization through evaluation of data.?

Does the cloud provider offer block level storage volumes to use with compute instances?

Assess the current IT infrastructure environment, including your organizations data centers, networks, equipment, documentation, use of cloud computing, IT organization and business requirements.?


How should interorganization rent be treated when reporting operating expenses from patient care?

Configure and manage cloud cost optimization tools, financial reporting and analytics dashboards, and business intelligence tools.?

Have you carried out a cost/benefit analysis for automated versus manual systems?

Ensure your staff is involved in identifying cloud cost optimization opportunities including potential architecture changes and partnering with IT strategists and architects to identify cost effective alternatives.?

How do you best monitor your cost optimization, security or other operational goals?

Safeguard that your process is involved in cloud cost optimization and budget management.?

Does your it cost optimization focus expand beyond costs that only impact it to engage the business?

Act as a financial advisor and collaborate with Public Cloud account teams, to build and deliver executive content (such as financial business case, ROI and TCO Analysis, cost optimization strategies).?

What is the value of the work the asset is performing, in relation to the cost of maintaining it?

Be certain that your design is leading cloud migration, architecture and cost optimization efforts across a group of (internal) clients and engagements.?

What are best practices for developing and maintaining integration project plans?

Oversee the Cloud Cost optimization team to further transform and standardize the cost optimization value and best practices.?

Does the decrease in project time and indirect costs offset the increase in direct costs?

Advise (internal) clients on cloud spend management best practices, tools, and dashboards while proposing cost optimization options.?

How does a conceptual representation for supply network structure data sources look like?

Stay educated on the latest cost optimization strategies and technologies; gather insights and develop new opinions and strategies around cloud optimization and present solutions to leadership.?

Is there any labor activity included in the historical costs that is also estimated separately?

Guarantee your company is identifying cost optimization, cloud relationship management and setting direction for the future of cloud computing.?

What is the impact of changes in demand, labor cost, and commodity pricing on the network?

Make sure the IT Governance Manager, Cloud Governance collaborates with strategic partners across Technology, Operations, and Finance to drive cost optimization of your cloud deployments.?


Do you know how to adapt your network to meet evolving customer needs and product plans?

Collaborate with Corporate Security and business leaders to, lead intelligence initiatives that mature physical security, geopolitical, and organizational threat and risk programs and drive enterprise awareness of top security risks and response strategies; support a culture of continuous learning and improvement by analyzing the effectiveness of existing policies and practices and leading the identification, development and implementation of new, or evolving techniques.?

What will be the potential cost savings resulting from the use of outsourcing services?

Drive cost optimization in product development for existing and future products with a focus on establishment and attainment of cost targets.?

What will the future workforce look like and how will the digital operating model fit in?

Be sure your strategy works to maximize the business value delivered by the team in each development sprint.?

Do the managers understand operations and costs well enough to help assess costs?

Invest in the development of cost optimization policies and guidelines.?

How long would the project take to complete expressed with an accuracy of one standard deviation?

Make sure the architect works closely with various vendors, development partners, and the manufacturing partner to facilitate timely, reliable, cost optimized, feature complete high level system design.?

Has your organization initiated dedicated change management programs to support the journey?

Make sure your strategy brings innovation, external insights and industry trends to strategy development in business teams.?

Are there any significant differences between recorded expenses and cash contributions by organization?

Invest in growing your organization by identifying and driving business development activities.?

What are the major characteristics of product cost optimization within the context of product development?

Liaison so that your organization contributes to Cost Model development.?

How do you participate in the program?

Participate in business planning activities for future development and growth of your organization.?

What percentage of climate related costs will you be able to pass through to customers?

Complete development tasks in the set time, quality and cost framework.?


What do you want your internal communications strategy to do for your department?

Maintain and build upon existing CX team forecasting models to plan for peak business periods and identify cost optimizations.?

Does the acquired organization fit neatly within an existing reporting segment of the legacy business?

Build financial models for consumption based spend categories to lead finance with budgeting, cost optimization, forecasting and reporting.?

How do you compare actual costs against planned budget?

Conduct advanced Procurement analyses as total cost of ownership, should cost, price forecasts, and cost optimization.?

Why is it important to have your organization that manages IP addresses and domain names?

Guarantee your team ensures budgeting and forecasting assumptions are sound and reasonable and manages compliance to budget.?

Can the schedule determine current status and provide reasonable completion date forecasts?

Assure your workforce is responsible for oversight of short and long term capital and O and M budget and forecasts.?

How do you create and manage time limited review periods?

Oversee that your operation manages the repository for budget forecast and variance review documents, with priority.?

How do you forecast and budget your spend?

Warrant that your group is coordinating the monthly close and forecast processes and related variance analysis.?

Can the schedule determine current status and provide reasonable completion date forecasts?

Secure that your operation develops and monitor P and L forecasts.?

Does your operational dashboard include nationally benchmarked process measures stratified by service line?

Lead annual budget planning process, monthly forecasting and accruals.?

Can the schedule determine current status and provide reasonable completion date forecasts?

Manage inventory levels and ensure proper coverage based on your forecast.

Shaun Taylor

C-Suite Transformation Leader| NED | Fractional COO / CTrO | ERP & Operating Model Fixer | $128M+ In-Year Cost Savings | PE Advisory | Scaling SaaS

2 年

Lots covered but the reality is you need firstly define the rules so you have clarity on the difference between cost reduction and cost avoidance. This is critical in terms of procurement saving as for example if you have declining YoY volumes the savings you need to reflect this in your declared savings. Then you need to be structural in your approach, each iniaitve must go through a defined life cycle and only banked as a saving once the CFO validates and approves. To get to this point you need to run a tight cadence structure that is fast paced and have a ruthless focus on performance and the have an effective executive SteerCo that holds the functional owners to account for the target they have signed-up to deliver. Following this approach I managed to remove $128M of in-year cost ($205m run-rate) that did not roll back into the cost base.


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