The Cost of GateKeeping
In the Twenty-First Century, even those equipped with technological advancements, like self-driving cars, are not able to master humanity's ways. However, this society can create crafty designs related to the human experience. Within this society, there are countless systems entrenched within spaces of harm. This society has made brilliant and sophisticated systems responsible for societies' underdevelopment.
The creation of prisons, jails, child support, homelessness, welfare, social classes, and economic disparities is responsible and accountable for the current state of our society. If I were to travel to communities of the upper echelon these systems would be nowhere to be found which is why they are not underdeveloped.
Within every one of these categories, there are people, let's call them advocates, who strive to bring social justice principles designed to right wrongs that are against social development. However, the efforts to change or close deadly systems are blocked by people in power. The costs of this power come with a heavy price that future generations will pay for.
According to the United Nations, there are 7.3 billion people in the US. That number is going to increase to 9.7 billion by 2050. The profound question is how many people in power in 2024 will have this same type of power in 2050? As we bring sons and daughters into life it is imperative to destroy and eliminate deadly systems so that our offspring will not be threatened and uprooted by these systems when we are no longer here to protect them.
The ultimate price of gatekeepers is that you cannot protect these systems when you are gone, so why do so now? The art of gatekeeping is a curse that seeps from one generation to another. In addition, the art of gatekeepers is not an art but a weird science laced with the poisons of greed, power, control, self-importance, and generational curses. It is time to wake up to the true cost of gatekeeping and the lingering societal effects associated with its nature.