The cost of liquid specials
Mathew Done
Sent from Sl?: Drinks Founder. Dysphagia only means drink differently, not have different drinks!
We are currently working towards putting Pill-Eze ( on prescription. It’s the safe and cost-effective alternative to using expensive liquid medications. In the process we found some interesting figures that has strengthened our resolve.
Did you know that the NHS currently spends £1.7 million a month medication in solution and suspension and that most of these liquid specials are available as generic off-licence alternatives?
For example, Bisoprolol oral suspension costs £241.70 for 28 days' supply. Providing the equivalent pill costs 98p and, with a bottle of Pill-Eze, saves the NHS £ 210.73! That’s one patient, one medication.
In the last set of figures published by the NHS in 2020, there were 332 expensive liquid specials prescribed every month. 89% of them cost over £30.00.
By switching from these to using Pill-Eze with a solid dose, it could save the NHS a staggering £12 million a year.
To see for yourself how much Pill- Eze can save the NHS by comparing it against using a solid dose equivalent, click on this link to use the Pill-Eze Calculator.