Cost Estimates and Architecture Summary for Cloud-Based Real-Time Data Processing Solutions

Cost Estimates and Architecture Summary for Cloud-Based Real-Time Data Processing Solutions

This article aims to provide a detailed cost comparison of various real-time data processing architectures using different cloud providers, including Azure, AWS, DigitalOcean, and Hetzner, for setups involving traditional Spark, DBT with DuckDB, Databricks, and Snowflake. These solutions are particularly useful for applications such as:

  • Smart Meter Data Processing: Continuously ingesting and analyzing data from smart meters to monitor energy consumption in real-time.
  • IoT Device Data Streams: Processing data from IoT devices to detect anomalies, perform predictive maintenance, and optimize operations.
  • Financial Transaction Monitoring: Real-time fraud detection and risk management by analyzing financial transactions as they occur.
  • Social Media Analytics: Analyzing social media streams to track trends, sentiment, and user engagement in real-time.
  • Supply Chain Management: Monitoring and optimizing supply chain processes by analyzing data from various sources in near real-time.

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  • Jupyter Notebook: Interactive development environment for data exploration and analysis.
  • Spark Master: Central coordinator for Spark jobs.
  • Spark Worker: Executes Spark jobs.
  • Dagster: Orchestration tool for managing data pipelines.
  • MinIO: S3-compatible object storage.
  • DBT: Data transformation tool using SQL.
  • DuckDB: In-process SQL OLAP database management system.
  • Databricks: Managed Spark service for big data processing.
  • Snowflake: Managed data warehousing service.

Architecture Components

Traditional Setup with Spark

  1. Jupyter Notebook: 2 vCPUs, 4 GB RAM
  2. Spark Master: 2 vCPUs, 4 GB RAM
  3. Spark Worker: 4 vCPUs, 8 GB RAM
  4. Dagster: 2 vCPUs, 4 GB RAM
  5. MinIO: 2 vCPUs, 4 GB RAM
  6. Storage: 100 GB

Setup with DBT and DuckDB

  1. DBT and DuckDB: 2 vCPUs, 4 GB RAM
  2. Dagster: 2 vCPUs, 4 GB RAM
  3. MinIO: 2 vCPUs, 4 GB RAM
  4. Storage: 100 GB

DBT typically operates in a batch processing mode, which means it processes data in micro-batches. This setup is suitable for scenarios where near real-time processing is acceptable, and data is ingested and transformed in small, frequent batches.

Setup with Databricks

  1. Databricks: Managed compute and storage services

Setup with Snowflake

  1. DBT: 2 vCPUs, 4 GB RAM
  2. Dagster: 2 vCPUs, 4 GB RAM
  3. MinIO: 2 vCPUs, 4 GB RAM
  4. Snowflake: Compute and storage as needed

Cost Estimates


  • Traditional Setup with Spark: $154/month
  • Setup with DBT and DuckDB: $72/month
  • Setup with Databricks: Not applicable (Databricks is not available on DigitalOcean)
  • Setup with Snowflake: $72/month + ~$1442.30/month for Snowflake

Total with Snowflake: ~$1514.30/month

Hetzner Cloud

  • Traditional Setup with Spark: ~$50.20/month
  • Setup with DBT and DuckDB: ~$21.20/month
  • Setup with Databricks: Not applicable (Databricks is not available on Hetzner Cloud)
  • Setup with Snowflake: ~$21.20/month + ~$1442.30/month for Snowflake

Total with Snowflake: ~$1463.50/month


  • Traditional Setup with Spark: ~$213.56/month
  • Setup with DBT and DuckDB: ~$50.52/month
  • Setup with Databricks: ~$1301.76/month
  • Setup with Snowflake: ~$50.52/month + ~$1442.30/month for Snowflake

Total with Snowflake: ~$1492.82/month


  • Traditional Setup with Spark: ~$422/month
  • Setup with DBT and DuckDB: ~$140/month
  • Setup with Databricks: ~$1493.28/month
  • Setup with Snowflake: ~$140/month + ~$1442.30/month for Snowflake

Total with Snowflake: ~$1582.30/month

Summary of Costs


  • Cost Efficiency: Hetzner Cloud remains the most cost-efficient option across all setups without Snowflake or Databricks.
  • Simpler Setup: Using DBT and DuckDB reduces complexity and cost, providing a simpler and efficient alternative to Spark.
  • Managed Data Warehouse: Snowflake offers powerful, managed data warehousing capabilities but at a significantly higher cost.
  • Managed Compute: Databricks provides a fully managed Spark environment, simplifying management at a higher cost.
  • Scalability: AWS and Azure provide enterprise features and scalability, suitable for larger, more complex workloads.


  • For cost-sensitive applications and smaller-scale deployments, Hetzner Cloud is the best choice.
  • For a simpler setup with effective data transformations, DBT and DuckDB provide a streamlined and cost-effective solution.
  • For large-scale, managed data warehousing needs, Snowflake offers substantial benefits but comes at a higher cost.
  • For fully managed Spark environments, Databricks on AWS or Azure simplifies operations but is more expensive.
  • DigitalOcean, AWS, and Azure offer balanced solutions, with AWS and Azure providing more advanced features at higher costs.

I hope these estimates help in making informed decisions based on your specific requirements, budget constraints, and the value of managed services for your data architecture.

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