?? Cosmos
Arian Mirzarafie Ahi
Curious Natural Philosopher @ MCBE | Tutor, Speaker and Writer | thealevelbiologist.co.uk | arianmirzarafieahi.tutorbird.com
Good morning ?? Today we venture east of Cambridge, to the City of Stories. Norwich Castle fits like a puzzle piece into the beautiful art that reminds the visitor, as they look to the stars, to let yourself be silently drawn to the stronger pull of what you really love.
If you're in England, at this very moment you might be drawing up an apocalyptic shortlist of what to do in the upcoming 40-degree-hitting heatwave. Down in Chapelfield Gardens, a group of activists is going to the heart of the matter and protesting about the climate destruction. The recently gone extinct blue marrow is mourned.
Different microclimates do things to their resident species. In Cambridge I spotted a collection of indoor Pholcidae (daddy long legs), with the occasional giant house spider and an assortment of outdoor garden spiders and false black widows; birdwise, before the vegetation was removed, a stream of black birds, goldfinches, pigeons, blue tits, great tits, robins, magpies and others.
In Norwich an indoor visit from mosquitoes seems seasonal, with a raging backdrop of squealing seagulls.
Amid my maple's rubbish trim
A healing rainbow circled the murder scene.
If you ever wander around and spot something nice of the plant variety, you can pull out your phone and identify it. It's one of the few things that successfully integrate the bliss of reality with the functionality of technology.
PictureThis (app) is excellent at identifying any plant and providing further trivia about it. Sometimes, upon finding out the name, I can't quite link it to the plant. Why is this flower called Cosmos?
My grandma has grown these since I can remember, and only yesterday I learnt their name.
It was only after I looked at the photo again and zoomed in, that the name explained itself. The Sun, the stars, the cosmos. I see it now.
Here's to more fun exploring this summer ??