The cost of interruption
Harmful interruptions take a large toll and lead to net-negative experiences with products. Once interrupted it takes us an average of 25–45 minutes to get back into your task.
When designing new features on a product ask yourself: what's needed, why it's needed and how it will interact with the user mind and body.
A good designer will get you to your goal with the less amount of touches and least amount of mental distraction.
A good product is invisible. And by invisible i mean it doesn't intrude on your focus, you focus on the task instead on the product.
“The scarce resource of the 21st century will not be technology; it will be attention.” — Mark Weiser
When designing interruptions in your product ask yourself this questions:
- How do you know when the appropriate time is?
- How do you know what the appropriate mode is
- When you need to interrupt someone what does that actually look like?
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