The Cost of an Old Device
Did you know that the cost of keeping a 4 year old PC could be as much as $3,800 per device, which is enough to replace up to two PCs.
How old are your PCs?
Findings from a recent survey, uncovered that a PC older than four years old is also 2.7 times more likely to undergo repairs, resulting in a loss of productivity.
With budget constraints being the number one IT challenge among SMBs today, business leaders should seek to adopt a device modernisation strategy so that they can maintain costs, while safeguarding their organisation from newer digital risks.
When it comes to data breaches, a recent study revealed that in 2017, 67 per cent of SMBs may have experienced PC security and data theft breaches, with only 15 per cent of them reporting the attacks.
The study also identified business owner’s top priorities as increasing profitability, business growth and improving workforce productivity.
How productive is a 4 year old PC?
For more information on how we can support your business IT needs, call or message me today for a quote today.